Biography of William Proctor, M. D.

WILLIAM PROCTOR, M. D. (deceased), was a physician who always loved knowledge and as a physician was devoted to his profession, careful in his investigations and gave all the time he could find in his busy life to books and periodicals devoted to medicine and surgery. His range of information was broad, and during the many years he pursued the calling of AEsculapius he won a wide reputation and a large practice. He was born in Petersburg, Virginia, in 1826, and died January 10, 1890, when sixty-four years of age. He was a graduate of William and Mary College, of … Read more

Biography of Andrew P. Miller

ANDREW P. MILLER, one of the early pioneers of Douglas County, and son of Dobson Miller (see sketch of Dr. H. M. Miller and J. W. Miller, of Ava), came originally from Tennessee, his birth occurring in Roane County, that State, May 26, 1833. He was about twenty-one years of age when he left the State where he had received his education, and made his way to Missouri, where he has since followed farming. In the year 1862 he enlisted in Company B, of the Home Guards, but about a year later he enlisted in the Missouri State Militia, and … Read more

Biography of S. W. Wilkinson

S. W. WILKINSON. This prominent general merchant of Willow Springs, Missouri, was born in Alton, Illinois, January 6, 1856, son of Simon and Anna (Lea) Wilkinson, both natives of England. The parents came to the United States about 1850 and settled in the Prairie State, where the father followed farming until his death in 1859. The mother is now living in Missouri. Their family consisted of five children, and our subject is the only one now living. S. W. Wilkinson passed his early life in Missouri, whither his mother had moved before the war, and when he was about thirteen … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthias Kenaga

HON. MATTHIAS KENAGA. The occupations to which Mr. Kenaga is devoting his attention are of the utmost importance to any community, and this is especially so in regard to the lumber business, which he is very extensively and successfully carrying on. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1842, but his parents, Abraham and Christina (Sese) Kenaga, were Pennsylvanians, and were taken to Ohio by their parents when young. The mother of the subject of this sketch died when he was an infant, and his father after-ward married Esther Kore, and in 1850 removed to Whitley County, Indiana, where … Read more

Biography of Maj. James A. Melton

The intelligence and ability shown by Maj. Melton as a progressive tiller of the soil, and the interest he has taken in the advancement of measures for the good of Stone County, Missouri, caused him long since to be classed as one of the leading citizens of his section. All that he has achieved or gained has come as the result of his own efforts, and he deserves much credit for the determined way in which he faced and overcame many difficulties. In tracing his genealogy, we find that his ancestors came originally from England, settled in North Carolina, and … Read more

Biography of Elisha E. Frazier

ELISHA E. FRAZIER, the subject of this sketch is one of the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Lincoln Township. He is the son of Dr. Lorenzo Lowe and Hannah (Bryant) Frazier, natives probably of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the former born July 11, 1819, and the latter March 3, 1821. When a boy Dr. Frazier went with his parents to Tennessee, and received a moderate education, but a rather liberal one for that day. On the 9th of July, 1839, he was married to Miss Bryant and later emigrated to Missouri, where he taught school for some time. He … Read more

Biography of D. F. Thompson

D. F. THOMPSON. D. F. Thompson is the very efficient and popular sheriff of Christian County, is a man of energy, enterprise and judgment, and his career has been useful in the best sense of the term. He was born on the Willow Creek battleground, in Greene County, Missouri, October 6, 1857, to the union of William and Mary A. (Heacheam) Thompson, who are now residing at Billings, this county. The parents came originally from Tennessee, the father having been born and reared in Williamson County, of that State, and after reaching the State of Missouri, in 1848, made a … Read more

Biography of John W. Garrett

JOHN W. GARRETT. Howell County, Missouri, is fortunate in her farmers and stockmen, who are, almost without exception, men of energy, thrift and enterprise, and prominent among these is John W. Garrett, who is a native of Overton County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light in 1845. His parents, Jacob and Mary (Chapin) Garrett, were also born in that county, the former in 1819 and the latter in 1821, and were married in the State of their birth. In 1852 the family came by wagon to what is now Howell County and entered a tract of land, which now … Read more

Biography of Rev. Thomas Wright Carpenter

REV. THOMAS WRIGHT CARPENTER. This earnest and effective worker in the cause of Christianity is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, but is none the less a successful and enterprising farmer of Howell Valley, Howell County, Missouri He was born in Scott County, Missouri, in 1824. A son of Cyrus and Nancy (Davis) Carpenter, natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively, but who came to southeast Missouri in 1811, when young, and there experienced the earthquake shock of that period. They married in what is now Scott County, where they spent the rest of their lives, the father dying … Read more

Biography of Capt. Gillum Hopper

CAPT. GILLUM HOPPER. There is no greater pleasure for the hand and pen of the historian or biographer to perform than in recording the life and achievements of a man who, through his own unaided efforts, has secured a comfortable competency and the general acknowledgment of being an honest man and esteemed citizen. Gillum Hopper, whose success in life is the result of honesty, industry and good management on his part, first saw the light in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1841. His parents, Moses and Rebecca (Hicks) Hopper, were natives of Kentucky and Tennessee, respectively, the former born in 1802 … Read more

Biography of David M. James

DAVID M. JAMES. There are few features of business enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable, and a valuable acquisition to the town of West Plains, Missouri, is the establishment of this kind owned and conducted by David M. James. This gentleman owes his nativity to Henry County, Kentucky, where he was born in 1833, a son of Dr. Beverly W. and Matilda (Day) James, natives of the old State of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. When a young man Dr. James removed to Kentucky and was there … Read more

Biography of Hon. William H. Thomas

HON. WILLIAM H. THOMAS. Few families of Douglas County, Missouri, have a higher reputation in all matters of character, intelligence and liberality than the one represented by the name we have just given. For ten years Mr. Thomas has made his home in this county and he now has a fine tract of 160 acres located about eight miles from Willow Springs, and it is highly productive and valuable. He was born in Fayette County, Indiana, June 15, 1840, to the union of Howell and Mary A. (Adams) Thomas, natives of Kentucky and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father left his native … Read more

Biography of G. W. Nokes

G. W. NOKES. It matters little what vocation a man selects as his life occupation so long as it is an honorable one. If he is an honest, upright man, courteous in his intercourse with his fellowmen and possessed of the average amount of energy and business sagacity, he is bound to make his business a financial success. Because the subject of this sketch is possessed of all these requirements, is the chief reason that he has succeeded; because he is above the average in point of natural business qualifications, is the reason he today stands among the best merchants … Read more

Biography of John Welker

John Welker, a prominent notary of Billings, has made his home in that town for over ten years, and his career presents an example of industry, perseverance and good management rewarded by substantial results. Like other representative men of the county, he is a native of the Buckeye State, being born in Stark County May 8, 1838. He has inherited his push and energy from his German ancestors. He is a son of John and Mary (Eply) Welker, and grandson of John Welker, who was born in Pennsylvania of old German stock. The father of our subject was also a … Read more

Biography of James A. Jadwin

JAMES A. JADWIN. It is quite probable that there is not a manin Shannon or the adjoining counties better known than James A. Jadwin, the popular treasurer of this county. He is a native of this State, born in Texas County, September 24, 1854, and is a son of Martin C. and Mary W. (Williams) Jawdin, who were natives of DeKalb County, Tennessee. Martin C. Jadwin came to Missouri when a single man, before he had reached his twenty-first birthday, or about 1844, and was married in Texas County to Miss Williams who had also come here when quite young. … Read more

Biography of James E. Adams

JAMES E. ADAMS. The calling to which Mr. Adams’ attention is devoted is one of the utmost importance to any community and is deserving of liberal patronage from the inhabitants. His well appointed mercantile establishment is located at Varner, and there he also has charge of the interests of “Uncle Sam,” and presides over the post office. He was born in Graves County, Kentucky, October 3, 1838, a son of Jeremiah M. and Hannah (Edens) Adams, who were born in South Carolina and North Carolina October 16, 1798 and June 3, 1802, respectively. In 1819. Mr. Adams went to Graves … Read more

Biography of Hugh K. Chapin

HUGH K. CHAPIN. The primitive occupation of man-farming-has many noble and successful votaries in Howell County, Missouri, but none who deserves more honorable mention than Hugh K. Chapin, who is also quite extensively engaged in stockraising in South Fork Township. He was born in the county in which he now lives September 10, 1852, a son of John A. and Sarah (Kyle) Chapin, and was the eldest of their five sons and two daughters, the other members being Paul Stillman, a farmer of Howell County; John O., also of this county; Hiram, who died at the age of twenty years, … Read more

Biography of George B. Gideon

GEORGE B. GIDEON. George B. Gideon, at present deputy circuit clerk of Christian County, Missouri, has been a resident of this county all his life and the people have had every opportunity to judge of his character and qualifications. He was born on the old farm, in this county, October 10, 1862, and here grew to manhood and received his education. When starting out for himself he followed teaching for some time in this county, and also in Texas, where he resided for about four years. After this he enlisted in the regular United States service, in 1885, and, after … Read more

Biography of John E. Ball

JOHN E. BALL. One of the progressive farmers of Howell County, Missouri, is John E. Ball, who was born in Abbeville District, S. C., in 1850, a son of James Wilburn and Mary (Mosley) Ball, who were born in the Palmetto State November9, 1817 and 1807, respectively. About 1859 they came to what is now Clay County, Arkansas, by wagon, and there the remainder of their lives were spent, she dying in 1865 and he in 1872. They were farmers by occupation and for some time during the Civil War the father of the subject of this sketch served in … Read more

Biography of John Thomas Pool

JOHN THOMAS POOL. This successful farmer and stock dealer of Howell County, Missouri, owes his nativity to Humphreys County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light in 1833. His parents, Joel and Sarah Ann (Thomas) Pool, were worthy people, and the father died in Humphreys County, Tennessee, before the subject of this sketch was born. When he was about one year old, he was brought by his mother to Howell County, Missouri, after her marriage with Matthew A. McCammon, and in this section the rest of their lives were spent. They died some years after the close of the Civil … Read more