Biography of Rufus Hall

Last Updated on August 16, 2012 by

Rufus Hall, a representative resident of Grantham, was born in this town, March 18, 1844, son of Adolphus and Sally (Leavitt) Hall. The family is descended from Edward Hall, who came from England in 1636, and settled in Duxbury, Mass., then under the control of the Plymouth Company. Edward lived in different places in Massachusetts, and was one of the sturdy Abijah Hall, greatgrandfather of Rufus Hall, who was born in June, 1754, lost his life by drowning in 1812. He lived in Croydon, his father being the first of the name in that town. Abijah’s son, Amasa, born in Croydon, February 17, 1789, died August 23, 1869. Amasa, a prosperous farmer, was extensively engaged in sheep raising. He fought in the War of 1812, and represented Croydon in the legislature in 1824 and 1825. In 1829 he moved to Grantham, where he was the first of the name to settle. He served the town in the office of Selectman for eight years, represented it in General Court in 1832, 1834, 1835, and 1836, and was Commissioner for Sullivan County in 1841. As a business man he was noted for energy and enterprise. He married Rebecca Lamson Melendy, and had a family of three children-Rufus, Sally, and Adolphus. Rufus, born in Croydon, October 3, 1813, died January 13, 1821. Sally R., born January 1, 1816, married Converse Smith, of Plainfield.

Adolphus Hall, father of Rufus, was born at Croydon, December 7, 1811, and died October 12, 1876. He worked with his father on the home farm as long as the latter lived, and upon his death took the farm under his own management. He became one of the most influential men of the town, and occupied almost every position in its public service. From 1859 to 1862 he was Selectman; in 1860 and 1861, legislative Representative; in 1865 and 1866, Treasurer of Sullivan County. During three years he was County Commissioner, and he was serving in that office and in the capacity of Selectman at the time of his death. In religion he favored Methodism. His wife, Sally, who was born in 1810, died in 1875. Their two children were: Rufus and Eloisa. The latter, born in Grantham, July 7, 1848, was twice married. Her first husband was Jesse Morse, of this town, a lumber dealer. By this marriage she had two children-Blanche and Zella. Her second hubsand was William H. Howard, a farmer and one of the Selectmen. She has borne him one child.

After leaving school, Rufus Hall worked on his father’s farm and assisted also in the large general store his father at that time owned. At the end of three years he bought the store from his father, and afterward managed it successfully for six years. He then engaged in farming for a number of years. Also, in company with his father, he bought a lumber and grist mill, which was operated until the death of the elder Mr. Hall. From that time until 1882 Mr. Rufus Hall conducted a farm. He was engaged in general trade at Croydon from 1882 to 1891, since which time he has farmed. Also, after that time, he was employed in the capacity of salesman for four years. For a number of years he was a Director of the First National Bank at Newport. Mr. Hall has worthily sustained the family traditions by filling most creditably the various public offices intrusted to him by his townsmen. He was elected Town Clerk in 1869, this being his first town office, and held the position until 1883. In 1882 he was sent to the legislature, serving two years, and being appointed on the Committee on Elections. He has been Selectman a number of times, and Town Moderator for several years, holding the last-named position at the present time. Much interested in the Patrons of Husbandry, he is an esteemed member of the local grange.

Mr. Hall married Francina D. Smith, who was born December 13, 1844, daughter of William P. Smith, of Springfield. She is a lady of culture and of fine musical taste. After receiving her education in Colby Academy New London, she followed the profession of teacher very successfully for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Hall have four children: Leon A., Villa E., Earl R., and Ralph A. Leon, born June 4, 1869, at Grantham, was educated at Colby Academy. He was for a time employed in the manufacture of Barton’s Sarsaparilla and Blood Purifier. At present he has a position in F. O. White’s grocery store in Boston. He married Jessie M. Blossom, and has one child-Charlotte May, born February 5, 1897. Villa E., born August 17, 1874, graduated at Colby Academy, and is now studying medicine at Herkimer, N.Y. Earl R., born May 10, 1876, was educated in the town schools of Tilton, and then studied dentistry with Silver Brothers, of Boscawen, N.H. Ralph A., born August 22, 1879, is a pupil in the town schools.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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