Adin Holbrook, who served in the Revolutionary war and was at the battle of Bennington, was born in Wrentham, Mass., March 22, 1752. He came to Keene about 1777, built a sawmill in the western part of the town, and about 1780 settled upon the farm now owned by his grandson, W. H. Holbrook, on road 6. He married Hannah Day, reared five children-two sons and three daughters.and died in 1843. He and his son Adin. Jr., built an oilmill on this farm. Enos, the second son of Adin, was also a noted millwright and was born on the homestead. He married Mary Kendall, of Athol, Mass., who bore him four children, two of whom are living, Mary A. and W. H. His wife died in 1867, and his death occurred in 1876. The house now standing upon the farm was built by Adin, Jr, in 1806.