Biographical Sketch of Dr. George Shimoon

(See Oolootsa) Gertrude Whitman, daughter of Connell and Florence (Nash) Rogers, was born July 11, 1879. Educated in the Cherokee public schools and Female Seminary, graduating from the latter on June 24, 1897. Married at Fort Gibson March 24, 1908, Dr. George Shimoon, D. D. S., born Dec. 18, 1878, in Burmia, Persia. Educated in Missionary College and Knox College, Gilesbeury, Illinois and graduated from Indiana Dental College. They are the parents of Miriam Shimoon, born August 14, 1912. Mrs. Gertrude W. Shimoon died April 11, 1906.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. James L. Peebles

(See Grant and Foreman)-Nannie, daughter of Spencer and Margaret (Proctor) Shelton was educated in Tahlequah District and Female Seminary. Married at Tahlequah, James L., son of Mr. and Mrs. Peebles. They are the parents of: Joseph Lawrence, James Shelton, Charlotte May, Edgar Vann, Vera E., Robert, Virginia and Spencer Peebles. Mr. Peebles is farmer near Tahlequah, is a member of the Woodmen of the World. He was elected County Commissioner of Cherokee County September 17, 1907. Margaret, daughter of Johnson and Elizabeth (Foreman) Proctor was born May 1, 1346 and married Spencer Shelton. She died April 14, 1885.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. James Campbell Trott

(See Ward and Adair)-James Campbell Trott, born Apr. 6, at Woodburt, Tenn., educated there. Married March 1, 1868 Madora Stover, born Jan. 25, 1852 on Beattie’s Prairie, Delaware District. They are the parents of Birdie Adair, born Nov. 25, 1869; Eugene Homer, born March 18, 1873 and Willie Trott, born September 29, 1881. James Trott’s Cherokee name is Osceola. He is retired from business and he and his wife are members of the Christian church.

Biographical Sketch of William P. Adair

(See Grant, Ghigau, and Adair) William Penn, son of Dr. Walter Thompson and Mary B. Adair was born January 10, 1861, educated at Male Seminary. Married at Salina, April 12, 1891 Margaret, daughter of Virgil and Eliza Rogers born May 25, 1875. They are the parents of DeWitt Jacob, born January 14, 1892, married Josephine Hume; Walter Thompson, born June 2, 1894, married Lina B. Reagan; Mary Ellen, September 18, 1897 and William Commodore Adair, born October 17, 1905. Mr. Adair belongs to the Deer Clan and his Cherokee name is Augona. He is the owner of the telephone exchange … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. George M. Tyner

(See Sanders) Nancy, daughter of George O. Saunders and Jennie Tail married Jefferson Tyner and their son George Marion Tyner was born April 10, 1883. Graduated from Male Seminary May 29, 1907. Married at Vinita June 16, 1916 Ethel, daughter of John Pleasant and Martha J. Marshall, born March 5, 1889 in Texas. They are the parents of George Marion Tyner, Jr. born August 24, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. Tyner are members of the Methodist Church. They taught school several years before their marriage.

Biographical Sketch of Leander Woodall

(See Woodall)-Leander, son of James Tuck and Elizabeth (Perdue) Woodall, was born in Delaware District February 8, 1876, educated at Ketchum. Married in Arkansas, February 22, 1906 Jessie, daughter of John L. and Malinda Berry. Mr. Woodall is a farmer near Ketchum, he is a member of the A. H. T. A. which means that he is a supporter of good citizenship.

Biography of George W Fields

Born in the same room, on July 10, 1882, in which the sterling old patriot, Stand Watie died on September 9, 1871, Senator George W. Field seems to have in some mystical way been imbued with a similar character of reticent perseverance. Reared in a community of earnest honest integrity, where the mass was willing to receive limited educations and settle to lives of arduous husbandry, thus contributing to the sane thinking and deliberate backbone of the glorious republic. George Fields, as others of his mould have done since the dawn of civilization, by steady pertinacity, gained by frugal care … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Davis Hill

(See Grant and Ghigau)-Davis Hill, born Sept. 21, 1863 at Lafayette, Georgia was educated at Ringold and Cedar Grove, Ga. He married at Vinita on November 29, 1888 Fannie Elizabeth Parks, born January 9, 1871 at Elk Mills, Missouri. She was educated at the Orphan Asylum and Howard Payne College, Fayette, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Hill are the parents of: George Robert born Oct. 26, 1890; James Julian, born Sept. 20, 1892; Wm. Thompson, born February 22, 1895; Rachel born August 23, 1897; John Ruskin born May 18, 1899; Maria Anna born April 6, 1901; Francis Elizabeth born July … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John H. Abbott

(See Ward and Foreman) Martha Alice, daughter of John Wesley and Mary Elvira (Ward) Holland, was born January 28, 1862; married at Stilwell June 21, 1884; Robert Early, born February 16, 1858, in Gilmer County, Georgia. He died August 27, 1906. They were the parents of Dora, born March 16, 1886; John William, born June 22, 1887 Mary Angeline, born February 1, 1889; Martha Lou, born September 17, 1893, and died November 7, 1911; Robert Ross, born October 14, 1895; Ida Belle, born February 3, 1898, and died September 23, 1920; Mollie Elmira, born October 24, 1900, and Dovie Early, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank T. Swift

(See Carter and Sanders) -Martha, daughter of LeRoy and Mary (Sanders) Tyner, married Frank Boyd Swift and they were the parents of Frank Tyner Swift, Benjamin W. Swift, and James French Swift. Frank Tyner Swift was born March 5, 1867. Educated in Kansas; Married December 30, 1890 Nellie Butler, born February 27, 1871, in Bourbon County, Kansas. They were the parents of Chrystal, born December 25, 1891; Frank Butler born June 20, 1894; and Mable Swift born July 6, 1896. Frank Boyd Swift was a Captain in the Federal Army in Kansas, and was a pioneer newspaper man in that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Lou G. Howell

(See Cordery, Grant, Ghigau and Oolootsa)-Lou Gott Harris, born at Ft. Gibson July 31, 1886, educated at Nowata High school and Oswego, Kansas, graduated from the former; She was married January 7, 1905 to Dr. Dumont D. Howell, born January 14, 187 4 in Murphy, North Carolina, graduated from the Nashville Medical College in 1903. Died December 6, 1919; he was a Mason and Elk. They are the parents of: Sue Catherine, born April 25, 1906. Alfred Dumont, born April. 30, 1908; Lucile Genevieve, born December 2, 1912 and Margaret Imogene, born December 2, 1914. Charles Joseph Harris, born April … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Emma Carey

(See Downing and Thompson).-Emma McDonald was born at Fort Gibson, August 13, 1871, educated at Western Female Seminary, Oxford, Ohio, and Presbyterian Mission, Muskogee, from which she graduated. She taught five years in the public schools of the Cherokee Nation. Married at Fort Gibson January 27, 1894, William Vann Carey, educated in the Cherokee public schools and Male Seminary. He was a handsome man of charming personality, had the inherent polish of a scholar and wrote an excellent hand. He was elected Clerk of the Cooweescoowee District August 3, 1885, and August 1, 1887, and was President of the Cherokee … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nancy E. Gunter

Gunter (See Grant, Oolootsa, Adair, Ghigau and Ross) Nancy E. Gunter was born Feb. 19, 1867, in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. She was educated in the public schools of the Cherokee Nation and at the Female Semi­nary. She married at Vinita on April 4, 1886, Lucien Webster Buffington, born April 15, 1857, on Beattie’s Prairie, Delaware District. He was educated in the Public Schools of that vicinity. He came as a boy to Vinita, shortly after it was established and lived there until his death, which occurred on December 3, 1919. Quite in-ostentatious and gentlemanly, he accumulated an extra compensation and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William W. Miller

(See Grant and Halfbreed)-Joseph Gambold, son of Avery Vann and Nannie (Ward) Miller, was born my 16, 1828. Married March 1, 1850, Jennie, daughter of James and Matilda (Benge) Buffington, born February 10, 1833. He was a member of Company E, First Cherokee Mounted Rifles, under Captain Joseph F. Thompson. Mr. Miller died February 26, 1897. They were the parents of William Walter Miller, born July 20, 1853. He married March 16, 1884 Mary Francis Bishop, born April 7, 1863 in Decater County, Indiana; and they were the parents of Charles William, Henry Mayes, Joseph Gambold, David Andrew, Matilda Ann, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. DeWitt Wilson

(See Grant, Downing, Adair, Daniel and Wilson) DeWitt Clinton, son of Anderson Springston and Nancy Catherine (Daniel) Wilson was born January 7, 1859. Educated in the Cherokee National schools. Married June 25, 1885 Mary Ellen, daughter of Dr. Walter Thompson and Mary Buffington (Adair) Adair, born November 1, 1864. She graduated from the Cherokee National Female Seminary June 29, 1881 and Kirkwood 1883. They are the parents of: Lelia Stapler, born September 26, 18,99, and Clinton Wilson, born January 5, 1893. Lelia Stapler Wilson, who is an accomplished musician, is the wife of Leon L. Leslie. Nannie Catherine Daniel, born … Read more

Treasurers of the Cherokee Nation

The office of treasurer was provided for by article four, section twenty one of the constitution, as follows: “The treasurer of the Cherokee Nation shall be chosen by a joint vote of both branches of the National Council for the term of four years.” The annual salary was fixed on October 4, 1839 at five hundred dollars. David Vann 1839, 1843, 1847 and 1851; Lewis Ross 1855 and 1859: Springfrog 1867, he died and Clement Neeley Vann was elected in November 1870; Dennis Wolf Bushyhead 1871 and 1875; De Witt Clinton Lipe November 11, 1879; Henry Chambers 1883; Robert Bruce … Read more

Supreme Court of the Cherokee Nation

The powers and prerogatives of the judiciary of the Cherokee Nation is given in the thirteen sections of article five of the constitution and “The Judges of the supreme court shall each be allowed three dollars per day, while in service in holding court.” 1839. John Martin, Chief Justice, Reverend Jesse Bushyhead and four other unknown associates. Elected by Constitutional convention. 1844. Rev. Jesse Bushyhead, Chief Justice, vice John Martin, died October 17, 1840, and Judge Bushyhead died July 17, 1844. George Hicks elected Chief Justice October 11, 1844 vice Bushyhead. Associated Justices. Thomas Pegg, Moses Parris and David Carter, … Read more

Sheriffs of the Cherokee Nation

Sheriffs of Canadian District 1841 and 1843. James Mackey; James Ore 1845; Josiah Reese 1847; John Shepherd Vann 1849; James Starr 1851; Nelson Riley 1853; Joseph M. Reese 1855; John Porum Davis 1857; Charles Drew 1859; Unknown 1861; Charles Drew 1867; John Q. Hayes 1869 and 1871; Stand Watie Gray’ 1873; Thomas Jefferson Bean 1875 and 1877, he was suspended and Henry Clay Lowrey was appointed April 16, 18 79; McCoy Smith, 1879, William Mosley West 1881; Stand Watie Gray 1883, he was suspended and William Vann, appointed June 20, 1884; William Vann 1885, 1887, 1889 and 1891; John Calhoun … Read more

Senators of the Cherokee Nation

Senators from the Canadian District 1841. Captain William Dutch- and the other one unknown. 1843. Captain William Dutch and Joseph Tally. Both resigned. 1844. John Shepherd and Nelson Riley, vice Dutch and Talley, resigned. 1845. James Mackey and William Shorey Coody. The latter was elected President of the Senate. 1847. Captain William Dutch and William Shorey Coody. The latter died April 16, 1849. 1849. Josiah Reese and Lightningbug Bowles. 1851. David Boggs and Nelson Riley. 1853. David Boggs and Teesee Guess. 1855. John Drew and Lightningbug Bowles. 1857. John Drew and William Doublehead. 1859. Joseph Abalom Scales and Daniel Coody. … Read more

Judges of the Cherokee Nation

Judges of Canadian District 1841. John Brewer; 1843. Robert G. Anderson; 1847. Nelson Riley; George Washington Campbell; 1849. William Reese. 1851. Lewis Riley; 1853. William Reese; 1855. Star Deer in the water; 1857. Dempsey Fields; 1859. William Doublehead; 1861. James Ore; 1867 and 1869. Joseph Martin Hildebrand; 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879 and 1881. Abraham Woodall; 1883 and 1885. Stephen Hildebrand; 1887 and 1889. Henry Clay Lowrey 1891 and l893. Herman Johnson Vann; 1895. Walter Scott Agnew 1897. Herman Johnson Vann Judges of Cooweescoowee District 1855. Not known; 1857. John Lucien Brown; 1857. Charles Coody Rogers; 1861. Jackson Tyner; 1867 … Read more