Monument To Canesque

Monument To Canesque, A Seneca Chief, Naples, New York

Last Updated on August 22, 2013 by Dennis

Monument To Canesque
Monument To Canesque

At the end of beautiful Canandaigua Lake, one of the Finger Lakes of New York State, in the region of Bare Hill, sacred mountain of the Senecas, rest the bones of an old Seneca Chief. Over his remains stands a stone upon which is the following inscription: “Canesque, Chief of the Senecas at Nundawee Village, who came from the Genesee Reservation in 1794 to die and be buried in his beloved Kiandaga Valley.” As the Mohawks looked at this place they realized that this land, the place from whence the Senecas sprung from Mother Earth, was sacred ground.

Heading north up the beautiful lake the warriors saw a mountain known to the whites as Bare Hill. They knew that they were looking at Gennudewah, sacred mountain of the Senecas. Tradition has it that the Seneca Nation had their origin in this mountain, Gennudewah, near the head of Canandaigua Lake, At the modern village of Canandaigua they saw a small metal marker telling of the sacred hill of the Senecas.

In a small park in the center of the Village of Canandaigua the Mohawk warriors saw a rock upon which was a metal plate. This was the spot where the famous Canandaigua Treaty was held between the Six Nations and the Thirteen Colonies. Treaty Rock.


History, Seneca,

Naples New York,


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