Nipmuc Indian Chiefs and Leaders

Nanepashemet. A Nipmuc chief of considerable note in the early days of the Massachusetts colonies. His home was in Medford, Middlesex county, near Mystic pond. His house, it is said, unlike others, was elevated on a scaffold about 6 ft above the ground, on a hill, at the bottom of which was his fort. He was killed about 1619. His widow, who subsequently married Webcowit, assumed the chieftaincy and was known as the Squawsachem of the Nipmuc. He left 5 children, one known as Sagamore James became sachem of Saugus; another, the sachem of Winnesimet.

Tom Nepanet. A Christian Nipmuc, the faithful and valued friend of the Massachusetts colonists during the King Philip war in the 17th century. The English, desirous of negotiating with the enemy for the release of certain white captives, chose Nepanet as their emissary, and although confined with others on all island in Boston harbor, he consented to undertake the mission. He started for the Indian camp, Apr. 12, 1676, and although unsuccessful in the first attempt, it was chiefly through his initiative and subsequent efforts that the family of Mr. Rowlandson and other prisoners were finally released. It was also through his aid that a party of Englishmen under Capt. Henchman were enabled to surprise a body of the enemy at Weshakom pond, near Lancaster, Mass., in May, 1676.

The books presented are for their historical value only and are not the opinions of the Webmasters of the site.   Handbook of American Indians, 1906

Index of Tribes or Nations


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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