New Jersey Indians – T Surnames

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

Tachthochear. Indian deed, Dec. 10, 1737, to Jurian Thomase, of Bergen county, yeoman, and Adrian A. Post, of Essex County, baker, for the bottom of the River Passaic, a little piece above where the bridge formerly lay over the river. E. J. Deeds, Lib. 2, p. 158.

Taepan or Taepgan, Oragnap, Mansiem, Wickwam, Rookham, Paakek, Siekaak, and others, Sachems of Mininssing, 230. Indian deed, June 6, 1695. For extensive tracts at and near Pompton.

Taghkospeno of Tappaan, and nine or ten others. Indian deed, July 10, 1657, for Staten Island. O Callaghan’s New Netherland, II. , 575.

Taghquekom. 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Talaman. See Capoose.

Tallaca ( Nackoniakene, Queickolen and Notthorn on, witnesses). Indian deed, April 12, 1684, “with the consent of the neighborhood at Pensaukin,” for lands at that place. Hist. Burlington and Mercer Counties, 1883, p. 292.

Tallquapie, Tollquapie, and three others, 141. Indian deed, Oct. 29, 1701. For tract on east side of the North branch of the Rariton River, along Machcopoiken’s land, N. W. to the mountains above Pechpeck and E. along the mountains to the Blew Hills.

Tallquapie, Nicholas, Elalie, Merchant. Indian deed, October 29, 1701, for lands on branches of the North Branch of the Raritan. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery, 57.

Tamack, 7. Indian deed, July 20, 1668. See Anaren.

Tamage, 18. Indian deed, Feb. 28, 1671-2. See Capatamine.

Tamaque. a beaver. Heckewelder.

Tantaqua, 7. Indian deed, July 20, 1668. See Anaren. P. 1 8. Indian deed, Feb. 28, 1671-2. See Capatamine. P. 97. Indian deed, Nov. 29, 1686. See Hanyaham.

Tantaque, or Jasper. At Bergen or Gemoenepan, in 1680. See Journal of Bankers and Sluyter, in L. I. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, I., 268. See Tantaqua. Tanteguas.

Tanteguas, a Sakamaker of the Hackensacks, in 1678. Indians of N. J., 110.

Tapan. Indian deed, Sept. 3, 1714. See Papejeco.

Tapashito, 424. Indian deed, June 24, 1688. See Molhunt.

Tapehaw. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701. See Tapehou.

Tapehaw. Indian deed, July 29, 1702. See Tapehow.

Tapehou “Sakemaw and Commander-in-Chief of all those Indians inhabiting the north part what the English call the Jersies, and also natural proprietor in com pany with several others my relations hereinafter named I Japekow in quality as above” and with Rarawaken, Wawejaik, Pequacheak, Powas, Non-zieckim, Owonomus, Orandawaco. Signed Tapehaw, Mansinim, Wauxyash, Nachpong, Wauweguponge, Washorkeheen, Pequehohup, Wawakerewanan, Mohing, Waypeka, Oranddaqua, Nomaquwaken, Mochsay, Neckachtqua. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701, to Edward Earle, Jr., Theophilus Pierson, Jasper Crane, George Harrison, John Harrison, of Elizabethtown, John Morris, Eliphalet Johnson, John Cooper, Robert Young, Daniel Bodd and William Brant, for tract in West Jersey at a place “in our tongue called by the name Meehiponing on the run south of the south branch of Pessayaeck River beginning at the mouth of said Meehiponing River and so up said river surrounding as it runs until it comes to or near the Mine Mountain,” etc., to “a brook called in our tongue by the name of Sacconothainge,” etc., to “said river where it bears the name Poquapock.” W. J. Deeds, Lib. O, p. 145.

Tapehow “Sakimow and Commander-in-Chief of those Indians inhabiting what the English calls the north part of the Jersies,” together with Wawejask, Wasconhtow, Nieshawand, Toweckwa, Manshim, and Onachponguam. Signed Tapehaw, Manshim, Waskonahtaw, Onachpong, Materas, Waweyask, Pomiechowar, Nieshaw, Towchwa, with others, friends and relations. Indian deed, July 29, 1702, to Edward Earle, Jr., of the town of Bergen, yeoman, for “tract in West New Jersey as the English calls it, beginning at the Reckawak River a little below Rechawak; thence to Mochwipponing River and down said river until it comes to the mouth of Rechawak River,” etc. W. J. Deeds, Lib. M, p. 555.

Tapeshaw, “Sakemore and Commander in Chief of all those Indians inhabiting the North part of what the English call the Jerseys.” Indian deed, December 31, 1701, for tract of land called Mehipaning, “on the West side of the South branch of Pasaeck River.” N. J. Archives, XV., 532.

Tapeshaw. Indian deed, July 29, 1702, for tract of land on Rachaneack and Mackwhippaning rivers. N. J. Archives, XV., 533.

Tapeshaw, “commander in Chief of all the Indians inhabiting what the English call the North part of the Jerseys.” Indian deed, March 23, 1703-4, for a “Tract of Land on the East side of Passaic river and behind the Mountains called the blue hills.” N. J. Archives, XV., 532.

Tapgow, Manisem, Wauyasteen, Woerantaghquey, Watehpogtaen, Kaanserein, Washenoa, Nathpoenckque, Perketeecka, Niesquawende, Veraggeppe, Quiek-quaaren, Anennath, Mataro, Sarqueeeawee, Mintagetquis, Sagnhoora. Signed Topgow, Mattsom, Sacqueerawe, Kagno-Onnen, Waskoena, Nachoenkquy. Indian deed, May 1, 1701, to Garbrant Clausen, Hans Spyer, Hessell Pyetersen, Jan Spyer, Ellias Franyen, Christopher Stenniss, Andrew Lowerens, Symon Vanness, Garret Vanhoven, for tract at a place called Merronackque, hence running along the foot of the hills southwesterly to a place called Sendawing, thence along said line to a place called Menquackqua, thence westerly to Pesawick River, from thence to the beginning. W. J. Deeds, Lib. O. p. 149

Taphaow. Indian deed, March __, 1701-2. See Loantique.

Taphaow, Weyarawaghheyn, Konjuring, Hamemohakun, Ourapakomun, Paymell, Knoshieoway, Mohuscowungie (in the original Mokowisguanda). Maghpeta, Mokowuquarule and Owramokan, Signed Mahagpeta, Wakaghshum, Weyarawoghhecum. witness Tetgwambes, Nihcowen, Quiqvonde, Neshowwan. Indian deed, dated at Elizabethwown, Aug. 13, 1708 for “tract of land called by the Indians Maksetacahung.” (in the original, Mackseta Cohunge). (Tract at the Blue Hills, called New Britain, extending from near Morristown to Bound Brook.) E. J. Deeds, Lib 1, p. 210. Original in N.J, Historical Society.

Taphome, in Indian deed, May 9, 1710. See Memerescum.

Taphow. Indian deed, March __, 1701-2. See Loantique.

Tapionawikon. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Taptawappamund, Tawapung. Indian deed, August 24, 1674. See Metappeas.

Tashiowycam and Wyannattamo. Accused of murdering two dutchmen on Matiniconk Island, at Brulington, September 1671, N.Y. Col. Docs. XLL, 484; N.J. Archives, 1., 73.

Tatamoekho, 395. Indian deed. Sept. 27, 1677. See Mohocksey.

Tawagkis (witness), 17. Indian deed. May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Tawakwhekon. Debtor to the estate of John Bowne, of Mattawan, April 9, 1710. N.J. Archives, XXIII, 53.

Tawapung. Indian deed. August 24, 1674. See Matappeas.

Tawawoino. Indian deed. June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Tawhaman. Indian deed, June 20, 1703. See Nanhamman.

Teanish. Indian deed, Sept. 10, 1745, to John Burr of Burlington County, for lands between the Swimming River and Ancocus Creek “which remains unslod by my father Metremickin alias King Charles, and my brother Osolowhema, late of said county deceased.” Conveys cedar swamp called Harda Swamp; also the lower end of the cedar swamp called Ettlomoquaoing. W. J. Deeds, Lib. IK p. 71.

Teanish Monhoman, son of Mekemickon, alias King Charles. Indian deed, Nov. __, 1749, to John Burr, of Philadelphia, for tract of land between Northampton River alias Ancocus Creek and branches there of and Little Egg Harbor. W. J. Deeds, Lib. O. p. 172.

Teaunis. Deed, October 8, 1740. See Opollonwhen.

Teedyescung, or Tadeuskund. King of the Delawares in 1755-63; born near Trenton about 1700. Indians of N. J., 97-98.

Teedyescunk, King of the Delawares, George Hopayock from the Susqttehannas, etc. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758, to trustees appointed by the Indians to sell to commissioners appointed by the Legislature of New Jersey the Indian claims to New Jersey, pursuant to treaty made between the Indians and the whites, Feb. 20-23, 1758, at Crosswicks. W. J. Deeds, Lib. O, p. 401. Quit-claim deed from the Indian trustees to Governor Bernard and the N. J. commissioners, Sept. 12, 1758. W. J. Deeds, Lib. O, p. 458.

Teedyescunk, King of the Delawares, George Hopaijock from the Susquehanna, Ben Claus, Jo Wooley, Josiah Store, James Calvin, Peter Calvin, Dirick Quaquay, Ebenezar Wooley, the widow of Quiquahalah, Sarah Store, to whom their respective husbands had given their estate, Edward Wooley, George Wheelwright, Joseph Cuish, Will Loulax, Gabriel Mitop, Zeb Conckee, Bill News, John Pombolus, Tom Evans, Robert Keekott, Jacob Mullis, Abraham Loques, Isaac Swauela. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758, to Tom Store, Moses Totamy, Stephen Calvin, Isaac Stelle and John Pumpshire, to convey in their behalf the Indian rights in New Jersey, excepting the rights of the Minnisink and Pompton Indians, to commissioners appointed by the Legislature of New Jersey, and in pursuance of a treaty concluded at Crosswicks, Feb. 20-23, I 7S&-E. J. Deeds, Lib. 12, p. 45. Deed from said attorneys in fact to the commissioners, for said lands, Sept. 12, 1758. E. J. Deeds, Lib. 12, p. 85.

Tekwappo. Indian deed, July 12, 1630. See Arromeauw.

Temeny. See Alpoongan.

Temris of Gweghongh. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo.

Tepgaw and other Indians (not named). Indian deed, May i, 1701, for lands at Horseneck. N. J. Archives, XV., 533. See Tapgow.

Tepgaw a full-grown hedgehog.

Teptaopamun, 422. Indian deed, March 30, 1688. See Hoham.

Teshmokamm. Indian deed, March 14, 1744-5. See Queehloe.

Tessiocon, 424. Indian deed, June 24, 1688. See Molhunt.

Tetakomes. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Quenamaka.

Tetgwambes (witness). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow.

Therinques, I. Indian deed, Jan. 10, 1658. See Bomokan.

Thetochhulun. Indian deed, Sept. 16, 1709. See Amegatha.

Thingorawis. Indian deed, September 14, 1677. See Conackamack.

Thingorawis. Indian deed, September 14, 1677. See Canackamack.

Tichewokamin, “King.” Indian deed, March 14, 1744-5. See Loantique.

Timmecole. Indian deed, 16th 9th mo., 1674. See Wassakorois, whose son he was.

Tiptaopaman, 422. Indian deed, April 9, 1688. See Hoeham.

Tockney. Indian deed, November 10, 1714. See Nowenock.

Tohonem. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Tokung, Tokuny. Indian deed, May 10, 1710. See Nowanike.

Tolomhon. Indian deed, Oct. n, 1701. See Hapehucquona.

Tolomhon, 155. Indian deed, July 10, 1703. See Hapehucquoxa.

Tontomohikon. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Topgow. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow.

Topheom. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Tophouw. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Topphow. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Naweenak.

Topponickon. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Torocho, 559. Indian deed, 7th of 9th mo. 1675. See Mohccksey, Mohawksey.

Tospecsmick, 7. Indian deed, Oct. 4, 1665. See Machierick Hitock.

Totamy, Moses. Indian power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk; see also Smith’s N. J., 443.

Touwithwitch. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sher ikham.

Towachkack. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Towchwa. Indian deed, July 29, 1702. See Tapehow.

Toweckwa. Indian deed, July 29, 1702. See Tapehow.

Turantecos. Indian deed, June 7, 1677. See Querameck.

Tutalayo. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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