Skilloot Indians

Skilloot Indians. Significance unknown.

Skilloot Connections. The Skilloot Indians belonged to the Clackamas dialectic division of the Chinookan linguistic family.

Skilloot Location. On both sides of Columbia River above and below the mouth of Cowlitz River.

Skilloot Villages and Subdivision

  • Cooniac (at Oak Point on the south side of Columbia River, below the mouth of the Cowlitz, in the present Columbia County, Oregon) was their principal village in later times.
  • Hullooetell, reported to Lewis and Clark as a numerous nation north of Columbia River on Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers, may have been a subdivision, although perhaps Salishan.
  • Seamysty, at the mouth of Cowlitz River before 1835, were undoubtedly a Skilloot band.
  • Thlakalama of Boas (1901, and personal information 1905), at the mouth of Kalama River, about 3 miles above Oak Point.
  • Tlakatlala of Boas (1901, and personal information 1905), at the mouth of Kalama River, about 3 miles above Oak Point.

Skilloot Population. Mooney (1928) estimates the number of Skilloot at 3,250 in 1780 including 250 Tlakalama. In 1806 Lewis and Clark give 2,500 and in 1850 Lane places the Skilloot population at 200. They have now entirely disappeared as an independent group.

Chinookan, Skilloot,

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