Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1761 Baptisms

John, child of John Heinle and his wife Mary, was born Dec. 30, 176o, and baptized Jan. 1, 1761. Sponsors were George Faul and his wife Rebecca. David, son of John Ulrich Reidlinger ,and his wife Waldpurga, was born Jan. 6, 1761, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Ruprecht Zimmerebener and Anna Margaret Zittrauer. Christiana, daughter of John Jacob Haeuseler and his wife Anna Mary, was born March 19, 1761, and baptized on the same day. Sponsors were Jacob Ulrich Neidlinger, Mrs. Leimberger and Anna M. Zimmerebener. John, child of John Gugel and his wife Anna Mary, was born … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1771 Marriages

Robert Dickson and Suky Johns were lawfully united in marriage Jan., 1771. John Michael Haberer and the widow Anna Eva Weidman were both lawfully united in Christian marriage Feb. 26, 1771. Ps. 33:18, 19, 20. Jacob Meier and the widow Juliana Schmidt, and also George Gnan and Anna Franciska Rotenberger were both parties united in marriage Jan. 22, 1771. Is. 48:17, 18. Michael Heinsman and Ursle (?) Heked were united in marriage in Zions Church, Jan. 22, 1771. John Heckel and Hannah Margaret Heinrich were united in marriage here in Ebenezer, April 9, 1771. James English and Mary May, both … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1772 Marriages

Aaron Matthew and Mary Davey, both of St. George Parish have been lawfully published thrice here at Ebenezer and have desired a Certificate thereof on the 6th of Jan., 17 Thomas Garneth and Rachel Wissin have been married on the 8th of Jan., 1772 by a License from his Hon. the Commander. Chaplin William and Susannah Green, both of St. Matthew’s Parish, after having been lawfully published by me before the Congregation desired and received a Certificate on the 20th of Jan., 1772. John Caspar Greiner and Johanna Christiana Lackner were united in marriage in Zions Church, Jan. 4, 1772. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1773 Marriages

Matthew Colson and Chloe Woods have been law-fully married Febr. 6th, 1773. Shadrik Harper and Sarah Trager, both of Carolina, were lawfully married on the 7th of March, 1773. Valendin Grumbley and Elizabeth Fulsher were lawfully married on the 8th of March, 1773. Peter Kettle and Elizabeth Danell were both law-fully married on the 11th of May, 1773. William Stafford and Anne Maria Guger of St. Philips Parish were both lawfully published on the 18th Day of May, 1773. Charles Hall and Alley Depew were both lawfully married on the 6th Day of July, 1773. Jacob Buehler and Christine Elizabeth … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1774 Marriages

Benjamin Daly and Susannah Garneth were law fully joined together into the holy Estate of Matrimony by a License on the 6th of Jan., 1774 at Mr. Garneth’s House. Jesse Busbey and Molly Pearce, both of Carolina, were both lawfully married on the 26 Day of Jan., 1774. Esa Tanner and Seelina Rogers were both married by a License on the 15th of Febr., 1774. John Floerl and Dorothea Kiefer were both united in Christian marriage Feb. 22, 1774. The wedding text: Ps. 31 :20-24. Mr. Christopher Kraemer and Catharine Hengleiter were both united in Christian marriage March 1, 1774. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1775 Marriages

Solomon Zant and Dorothea Reiser were both united in marriage by Mr. Sen. Muhlenberg, Jan. 31, 1775. Text: Ps. 73:25-26. Benjamin Glaner and Hannah Margaret Bach were both united in marriage Febr. 7, 1775. John Dannell and Hannah Dammans were both lawfully married on the 26th of Febr., 1775. John George Maurer and Mary Sybille Saecht were both united in Christian marriage March 27. John Little and Mary Shewman, both of Carolina, were both lawfully married on the seventh Day of Novbr., 1775.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1777 Marriages

John Merkel of Goshen and Susanna Hover were both united in marriage by a License from the Governor in Goshen, May 13, 1777. Jacob Strohbard and Judith Jourdine, both of Carolina, were married by a License from Governor Burrow in Carolina on the 29th Day of April, 1777. John Maurer and Anne Mueller, widow of John Paul Mueller, were both united in marriage July 1, 1777. Text: Ps. 143:8, 9, 10. Lord, teach me to do Thy will. John Venieur and Elizabeth Winkler, both of Purrysborough, were married lawfully in the Month of Augst., 1777. John George Winkler, a widower, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1778 Marriages

Mr. John Adam Treutlin, late Governor of this State, and Mrs. Anne Unselt, widow, were both united in marriage the 14th of Jan., 1778. Text: Hebr. 13:8. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and to-day. John Bilbow, Capt. of a Company of Horses, and Jane Hudson of this State Spinster, have been married on giving Security the 12th of Febr., 1778. Jacob Ihle and Jane Border a widow, both of Effingham County, have been joined by a License on the i0 Day of March, 1778. Christian Jonathan Zipperer and Gratiosa Zittrauer have been married by a License on the 10th Day … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1763 Marriages

David Steiner was joined in marriage with Margaret Zimmerebener, Feb. 1, 1763. John Justus Gravenstein and Catharine Bidenbach were united in marriage Feb. 22, 1763. John Martin Greiner was united in marriage with Mary Eischperger, May 24, 1763. John Martin Rheinlaender was united in marriage with Fredericka Catharine Bruckner, May 31, 1763. George Schleich and Mary Magdalene Maurer were united in marriage Aug. 21, 1763. N. B.-Up to this point the marriages have been reported.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1764 Marriages

Samuel Kraus and Judith Flerl were united in marriage Jan. 24, 1764, in Zion Church. John Jacob Kuebler and Elizabeth Reuter were united in marriage Jan. 31, 1764. John Caspar Hirschmann was on the same day, namely Jan. 31, 1764, joined in marriage with Rosina Kuebler. John Remshardt and Anna Margaret Mueller were united in marriage Feb. 14, 1764. The wedding sermon was on I Cor. 7:28-31. George Fischer was united in marriage with Mary Mackh, May 29, 1764 in Bethany. Ps. 128:1, 2. Sebastian Fetzer was united in marriage with the widow Anna Mary Staehl, June 12, 1764. Peter … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1765 Marriages

John Flerl and Hannah Elizabeth Brandner were joined in marriage Jan. 15, 1765. John Ulrich Fetzer and Johanna Mohr were united in marriage in Jerusalem Church, March 19, 1765. Thomas Mackh and Mary Weinkauff were united in marriage April 16, 1765. John Nicholas Strobart from Purrysburg and Eva Mary Mengersdorff were joined in marriage in Jerusalem Church, May 7, 1765. John Gruber and Mary Magdalene Kalcher were joined in marriage in Zions Church, June 4, 1765. Luke Ziegler and Sal0me Zettler were joined in marriage June 25, 1765. Lambeth Leen and Elizabeth Catharine Zettler were joined in marriage June 25, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1766 Marriages

Patrick Onyl and Mary Krumbl were joined in marriage June 17, 1766. John Adam Freyermuth and Mary Elizabeth Buehler were united in marriage Oct. 7, 1766. John Oechsle and Elizabeth Gress were joined in marriage Dec. 16, 1766. John Meyer and Christine Remshardt was joined in marriage Dec. 23, 1766. The text was Phil. 4:5, 6.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1767 Marriages

Christian Oechsle was united in marriage with the widow Walpurg Kraeuter, Jan. 27, 1767 in Bethany. The wedding text was in Rom. 12:12: “Rejoicing in hope.” John Maurer and Mary Magdalene Zant were joined in marriage Feb. 24, 1767. Ps. 37: 4, 5. John Jacob Kieffer and Dorothy Reuter were joined in marriage March 24, 1767. Solomon Zant and Elizabeth Kieffer were also united in marriage March 24, 1767. The wedding text Ps. 119:132. George Louis Roth and Anna Fetzer were united in marriage March 31, 1767. John Frederick Ochs was joined in marriage with Anna Fetzer, daughter of Sebastian … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1768 Marriages

Silvanus Bird and Dinah Stafford, all on Ogeechee River, were joined in marriage March 4, 1768. John Ford and Mary More. James Nolliboy and Catharine Gaskin, all in St. Matthew Parish, were joined in marriage March 7, 1768. John George Rentz and Hannah Margaret Kalcher were joined in marriage March 8, 1768. John 15:14. Matthew Weinkauf and Christine Mackh were joined in marriage April 12, 1768. Text, Psalm 59:16, 17. John Stafford and Susanne Evans were lawfully married on the 26th day of May, 1768. They are living in the province of South Carolina. John Nevil and Francis Nicson were … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1769 Marriages

John Jeffes and Judith Dickson were both married the 6th of Febry., 1769. Abraham Mott and Sarah Scruggs both of St. Matthew’s Parish were lawfully married on the 16th of Febry., 1769. John Cothal Briker and Catharine Ambar were both lawfully, according to a License, married on the Tenth of March, 1769. John Frederick Briest was joined in marriage with the widow Rebecca Faul, March 28, 1769. Psalm 86:11. John Jones and Susannah Strobart were both law-fully joined together in holy wedlock agreeable to a License this 1st day of April, 1769. Daniel Burgsteiner and Mary Daescher were united in … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1770 Marriages

John Scheeraus and the widow Magdalene Epinger were both legally united in Christian marriage in Bethany, Jan. 9, 1770. The wedding text, Psalm Matthew Weinkauf and Anna Rosina Kussmiaul were joined in marriage Jan. 16, 1770 in Goshen. Frederick Schrempf and Sarah Dixon were joined in marriage Feb. 7, 1770. John George Heid and the widow Mary Magdalene Schleich were united in marriage Feb. 27, 1770. Joseph Ironmonger and Sarah Johnsten were both lawfully joined in marriage March 21, 1770. Thomas Jones and Mary Howell, after threefold preceding publication, were both lawfully joined in marriage here in Jerusalem Church, June … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1754 Marriages

Christian Desher and Anna Christine Mayer were joined in marriage Feb. 19, 1754. An address was delivered on Ps. 119:105. John George Haid and Eleanor Kurtz entered into holy matrimony with each other March 4, 1754. Heb. 2:18. John Martin Paulitsch and Ursula Schwinthofer were united in marriage April 22, 1754. Their wedding verse was John 15:14. On the same day also George Rieser and the widow Anna Dorothea Mayer entered into holy matrimony with each other. John Caspar Beth and Eva Maria Zegler were joined in marriage the first Tuesday after Whitsunday, 1754. He lives in Goshen. John Rentz … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1755 Marriages

Wolfgang Mackh and the widow Anna Barbara Mayerhoefer of Purrysburg were united in marriage Feb. 24, 1755 John Paulus of the 3rd Swabian Transport was united in marriage with the widow Mary Ursula Groll, April 1, 1755. John George Niess and Mary Oepl were joined in marriage June 24, 1755. Bartholomew Mackh and Mary Stand were united in marriage July 1, 1755. The text was I Peter 3:9. Caspar Klock of Purrysburg and the widow Barbara Schaeffer were united in marriage July 28, 1755. Jacob Hueter and the widow Anna Gerber were joined in marriage Nov. 19, 1755. Jacob Frick … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1756 Marriages

Andrew Seckinger and the widow Agnes Ziegler were joined in marriage May 17, 1756. The text was from John 16:22. On May 31, 1756, John George Mueller and the widow Rosina Schubdrein were joined in marriage. Ps. 94:19 John George Ziegler and Anna Catherine Rau were joined in marriage June 1, 1756. John Conrad Frickinger and Barbara Greuser were united in marriage June 8, 1756. The text was Ps. 143:10. Andrew Greiner and Barbara Hirschmann were joined in marriage July 26, 1756. Mathias von Alman and Anna Magdalene Folcker were united in marriage here August 6, 1756. Jacob Frederick Kiefer … Read more