Early Settlers of Fitzwilliam NH

Last Updated on March 6, 2013 by Dennis

The name of the grantees of 1765 were as follows: Sampson Stoddard, Nathaniel Treadwell, Thomas Spaulding, Benjamin Edwards, Jacob Treadwell, Jr., Matthew Thornton, Nathaniel Brooks, David Millen, Jonathan Lovewell, John Honey, John Stevens, John Woods, William Earl Treadwell Paul March, Charles Treadwell, Edmund Grouard, Jonathan Blanchard, Sampson Stoddard, Jr., Abel Lawrence, James Reed, Benjamin Bellows, George Libbey, Jonathan Willson and Jeremiah Libbey. The first meeting of the grantees of which a record exists, after the lots had been drawn, was held at the house of Thomas Harwood, in Dunstable, Monday, May 20, 1765, when Sampson Stoddard, Esq., was chosen moderator, and Sampson Stoddard, Jr., clerk. The third item considered is recorded as follows.

” Then the following method for calling meetings for the future was agreed upon, & voted that upon application of the Owners of Ten Original Shares made in Writing to the Clerk (for the time being) Inserting therein the several matters and things Desired to be acted upon, he shall and is hereby authorized and Impowered to call such meeting or meetings, Posting up Proper Notifications. at some place in Dunstable in New Hampshire, and at some public place in Chelmsford at Least fourteen Days Before hand & all meetings as so posted up & held accordingly shall be Good & Valid.”

The next meeting was held at the house of Capt. Oliver Barron, in Chelmsford, Monday, August 19, 1765, of which the following is the record of proceedings:

“WHEREAS. The grantees are Injoined by grant of said Township to Build fifty houses and make them comfortable habitations, on said Tract of Land, such shares to build as the grantees shall determine, & also to have Twelve acres of Land cleared and fitted for Tillage, Pasturing and Mowing, & to add an acre more annually (till an incorporation on Each share, subject to the Duty of Settlement; therefore,

“Voted, That the said settlements be Done and Performed by the following grantees & the Proportion hereafter Declared, Namely, Col. Stoddard, eighteen; Edmund Grouard, two; Jacob Treadwell, Jr., one; Jonathan Lovewell, one; Benjamin Bellows, two; Matthew Thornton, three; Nathaniel Brooks, one; Thomas Spaulding, one; John Honey, one; Nathaniel Treadwell, one; Abel Lawrence, three; Paul March, one; Sampson Stoddard, Jr.. one; James Reed, four; heirs of George Libbey, one; Charles Treadwell, one; John Stevens, one; Daniel Millen, one; Jonathan Blanchard, one; Jonathan Willson, two; John Woods, one; Benjamin Edwards, one; and the heirs of Jeremiah Libbey, one; by Building & Clearing in such Way & Manner as to fulfill the Grant * * * * * * and, whereas the speedy settlement of said Township Depends much upon having a good saw-mill Built there as soon as may be, Voted that in consideration of Col. Stoddard’s Conveying to Mr. Daniel Millen two Lots of Land there, having a mill place on em, for Encouragement of his Undertaking the arduous Task of Building and keeping a saw-mill in Repair, to be fit to go within fourteen months, that said Stoddard be Intitled to Draw out of the Treasury Twenty pounds, Lawful money, & that sum be in full for the said Two Lots of Land ” * * * * * Voted that Messrs. Daniel Millen, James Reed & Benjamin Bigelow be a Committee, or the Major Part of them to Mark, Lay out and Clear all Necessary Roads in said Township, Rendering their account to acceptance, until the proprietors order the Contrary.”

The settlement of the town was commenced by James Reed, John Fassett, Benjamin Bigelow and others, between 1761 and 1764. But this early settlement is spoken of in connection with our sketch of Troy, so suffice it to say at this point. that three years later, in 1767, the town had ninety-three inhabitants, and in 1773, the year of its incorporation under the name it still bears, it had a population of 214 souls.


Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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