Sanpoil Tribe

Sanpoil Indians. A body of Salish on Sans Poil river and on the Columbia below Big bend, Washington.  Gibbs classed them as one of the 8 bands of Spokan and also as one of the 6 bands of Okinagan, they being claimed by both tribes.  In 1905 they were reported to number 324, on the Colville Reservation, but in 1909 their population was given as only 178, the disparity being attributed to duplication in previous counts. No treaty was ever made with these Indians for their lands, the Government taking possession of their country except such portions as have been set apart by Executive order for their occupancy.

Colville Reservation,

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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