Treaty of August 4, 1824

To perpetuate peace and friendship between the United States and the Sock and Fox tribes or nations of Indians, and to remove all future cause of dissensions which may arise from undefined territorial boundaries, the President of the United States of America, by William Clark, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and sole Commissioner specially appointed for that purpose, of the one part, and the undersigned Chiefs and Head Men of the Sock and Fox tribes or nations, fully deputized to act for and in behalf of their said nations, of the other part, have entered into the following articles and conditions, viz:

Article I. The Sock and Fox tribes or nations of Indians, by their deputations in council assembled, do hereby agree, in consideration of certain sums of money, &c. to be paid to the said Sock and Fox tribes, by the Government of the United States, as hereinafter stipulated, to cede and for ever quit claim, and do, in behalf of their said tribes or nations, hereby cede, relinquish, and forever quit claim, unto the United States, all right, title, interest, and claim, to the lands which the said Sock and Fox tribes have, or claim, within the limits of the state of Missouri, which are situated, lying, and being, between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and a line running from the Missouri, at the entrance of Kansas river, north one hundred miles to the Northwest corner of the state of Missouri, and from thence east to the Mississippi. It being understood, that the small tract of land lying between the rivers Desmoin and the Mississippi, and the section of the above line between the Mississippi and the Desmoin, is intended for the use of the half-breeds belonging to the Sock and Fox nations; they holding it, however, by the same title, and in the same manner, that other Indian titles are held.

Article II. The Chiefs and Head Men who sign this convention, for themselves and in behalf of their tribes, do acknowledge the lands east and south of the lines described in the first article, so far as the Indians claimed the same, to belong to the United States, and that none of their tribes shall be permitted to settle or hunt upon any part of it, after the first day of January, 1826, without special permission from the Superintendent of Indian Affairs.

Article III. It is hereby stipulated and agreed, on the part of the United States, as a full consideration for the claims and lands ceded by the Sock and Fox tribes in the first article, there shall be paid to the Sock and Fox nations, within the present year, one thousand dollars in cash, or merchandize; and in addition to the annuities stipulated to be paid to the Sock and Fox tribes by a former treaty, the United States do agree to pay to the said Sock tribe, five hundred dollars, and to the Fox tribe five hundred dollars, annually, for the term of ten succeeding years; and, at the request of the Chiefs of the said Sock and Fox nations, the Commissioner agrees to pay to Morice Blondeau, a half Indian of the Fox tribe, the sum of five hundred dollars, it being a debt due by the said nation to the aforesaid Blondeaux, for property taken from him during the late war.

Article IV. The United States engage to provide and support a Blacksmith for the Sock and Fox nations, so long as the President of the United States may think proper, and to furnish the said nations with such farming utensils and cattle, and to employ such persons to aid them in their agriculture, as the President may deem expedient.

Article V. The annuities stipulated to be paid by the 3d article, are to be paid either in money, merchandise, provisions, or domestic animals, at the option of the aforesaid tribes, and when the said annuities or part thereof is paid in merchandise, it is to be delivered to them at the first cost of the goods at St. Louis, free from cost of transportation.

Article VI. This treaty shall take effect and be obligatory on the contracting parties so soon as the same shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof.

In testimony whereof, the said William Clark, commissioner as aforesaid, and the chiefs and head men of the Sock and Fox tribes of Indians as aforesaid, have hereunto set their hands, at Washington City, this fourth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four.

William Clark

Pah-sha-pa-ha, or Stubbs, his x mark
Kah-kee-kai-maik, or All Fish, his x mark
Wash-kee-chai, or Crouching Eagle, his x mark
Kee-o-kuck, or Watchful Fox, his x mark
Kah-kee-kai-maik, or All Fish, his x mark
Sah-col-o-quoit, or Rising Cloud, his x mark

Fai-mah, or the Bear, his x mark
Ka-pol-e-qua, or White Nosed Fox, his x mark
Pea-mash-ka, or the Fox winding his horn, his x mark
Kee-sheswa, or the Sun, his x mark

Witnesses at signing:
Thomas L. McKenney
Law. Taliaferro, Indian Agent at St. Peter’s
G. W. Kennerly, Indian Agent
A. Baronet Vasques, Acting S. I. A. and Int.
Maurice Blondeau
L. T. Honore
Jno. W. Johnson
Meriwether Lewis Clark
Noal Dashnay

Fox, Sac,

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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