Yatasi Indians. A tribe of the Caddo confederacy, closely affiliated in language with the Natchitoch. They are first spoken of by Tonti, who states that in 1690 their village was on Red river of Louisiana, north west of the Natchitoch, where they were living in company with the Natasi and Choye. Bienville and St Denys, during their Red river trip in 1701, made an alliance with the Yatasi and henceforward the tribe seems to have been true to the friendship then sealed. The road frequented by travelers from the Spanish province to the French settlements on Red River and at New Orleans passed near their village. During the disputes incident to the uncertain boundary line between the Spanish and the French possessions and to the Spanish restrictions on inter-trade, they proved their steadfastness to the French interests by refusing to comply with the Spanish demand to close the road. The Indians maintained that “the road had always been theirs” and that it should remain open. St Dent’s’ invitation to the various tribes dwelling in the vicinity of the post and fort established among the Natchitoch in 1712-14 to settle near by under his protection was opportune, for the Chickasaw were then waging war along Red river and the Yatasi were among the sufferers. A part of the tribe sought refuge with the Natchitoch, while others fled up the river to the Kadohadacho and to the Nanatsoho and the Nasoni. The wars of the l8th century and the introduction of new diseases, especially smallpox and measles, had such an effect on the Yatasi that by 1800, according to Sibley, they had become reduced to 8 men and 25 women and children. This remnant was then living in a village midway between the Kadohadacho and the Natchitoch, surrounded by French settlements. In 1826 1 they numbered 26 on Red River. Little more than the name of the Yatasi now survives, and those who claim descent from the tribe live with the Caddo on the Wichita Reservation in Oklahoma.