Industry and Manufacturing of Gilsum NH

GILSUM is a handsome post village, located on the Ashuelot, at the inner of the “carpenter’s square.” It has a beautiful location, surrounded by and lying about 780 feet above sea level. It has one church, (Congregational) three stores, one hotel, two woolen mills, a saw-mill, two blacksmith shops and about fifty dwellings.

John S. Collins’s wollen-mill, on road 10, was built by Gerould & Wetherby in 1845, and came into the present proprietor’s hands in 1872. He employed sixty-five hands, has twenty-four broad looms and 880 spindles, and manufactures, 8,000 yards of cloth per month.

The Gilsum Woolen Co.’s mill was built by Wright, Cornell & Co., in 186? was taken by Cuthbert, Gould & Co., in 1867, and came into the pr company’s possession in 1880. They employ about thirty men, have broad looms and 780 spindles, and manufacture 4,000 yards of goods month.

Rice, Rawson & Co.’s tannery was built, one part in 1860, and the other 1864. The former was built by Mr. Rawson, and the latter by Nelson, Rich & Rawson, upon the site of one destroyed that year, built in 1849. In 1870 the tannery became as it now stands. They employ from twelve to fifteen hands, and turn out from 10,000 to 12,000 hides per year.

Samuel W. Dart’s saw, planing and grist-mill, at Gilsum, was built by Dart, Howard & Hayward, in 1871. In 1872 the firm became Dart & Hammond, and in 1878 Mr. Dart became sole owner. He employs men and manufactures 300,000 feet of lumber, 100,000 shingles, and large amount of eave-spouts, lath, turning-stock, and bucket hoops per year. The grist-mill has one run of stones, and does custom grinding.

George W Newman’s saw-mill, on road 5, was rebuilt by Howard & Guillow, about 1845, and was purchased by Mr. Newman the following year. He cuts about 300,000 feet of coarse lumber, 50,000 shingles, 500 bunches of lath, and a large amount of turning-stock per year.

The Cheshire Mica Company’s mines, located on road 2, were started in 1883, by James Davis, when he sold to other parties. It is as fine as any produced in the country. Employs five hands.

George W. Taylor’s mop-holder shop, on road 10, was established by him in 1883. He manufactures about fifty gross of mop-holders patented by his father, Luke Taylor, in 1884.

Adams & Dart’s saw-mill, just over the line in Marlow, was built by James Downing, in 1840, and came into the present owner’s hand in 1880They manufacture about 300,000 feet of lumber per year.


Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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