Nevada Indian Agencies and Schools

Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state.  Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.

Carson School, Nevada
Post-office: Stewart, Nevada
Telegraph address: Carson City, Nevada; Western Union, 3½ miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Indian School, Nevada, on Virginia and Truckee Rwy., via Reno, on Southern Pacific Rwy. Or Carson City, Nevada; thence hired team, 3½ miles.

Big Pine day school. Nevada
Post-office: Big Pine, California
Telegraph address: Alvord, California; Western Union, 3 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Alvord, California, on Nevada and California Rwy.; thence daily stage, 3 miles.

Independence day school. Nevada
Post-office: Independence, California
Telegraph address: Independence, California; Western Union, 3 miles from school; thence mail or messenger; mail, 1 day; messenger, 1 hour.
Railroad station: Citrus, on Nevada and California Rwy.; thence stage to Independence, 5 miles; thence hired team, 3 miles.

Fallon Day School, Nevada
Post-office: Fallen, Nevada
Telegraph address: Fallen, Nevada; Western Union, 10 miles from school; thence telephone. If sent by mail or mounted messenger, 2 hours.
Railroad station: Fallen, Nevada, on branch of Southern Pacific Rwy.; via Hazen, on main line of Southern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily, except Sunday, 10 miles.

Lovelocks Day School, Nevada
Post-office: Lovelocks, Nevada
Telegraph address: Lovelocks, Nevada; Western Union, ½ mile from school; thence mail.
Railroad station: Lovelocks, Nevada, on Southern Pacific Rwy.; ½ mile to school.

Moapa River School, Nevada
Post-office: Moapa, Nevada
Telegraph address: Moapa, Nevada; Western Union, 2½ miles from school; thence messenger, 30 minutes.
Railroad station: Moapa, Nevada, on San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Rwy.; school and cottage 2½ miles from station.

Nevada School, Nevada
Post-office: Wadsworth, Nevada
Telegraph address: Wadsworth, Nevada, 18 miles from school; thence tri-weekly mail. Railroad station: Wadsworth, Nevada, on Southern Pacific Rwy.; thence hired team, 18 miles.

Wadsworth day school.
Post-office: Wadsworth, Nevada
Telegraph address: Wadsworth, Nevada
Railroad station: Wadsworth, Nevada, on Southern Pacific Rwy. School is in town of Wadsworth.

Walker River Day School, Nevada
Post-office: Schurz, Nevada
Telegraph address: Schurz, Nevada; Western Union, ¼ mile from school.
Railroad station: Schurz, Nevada, on Nevada and California Rwy.; via Hazen, Nevada, on Southern Pacific Rwy.

Western Shoshone School, Nevada
Post-office: Owyhee, Nevada
Telegraph address: Elko, Nevada; Western Union, 120 miles from school; thence telephone; would take 3 days if sent by mail.
Railroad station: Elko, Nevada, on Southern Pacific Rwy.; thence daily stage to Tuscarara, 55 miles; stage daily, except Sunday, to Whiterock, 40 miles; stage daily, except Sunday, for passengers, when notified, to school, 25 miles. Or Mountain Home, Idaho, on Oregon Short Line; thence stage daily, except Sunday, to Bruneau, 22 miles; thence stage to Wickahoney, Tuesdays and Fridays, 31 miles; thence stage to Riddle, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 25 miles; thence stage to school, Thursdays and Mondays, 20 miles.

History, Schools,

Department Of The Interior. Routes To Indian Agencies And Schools, Office Of Indian Affairs, Corrected To April 1, 1910. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1910.

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