A- Indiana Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Abercronk. A former (Potawatomi?) village on Lake Michigan, in North East Porter County, Indiana. Hough, map in Indiana Geol. Rep. for 1882-3, 1883. Anderson’s Town. A former Delaware village on the s. side of White r., about the present Anderson, Madison co., Ind. (Hough, map in hid. Geol. Rep., 1883). Named from the principal chief of the Delawares of Indiana about 1810-20. Ashkum. A Potawatomi village, named from its chief, on the N. side of Eel r., about Denver, Miami … Read more

A- Maine Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ammoncongan. A village, probably be longing to the Abnaki, on the N. E. side of Presumpscot r., at Saccarappa falls, Cumberland co., Me. Deed of 1657 in Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., I, 118, 1865. Aquadocta. The dwelling place of “a tribe of Indians” in 1690, living westward from Casco and Saco, Me. , and seemingly allied with the Abnaki. Niles (ca. 1761) in Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. ,3d s. , vi, 217, 1837. Asnela. A small island in Penobscot r., … Read more

A- Maryland Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Acquaskac. A village situated in 1608 on the w. bank of Patuxent r., St Marys co., Md. The word may be related to Aquascogoc and Weckquaesgoek. Askimimkansen. A village, perhaps connected with the Nanticoke, formerly on an upper E. branch of Pocomoke r., probably in Worcester co., Md. Herrman, map (1670) in Rep. on Boundary Line between Va. and Md., 1873. Assacomoco. A village about 1610, probably near Patuxent r., Md. (Pory in Smith (1629), Virginia, u, 63, repr. 1819). … Read more

A- Idaho Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Akiyenik (Aqkīyē′nik, people of the leggings). A tribe of the Upper Kutenai living on L. Pend d’Oreille, Idaho. Boas in 5th Rep. N. W. Tribes Can., 10, 1889. Alpowna. A former Nez Percé village at the mouth of a creek that flows into Snake r. from the N., below Lewiston, Idaho. At this point the people mixed with the Paloos, hence more than one language was spoken in the village. (A. C. F.) Assiminehkon. By the treaty of Prairie du … Read more

A- Arkansas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Aguacay. A large village, probably be longing to a division of a southern Caddoan tribe, formerly in the vicinity of Washita r., Ark., where salt was manufactured both for home consumption and for trade. It was visited by the De Soto expedition in 1542. See Gentl. of Elvas (1557) in French, Hist. Coll. La. II, 194, 1850; Hakluyt Soc. Pub., 197, 1851; Harris, Voy. and Trav., I, 810, 1705. (A. C. F.) Aminoya. A province or village, possibly Siouan, situated … Read more

A- Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of American Indians of North America. Acous. The principal village of the Chaicclesaht, situate on Battle Bay, Ououkinish Inlet, west coast of Vancouver Island. Can. Ind. Aff , 264, 1902. Aggavacaamanc (arroyo of the gulls (?)). A rancheria, probably Cochimi, connected with Purísima (Cadegomo) Mission, west Lower California, in the 18th century. Doc. Hist. Mex., 4th s., v, 189, 1857. Ahadzooas. The principal village of the Oiaht, on Diana Island, west coast of Vancouver Island Can. Ind. Aff., 263, 1902. Ahahswinnis. The principal village of … Read more

A- Arizona Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Acachin. A Papago rancheria in s. Arizona; pop. 47 in 1865. Ind. Aff. Rep., 135, 1865. Achougoula (probably pipe people, from Choctaw ashunga, ‘pipe’). One of the 9 villages constituting the Natchez confederacy in 1699. Iberville in Margry, Dec., IV, 179, 1880. Agua Escondida (Span.: hidden water ). Apparently a Pima or Papago rancheria s. w. of Tubac, s. Arizona, in 1774. Bancroft, Ariz, and N. Mex., 389, 1889. Agua Fria (Span.: cold water 1 ). A village, probably Piman, … Read more

A- Alaska Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Afognak. A Kaniagmiut settlement consisting of 3 villages on Afognak id., s. of Cook inlet, Alaska (Bruce, Alaska, map, 1895). Pop. 339 in 1880, 409 in 1890, 307 in 1900. Agiukchuk. A Kaialigamiut village opposite the s. shore of Nelson id., Alas ka; pop. 35 in 1880, 81 in 1890. Agivavik. A Nushagagmiut village on Nushagak r., Alaska; pop. 52 in 1880, 30 in 1890. Agomekelenanak. An Eskimo village in the Kuskokwim district, Alaska. Pop. 15 in 1890. Agulakpak. An … Read more

Voices from the Black Belt

In a discussion of the Negro problem it is eminently appropriate the Freedman and his neighbor be accorded the privilege of expressing their respective views. The thoughts expressed in this chapter have been gleaned principally from the columns of the Afro-American, a colored weekly, published by the faculty of Biddle University, Charlotte, North Carolina. The problem of the Negro relates to his capacity for improvement and self-support. Is the American Negro, after centuries of slavery that kept the race in an infantile condition, capable of development and self support? Over this question the people of our country have expressed differing … Read more