New Jersey Indians – S Surnames

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

Sacarois. Indian deed, 16th 9th mo., 1674. Apparently a contraction of Wassakorois, which see.

Saccatorey, 559. Indian deed, Nov. 7, 1675. See Allowayes.

Sackarois, Sackares, “Indian sachem and true owner of Mattitembe and several other parcels of land there unto adjacent.” Indian deed, December 10, 1674. Signed also with the mark of Sackarois son. An other deed, from same, same day, is also signed with the mark of Sackarois wife. No name is given to either wife or son. E, J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, p. 75, back.

Sackatois. Mentioned in Indian deed, 23d 11th mo., 1676. (Same as Sackarois.)

Sackwomeck. Indian deed, July 12, 1630. See Arromeauw.

Sacqueerawe. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow.

Saghkow, I. Indian deed, January 10, 1658. See Bomokan.

Sagnhoora. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow.

Sagtew, Saghtew, 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Sakamoy, Saquemoy, “and other Indian Sackimackers,” 424. Indian deed, April 30, 1688, to Adlord Bowde, for Gov. Daniel Coxe, tract from Stephants Creek on the N. side of Dellaware Bay to Petequeick Creek or nixt Creek, W. of Little Egg Harbour, etc.

Sames, i. Indian deed, Jan. 10, 1658, See Bomokan.

Saphoc. Indian deed, March 14, 1744-5. See Loantique.

Saphow. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Menaukahickon.

Sarqueeeawee. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow.

Sasakaman, Nouxpecoshot and Wendamkamon, Indian sachems. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713, to Colonel Daniel Coxe, for lands on Delaware River, bounded on the north with land late Matamycas, on the lower side of Moskonetcong einde. Signed Sas-akaman, Wawopekeshot and Wenacanikoman. W. J. Deeds, Lib. BBB, p. 144.

“Moskonetcong einde” see Menaukahickon, and Quenamaka.

Sasakomau. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Menauk ahickon. Seaheppee and Irooseke, sachems, 65. Indian deed, April 3, 1678, to Jacob Truax for a certain tract of land. (Probably in Monmouth County.) Seapeckne. Indian deed, Aug. 24, 1674. See Matappeas.

Secane. Mentioned in Campanius s New Sweden (Memoirs Hist. Soc. Pa., III., 115). Secatareus. Mentioned in Campanius’s New Sweden (Memoirs Hist. Soc. Pa., III., 115). Sekappie, 395. Indian deed, Sept 10, 1677. See Katamas.

Sennachus. Indian deed, April 23, 1680. See Wewanapo.

Seowcghamin, Seweggkamin, “alias Hans Weghwewenim,” 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Sepeconah. Indian deed, 23d nth mo., 1676. See Matapeeck.

Sepequena (Seapeckne). Indian deed, August 24, 1674. See Matappeas.

Sereckham. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Seskiquoy. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey.

Sesrigkam, 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Sessom, in Indian deed, 1667. See Wapamuck.

Seuakhenos. Signed to Indian deed, Oct. 28, 1664, for Elizabethtown. N. J. Archives, I., 17.

Sewapierinom, 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow.

Sewecbromb, 74. Indian deed, Oct. 30, 1684. See Canandus.

Seweckronek, Mindowaskein, Canundus, and Wewonapee. Indian deed, October 30, 1684, for lands between Elizabethtown west bounds, Bound Brook, the Minisink Path, and Passaick River. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery, 56-57.

Shacanum, 559. Indian deed, 7th of 9th mo. 1675. See Mohocksey. Mohawksey.

Shaphae. Indian deed, March 14, 1744-5. See Queehloe.

Shappeara, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abozaweramud.

Shapundaqueho, 73. Indian deed, March 20, 1684-5. See Ishavekak.

Shawk-a-num and Et-hoe, “Brethren and Indian Proprietors of that parcel of land known to the Indian Natives by the name of Ca-ta-nun-gut,” etc. Indian deed, 25th of 4th mo., 1683, for lands on Greattree Creek and Cohanzey River (Greenwich township, Cumberland County). Hist. Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties, 1883, p.

Shawsuna. Indian deed, March 30, 1688. See Hoham.

Shenocktos. Indian deed, for addition to the Newark tract, March 13, 1677-8. Newark Town Records, 281.

Shenolape (Shenolope), Sachem of Changororas. Indian deed, June 10, 1677. See Cuahiccon. Indian deed, Aug. 12, 1677. See Janatan.

Shenolope. Indian deed, June 10, 1677. See Arahiccon.

Sheoppy, Sehoppy. Was to have succeeded Ockanickon as king, at Burlington, but secretly advised the doctor not to cure Ockanickon, who therefore “refused him to be king” after him. Smith’s N. J., 149; Budd’s Penna. and N. J., 64.

Sherikham, Memereskum, Manawayrum, Sipham, Merickanaipugh (signed Maiskanapulig), Waparent, Rawantagwaywoahg, Mayawakum, Apinamough, Touwithwitch, RaGolin (Memereskum’s son), Topheom (signed Tophouw). Indian deed, Nov. 1 8, 1709, to John Abineau, Elias Boudinot and Peter Fauconier, of New York City, and Lucas Kiersted, of New Jersey, for a tract of land beginning at a spring called Assenmaykapulig, being the northernmost head of the spring of a river called in Indian Perampscapuss; thence southerly down the east side of said river to where a small creek or rivulet coming from the “westward called Raikghwaik falls into the river about sixteen miles distant from the above said spring more or less; thence northwesterly by a great rock or stone called Pammaikaipuka, etc., to Mangcum, etc.” (The Ramapo tract, in the northern part of Bergen County.) Witness Genemay Nemow, her mark. E. J. Deeds, Lib. I, p. 319.

Shochanam, 573. Indian deed, 20th d. 6th mo. 1681. See Etthunt.

Shopawa. Indian deed, Nov. 1, 1714. See Namaliskont

Sickajo, 424. Indian deed, June 24, 1688. See Molhunt.

Siekaak (see Paakek), 230. Indian deed, June 6, 1695. See Taepgan. Indians of N. J., 112.

Sietey. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Sipham. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham.

Sipheme-Rawantaques. Indian deed, May 9, 1710. See Memerescum.

Soaltus. Indian deed, Nov. 28, 1701. See Wiequahila.

Sopon, “the mark of Papejecop in behalf of Sopon.” Indian deed, Sept. 3, 1714. See Papejeco.

Squahicken. Indian deed, June 20, 1703. See Nanhamman.

Succolana, 440. Indian deed, June 4, 1683. See Manhauxitt.

Suckey. Indian deed, Nov. 28, 1701. See Wiequahila.

Supa Patonarum, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abozaweramud.

Swauela, Isaac. Indian power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk.

Swampy, Swanpis. Was to have succeeded Ockanickon as king, at Burlington, but was “given more to drink, than to take notice of his words,” and there fore Ockanickon “refused him to be king” after him. Smith’s N. J., 149; Budd s Penna. and N. J. 64.

Swanamemigh (a witness), 440. Indian deed, June 9, 1683. See Manhauxitt.

Sweikkon, Squekkon, 424. Indian deed, April 30, 1688. See Sakamoy.

Sycakeska. Agreement, Dec. , 1663. See Matanoo.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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