New Jersey Indians – C Surnames

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

Cacanakque, in Indian deed, 1667. See Wapamuck.

Calkanicha. King of the Delawares. See History of New Sweden, by Thomas Campanius Holm, in Memoirs of Hist. Soc. of Penn., III., 135. In Smith’s History of N. J. the name is given as Ockanickon, and the other names mentioned in connection with his are given as Iakhursoe and Sheoppy. Campanius gives them as Jahkiosol and Schoppie. See Ockanickon.

Camoins (Winfield gives it as Cauwins, which is improbable). Indian deed, Nov. 22, 1630. See Ackitoauw.

Canackamack, Capatamin and Thingorawis. Indian deed, September 14, 1677, in the presence of Emerus, Sachem of Navesinks, Queramack, Eramky, “and other Indians as Witnesses thereto,” for a tract of land beginning at a Place called Matockshegan or Kent’s Neck, upon the Raritan River,” etc. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery, 52.

Canandus and three others of Essex county, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 30, 1684, for tract on Nolum Mehegam or Wawhahewany Creek near Stephen Osburn’s land, along the Minisink Path and Wickakicke Creek; also for a tract near Piscataway Bound Brook.

Cancheris. Indian deed, Sept. 1 6, 1709. See Amegatha.

Canundus. Indian deed, October 30, 1684. See Seweckroneck.

Capatamin. Indian deed, September 14, 1677. See Conackamack.

Capatamin. Indian deed, September 14, 1677. See Canackamack.

Capatamine. Indian deed, Feb. 28, 1671-2, with three others, for the Berry Patent, from Capt. Sandford’s up the Pasayack River, five rods beyond the Warepeake run, thence across to Hackensack River.

Capeteham, a Sakamaker of the Hackensacks, in 1678; Capteham Peelers, witness to the Indian deed for Newark in 1667; a landowner near Lodi in 1671; Captahem, “Indian Sachem and chief,” in 1679; Capesteham, “a Sackamaker of Hackensack,” 1678. Indians of N. J., II0.

Captamin, in Indian deed, July 1 1, 1667. See Wapamuck.

Capenokanickon, Capenikirckon. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Caponeaoconeacn, and two others, “Indian owners,” 156. Indian deed, Oct. 20, 1700. For tract in Mon-mouth County, on north side of Doctor’s Creek, along same to Province line, E. to John Baker, N. E. to Cattailbrock, to Day Island, etc.

Caponockous, Coponnockou, an Indian land owner above Trenton, 1703. Smith s Hist. N. J., 95, 96.

Capoose and Talaman. Indian power of attorney, Jan. 30, 1743-4, to Moses Totamy, for lands on the South Branch of Rariton. Smith s N. J., 443; Penn. Archives, III., 344.

Capt. John, 639. “Awisham, alias Capt. John.” See Awisham.

Carakkoon. Indian deed, Aug. 8. 1700. See Nantzechena.

Carstangh, Karstangh, Kastangh, a Hackensack chief, in 1660, 1663 and 1664. N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII., 180; Indians of N. J., 106, 107, 108.

Carsten Lursen. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Cawackes. Indian deed, March 10, 1702. See Wickwella. (Perhaps from cau-hawuk, or kaak. a wild goose.)

Charaakoon, Charakon, Charakkaon. Indian deed, Au gust 8, 1700. See Nantzechena.

Chechanaham, 559. Indian deed, 7fh of 9th mo., 1675. See Mohocksey, Mohawksey.

Checokas. Indian deed, Feb. 3, 1676. See Porrupha.

Cherawas and Mettkett (Mekekett), owners of a tract of land called Pessesick, west of Swimming river. Indian deed, March 28, 1676. E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, page 66, back.

Chygoe, Indian owner of Burlington Island. Probably a corruption of the name of Peter Jegou, the French innkeeper there.

Cinanthe, Sachem of Tappean, and others. Indian deed, March 17, 1681-2, to Lady Carteret. E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. 4, p. 17.

Coathowe, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abczaweramud.

Cockalalaman. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun.

Cohevwichick, Indian sachem, May 30, 1709. See Mahwtatatt.

Comascoman. Said to have lived on the Musconetcong River; a friend of Quaquahela. Hist. Morris County, 1882, p. 234.

Commoris. Indian deed, May 3, 1677. See Hepihance.

Comshopy. Indian deed, Nov. 28, 1701. See Wiequahila.

Comtcommon. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Conackamack, Capatamin, Thingorawis, “natives and owners of a tract of land” about Woodbridge and Piscataway. Indian deed, September 14, 1677, conveying the same to Gov. Philip Carteret. Beginning at Macaskhegen, or Kent’s Neck, by the Raritan River; mentions a fresh river called by the Indians Saconck, a swamp called by them Maniquescake, a place called Matockshoning, a swamp called Tamaques (by the Indians the Great Swamp). E. J. Deeds, Lib. No. I, p. 88.

Conckee, Zeb. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk.

Conincks of Hooghkonck. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo.

Coninko. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Contomohickon. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy.

Coovang, Maemsey, Rawatones, Anasan, Matachena, Indian owners. Indian deed, July 15, 1679, to Capt. John Berry and Michael Smith, for tract called Aschatking, on Tantaqua Creek. E. J. Deeds, Lib. A, p. 328.

Coovange. Patent, Sept. i, 1686, to Albert Saberiscoe, of Bergen, for 330 acres, “Coovange the Indian s land,” between Hackensack and Sadie Rivers. E. J. Deeds, Lib. A, p. 385.

Copenakoniskon. Indian deed, March 30, 1688. See Hoham.

Cosecoping, 560. Indian deed, Dec. 12, 1699. See Cottenochque.

Cottenochque “and five other Indians,” 560. Indian deed, Dec. 12, 1699. For land between Haunce Otitson on Oldmans Creek, Salem creek and Piles grove.

Cowalanuck. Indian deed, Nov. 19, 1 68 1. See Pawark.

Cowescomen and two others of Staten Island, I. Indian deed, Oct. 28, 1664. For the Elizabethtown tract.

Croppun. Indian deed, April 13, 1671. See Ahwaroeb.

Cuahiccon and Shenolope, Sachemes of Changororas. Indian deed, June 10, 1677. For land at Changororas. (Monmouth County.)

Cuish, Joseph. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. See Teedyescunk.

Cuttencquoh, 440. Indian deed, June 9, 1683. See Manhauxett; and see Cottenochque.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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