Biography of Edward P. Pitts, M. D.

Edward P. Pitts, M. D.,is a well known specialist at Atchison, where he had practiced as an eye, ear, nose and throat physician and surgeon for fifteen years. He is a native of Virginia and his ancestry for several generations lived in that part of the South. He was born in Northampton County, Virginia, October 13, 1880. This branch of the Pitts family came out of England and settled in Maryland in Colonial times. Doctor Pitts’ grandfather, Edward P. Pitts, was born in Somerset County, Maryland, in 1821, and became a prominent lawyer. He lived at Norfolk, Virginia, where he … Read more

Biography of James McCaskill

JAMES MCCASKILL. This resident of Texas County, Missouri, owes his nativity to Maury County, Tennessee, where he was born February 13, 1854. His parents, William and Mary (Blassingame) McCaskill, were born, reared and married in Giles County, Tennessee They immigrated to Shannon County, Missouri, in 1855, where they entered land and began making a home for themselves and family. Mr. McCaskill served in the Confederacy under “Old Pap” Price during most of the war and was with him in his famous raids through Arkansas and Missouri. He was captured on Pike Creek, Shannon County, but effected his escape and returned … Read more

Biography of William Rayfield

WILLIAM RAYFIELD. This well-known and successful farmer and stock-man of Middle Fork, Reynolds County, Missouri, was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, in 1829, of which State his parents, John and Nancy (King) Rayfield, were also natives. They resided in Kentucky until the subject of this sketch was about one year old, then came by wagon to what is now Reynolds County, Missouri, and were among the very first settlers of this section, and for many years experienced severe hardships and privations, which always fall to the lot of the pioneer. Indians were very numerous in that early day, wild animals … Read more

Biography of Judge Alfred Perry Couch

JUDGE ALFRED PERRY COUCH. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch has always been a potential element in the growth and development of Oregon County, Missouri, and as a representative citizen stands second to none in the county. He was born in what is now known as Couch, in Oregon County, Missouri, November 28, 1842, and is the son of Simpson and Rebecca (Roberts) Couch. It is thought that the father came originally from Virginia, but the family lived in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois, and long years ago, in the thirties, came to Fulton County, Arkansas … Read more

Biography of James A. Ferguson

JAMES A. FERGUSON. This prominent citizen, who is a member of the firm of Ferguson, Lucas & Kennedy, of Willow Springs, and president of the Willow Springs Bank, has been a resident of this city and vicinity since 1871. He was born in Greene County, Tennessee, May 9, 1851, and is a son of William M. and Elizabeth (Hogan) Ferguson, both natives of Tennessee. The grandfather, Alexander Ferguson, was a native of Virginia, but at an early date came to Tennessee. Some of the early members of this family served in the Revolutionary War. The father of our subject came … Read more

Biography of James E. Bunyard

JAMES E. BUNYARD. This gentleman has long been connected with the farming interests of Douglas County, Missouri, and has shown himself to be a thrifty, progressive and energetic agriculturist. He was born in Tennessee March 14, 1845, and in that State both his parents, James and Nancy (Poiner) Bunyard, were also born and reared. The father was a soldier of the Mexican War and died in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1851, having followed the occupation of farming. His wife was born December 8, 1815, a daughter of John Poiner, who died in Missouri. Mrs. Bunyard removed to Arkansas in 1851, and, … Read more

Biography of James Chilton

JAMES CHILTON. This descendant of one of the most prominent families of Shannon County first saw the light of day on the old homestead near Eminence, his birth occurring April 3, 1854. He was but about eight years of age when his father was killed, and he attended the schools in the county until fifteen years of age. After this he commenced farming for himself and has continued this occupation up to the present time. He bought a farm near where his brother Perry now lives, 200 acres, and this he improved and resided on for some time. From there … Read more

Biography of Col. Homer F. Fellows

In these days of money-making, when life is a constant struggle between right and wrong, it is a pleasure to lay before an intelligent reader the unsullied record of an honorable man. To the youthful it will be a useful lesson, an incentive to honest industry. Col. Homer F. Fellows is acknowledged by all to be one of Springfield’s most public-spirited and honorable citizens. He has been largely identified with the public enterprises of that city, is a promoter of its improvements and the real founder of one of the largest mechanical industries in this part of the State. He … Read more

Biography of H. M. Watchorn

H. M. WATCHORN. Among the most noted and enterprising men of the flourishing city of Willow Springs, Missouri, stands the name of H. M. Watchorn, the most efficient and capable mayor of the same. He has made his home in this city since 1883, and during that time his name has been inseparably linked with its progress and development. He is a native of the Emerald Isle, born May 27, 1862, and there grew to mature years and received a part of his education. He came to America with his father, Thomas Watchorn, who is now living on a farm … Read more

Biography of Jacob L. Walker

JACOB L. WALKER. To the honest, pushing, hardworking and enterprising farmer is due the prosperity, wealth and advancement of any community, and to their zeal, energy and integrity will its future prosperity be indebted, as it has been in the past, and among the names that are prominent in agricultural circles is that of Jacob L. Walker, who, in addition to tilling the soil, is most successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits at Mt. View. He was born in what is now Phelps County, Missouri, in 1847, a son of Col. James and Margaret (Love) Walker, who were born in Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Drury Upshaw

DRURY UPSHAW (deceased). Among the early pioneers of Douglas County, Missouri, stands the name of Drury Upshaw, whose advent into this county dated from the year 1838. Earnestly and zealously he labored to subdue the wilderness and by persistent effort gathered around him many of the comforts and conveniences of life. He was a native of Tennessee and a son of Drury Upshaw, who was also a native of that State, and who passed his entire life there. In his native State our subject was married to Miss Frankie Parnue, a native of North Carolina. In 1812 he served in … Read more

Biography of Robert S. Sutton

ROBERT S. SUTTON. This substantial and extremely well-known citizen of Eminence Township, Shannon County, Missouri, has devoted his life to farming and stockraising, and what he does not know about these two branches of human endeavor is hardly worthy of consideration. He owes his nativity to Washington County, Missouri, where he was born in 1858, a son of William J. and Ellen (McClowney) Sutton, natives of Kentucky and Washington County, Missouri, the birth of the former occurring in 1831. When a boy William J. Sutton came with his parents to Washington County, Missouri, where he married and lived until after … Read more

Biography of David B. Young

DAVID B. YOUNG. Ripley County, Missouri, boasts of many prominent citizens who came originally from Tennessee, and among the number is David B. Young, born in Gibson County, near Trenton, June 1, 1850. He was about eight years of age when he came with his father, Benjamin Young, to this county. Subject’s mother died when he was an infant. She was a native of Tennessee, as was also the father. After the death of his first wife Mr. Young married Mrs. Margaret 0. Cole, whose maiden name was Slayton. He died during the war, January 8, 1863, and was in … Read more

Biography of Webb Summers

WEBB SUMMERS, one of the prominent stockmen of Howell County, is a native of Georgia, born in Fannin County, March 3, 1854, to the marriage of Thomas and Mary (Ensley) Summers. The father was a native of North Carolina, but moved to a farm in Georgia and there died before the war. After his death his widow came to Missouri, located in Dent County and from there moved to Howell County in 1874, making her home near West Plains for some time. She now makes her home with her son, Webb, and is comfortable and contented. She was the mother … Read more

Biography of John F. Patterson

JOHN F. PATTERSON. Among the prominent county officials of Ripley County no man is more popular or better fitted for his position than John F. Patterson, the efficient sheriff. He is a native of this county, born October 9, 1848, and has here spent the most of his life, and the people have had every opportunity to judge of his character aud qualifications. They have found him prompt and fearless in the discharge of his duties, trusty and honorable, and fully alive to the duties of his office. His father, George Patterson, was born in Malcomb County, Tennessee, and his … Read more

Biography of James Moore

JAMES MOORE. One of the men who have controlled circumstances in life and commanded success is James Moore, a representative farmer of Reynolds County, Missouri He is a man of advanced ideas and tendencies and is well known all over the county. By industry and good management he has become the owner of 284 acres of land, and he has been exceedingly liberal in his contributions to all charitable and philanthropic causes. Mr. Moore was born in Stokes County, N. C., August 13, 1844, and his parents, William and Polly (Westmoreland) Moore, were natives of the same county and State. … Read more

Biography of Capt. Samuel W. Greer

CAPT. SAMUEL W. GREER. Industry, frugality and honesty were the main principles instilled into the lives of their children by the parents of Capt. Samuel W. Greer. Who can doubt but these principles, which have been adopted by Mr. Greer throughout his career, have had much to do with his success? He was born in Rockingham County, N. C., July 28, 1828. The son of John and Mary Jane (Brown) Greer, natives also of the Old North State. The mother died in that State when our subject was but a boy and the father afterward married Miss Parthenia Tuer. In … Read more

Biography of Milton B. Chandler, M. D.

MILTON B. CHANDLER, M. D. Although young in years, Dr. Milton B. Chandler has made rapid strides in his profession and is classed among the popular members of the healing art in Howell County. He has gained a flattering reputation as a physician and has already built up a patronage complimentary to his ability in the medical profession. He was born in Springfield, Missouri, August 2, 1857, and is a son of William P. Chandler, an old resident of Springfield, who died at the beginning of the late war. The father enlisted in the Eighth Missouri Cavalry and died while … Read more

Biography of Martin Singleton

MARTIN SINGLETON. A well-kept hostelry is a blessing to any community, and this has been found to be the case in the Singleton Hotel of Ava, which is a popular and well-patronized establishment, and is managed in an able manner by Mr. Singleton. He was born in Hamilton County, East Tennessee, April 27, 1847, a son of John and Susanna (Scott) Singleton, who were born in Georgia and Tennessee, respectively, the former being a son of Leonard Singleton, who was one of the early settlers of Tennessee. Upon the removal to Missouri of John Singleton and his wife they settled … Read more

Biography of Rev. George W. Summer

REV. GEORGE W. SUMMER. In addition to looking after the spiritual welfare of his fellows, Rev. George W. Summer is also engaged in tilling the soil in Shannon County, Missouri He was born on Current River, this county, in 1847, to Andrew J. and Adaline (Boyd) Summer, natives of Morgan County, Tennessee, where the father was born in 1815, and the mother some six or seven years later. They came to Shannon County when young and were married here and here spent the rest of their lives, the father dying in August, 1886. He was a member of the Missionary … Read more