Biography of George M. Follett

GEORGE M. FOLLETT. The creditable condition of business life in West Plains, Missouri, is due in a great extent to the enterprise, energy and intelligence of her prominent merchants and manufacturers. Among these may be mentioned the firm of Holt & Follett, manufacturers. George M. Follett was born and reared just outside of the city of New York, his birth occurring February 25, 1852, son of D. B. and Eliza (Mason) Follett. The father was a farmer and resided on the Delaware River. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth on the old home farm and received but limited educational … Read more

Biography of George W. Osburn, M. D.

GEORGE W. OSBURN, M. D. The life of the popular, successful physician is one of incessant toil, self-denial and care, yet all true followers of the “healing art” strive to attain prominence in their profession, regardless of added burdens which will rest upon their shoulders. Such a man is George W. Osburn, who was born in Gwinnett County, Ga., November 15, 1841, a son of Ectyl and Cynthia (Nelson) Osburn (see sketch of Dr. M. H. Osburn). George W. attended the common schools of Georgia, was brought up to the healthy and useful life of the farmer, and when the … Read more

Biography of Judge Matthew K. Arnyx

JUDGE MATTHEW K. ARNYX. This gentleman is descended from good old Irish stock, for on the green Isle of Erin his paternal great-grandparents were born, but they afterward became residents of this country prior to the Revolutionary War, in which struggle the great-grandfather participated as a member of the Colonial Army. For many generations back the family have devoted their attention to tilling the soil, and this occupation was successfully carried on by Matthew Arnyx, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, who was a Virginian by birth. Preston Arnyx, father of Judge Matthew K. Arnyx, was born in … Read more

Biography of William C. Morrison

WILLIAM C. MORRISON. This gentleman is the efficient collector of Ozark County, Missouri, a position he has held since 1889, and from 1887 to 1888 he discharged the duties of county assessor. He owes his nativity to the Blue Grass State, his birth occurring in Barren County, June 10, 1842, his parents, Joseph S. and Nancy J. (Low) Morrison, being also natives of that State. The paternal grandfather, Steptoe Morrison, was a native of the Palmetto State, but was an early emigrant to Barren County, Kentucky, and later to Arkansas, in which State he spent his last days. Solomon Low, … Read more

Biography of William E. McDowell

WILLIAM E. McDOWELL. Given the ordinary average of intelligence and good judgment’ and a fair education, any man may make a success in the avenues of trade. In the profession of law he must be endowed with superior intelligence and have gone through years of careful study and training to be able to cope with the brilliant minds which do honor to the bench and bar. William E. McDowell, attorney at law, of Galena, Missouri, is a gentleman of well-known ability and one who is an ornament to the profession. He is a native of Stone County, born one mile … Read more

Biography of John C. Chilton

JOHN C. CHILTON. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits; for the same reason we collect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone; to do this we are ashamed only to publish to the world the history of those whose lives are unworthy of public record. By the introduction of an admirable system of local biography every man, though he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the … Read more

Biography of L. G. Eblen

L. G. EBLEN. Coming to Howell County, Missouri, when ten years of age, L. G. Eblen has since made for himself an honored position among the repre-sentative men of the county, and has been closely identified with many of its best interests. He is at present the county collector and his reputation is not merely local, but extends over a wide stretch of country. Mr. Eblen is a native of Tennessee, born in Weakley County, July 17, 1859, and the fourth in order of birth of seven children born to Isaac and Sarah (Harvey) Eblen. The elder Eblen was born … Read more

Biography of William Charles Lochmoeller

William Charles Lochmoeller, practicing at the bar of St. Louis, belongs to that class of men whose records are in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is not without honor save in his own country, for Mr. Lochmoeller has won a creditable place as an attorney in the city where his birth occurred. His natal day was May 17, 1888, his parents being William H. and Amelia (Roenteldt) Lochmoeller. The father was born in St. Louis, where the family was established at an early day, and was of German descent. During his active life he was successfully engaged … Read more

Biography of Ira I. Cammack

Ira I. Cammack, who has devoted the greater part of his life to educational work, has done valuable service in the capacity of superintendent of schools in Kansas City, which position he still holds. He was born at Deming, Hamilton county, Indiana, on the 16th of February, 1858, his parents being James and Edith J. Cammack, who were pioneer settlers of eastern Indiana, taking up their abode in Randolph county. They held birthright membership in the Friends church and were prominently identified therewith throughout their entire lives. The father brought the first steam sawmills to central Indiana. Joseph Pearson, the … Read more

Biography of Edmund P. Melson

The magnificent structure owned by the Missouri State Life Insurance Company is the tangible evidence of the business ability and organizing powers of Edmund P. Melson, who established the corporation that finds its concrete embodiment in a building which is an adornment to St. Louis. He was for many years identified with insurance interests, his work finding its culmination in the organization and direction of what is today one of the strong and reliable insurance companies of the United States. Mr. Melson is one of Missouri’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Rails county, October 29, 1866, and be … Read more

Biography of Louis S. Rephlo

Louis S. Rephlo, mayor of Jefferson City for the years 1919 and 1920 and a recognized leader in political circles in the state, was born December 20, 1880, in the city which is still his home, his parents being Frank H. and Josephine A. (Haar) Rephlo, who were likewise natives of Missouri. The father was for many years a merchant of Jefferson City and one of its leading business men. He never took an active part in public affairs but was identified with all movements to better the city and promote its substantial growth and improvement. Louis S. Rephlo was … Read more

Biography of David Langton Grey

David Langton Grey, a certified public accountant of St.. Louis, is a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, his birth having there occurred August 22, 1875, his parents being John Edward Ogilvie and Lydia Margaret (Gavin) Grey. In the acquirement of his education, he attended George Watson’s College, and afterward entered the Edinburgh University, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893, thus becoming well qualified for life’s practical and responsible duties. He started upon his business career in the same year, in connection with the firm of A. &. J. Robertson of Edinburgh, with whom he continued until 1901. … Read more

Biography of Otto E. Janzow

Among those men who confine their activities to the real estate field and have won success in handling and managing property interests is Otto E. Janzow, of St. Louis, who was born in Lewiston, Minnesota, February 22, 1877. His father, Charles L. Janzow, now deceased, came to the new world from Usedom, Pomerania, Germany, when but five years of age. He entered the ministry of the Lutheran church and was engaged in pastoral work from 1883 until 1911. He married Wilhelmina Miller in St. Louis and they became the parents of three sons and four daughters, Otto E. being the … Read more

Biography of Everett Paul Griffin

Everett Paul Griffin was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the son of Trumbull Dorrance Griffin and Mary Philomena (Davis) Griffin. His father was born at Clinton, New York, in 1835, on an estate purchased by his grandfather from George Washington in 1790. He was of colonial stock, his ancestors having settled in Massachusetts and Connecticut prior to 1700. He served with bravery and distinction as first lieutenant of the Chicago Board of Trade Battery throughout the Civil war, being seriously wounded at the battle of Stone River, but recovering in time to participate in the battle of Chickamauga … Read more

Biography of William E. Ellington

William E. Ellington is at. the head of one of the leading productive industries at Kansas City as senior partner in the Ellington-McCarthy Motor Company. He was born in Homer, Louisiana, April 11, 1882, a son of William H. and Rebecca (Jordan) Ellington. The father, a native of Georgia, became the owner of a sugar plantation at Homer, Louisiana, and was one of the substantial business men of that locality. His political allegiance was given to the democratic party and his religious faith was that of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. He was a typical gentleman of the old school, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Granville Hogan

When the city boy crosses swords with the country lad in the struggle for ascendency, the odds are against him. There is something in the daily habits of the farm bred boy-the early rising, the necessity to make each blow tell-which develops in him a sturdiness and determination that count as most forceful factors in the world’s work when coupled with persistency and laudable ambition. This statement finds verification in the life record of Hon. Granville Hogan, judge of the circuit court of St. Louis, who was born October 20, 1878, at Merrimac, Kentucky, a son of the late Thomas … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Curtin

Edward J. Curtin, who in the practice of law has gained wide recognition of his ability to present with clearness and force any cause which engages his attention and his powers, was born in Jackson county, Missouri, August 9, 1875. He is one of a family of eight children, all of whom are yet living and of whom he is the fourth in order of birth. His parents are Cornelius and Elizabeth (McKenna) Curtin, both of whom are natives of Ireland. The father came to the United States in his boyhood days, first settling in New York and afterward removing … Read more

Biography of Edmond Koeln

Edmond Koeln, revenue collector for the city of St. Louis, where he was born September 10, 1866, is a son of the late Peter Koeln, a native of Germany, who came to America with his parents in 1840, when but seven years of age, the family making their way direct to St. Louis, where he was reared and educated and resided until his death, passing away June 6, 1896, when sixty-one years of age. He was a sawyer by trade and he was a Civil war veteran, espousing the cause of his adopted country at the time of hostilities between … Read more

Biography of Judge John W. McElhinney

For the fourth term Judge John W. McElhinney has been called to the bench of the thirteenth circuit court of Missouri having entered upon the duties of this position in 1901. His course has at all times reflected credit and honor upon tile state that has honored him and he is today numbered among the ablest of Missouri’s jurists, for film decisions have at all times been strictly fair and impartial, and moreover have been the expression of a comprehensive knowledge of tile principles of jurisprudence, combined with ability to apply accurately his principles to tile points in litigation. Judge … Read more

Biography of Louis Ackerman

Louis Ackerman, president of the Ackerman Millinery Company of St. Louis, was born in Villmar, Germany, February 9, 1865. His father, the late Karl Ackerman, was also a native of that country and became a successful merchant there, residing in Germany to the time of his death, which occurred in 1881 when he was sixty-three years of age. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Bettie Marx, passed away in 1904 at the age of seventy. They had a family of six children, three sons and three daughters, five of whom are yet living. Louis Ackerman, the youngest of … Read more