Pima Indian Bands, Gens and Clans
Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry. Often very little information is known or they no longer exist. We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes. Apap ( A pap) . A social division of the Pima, belonging to the Stoamohimal, or White Ants, phratral group. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 313, 1903. Apuki (A′pŭtĭ). A social division of the Pima, belonging to the Stoamohimal, or White Ants, phratral group. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 313, 1903. Ateacari. A branch of the Cora division of the Piman family on the Rio de … Read more