Biographical Sketch of George M. Stanclift

Surely the subject of this review has passed the various stages of all kinds of pioneer work, with its hardships, deprivations and dangers, while he has met each point with a calm determination to overcome and make his way through it all, which he has done in a most commendable manner, being now one of the stanch and upright men of Harney and one of its well-to-do citizens, having his home on one of the finest pieces of soil in central Oregon, the same being one hundred and fifty-three acre, one mile north from Burns, which forms the family home … Read more

Biography of Albert Hembree

It is indeed very gratifying to be allowed to epitomize the career of this esteemed pioneer, being, as he is, one of the earliest pilgrims who ever crossed the dreary plains and rugged mountains toward the setting sun; and since that early date he has been identified with the progress and development of the great west, having ever done a worthy share where his lot has been cast. It will be of interest to chronicle some of the more definite details of this life and we note first that Mr. Hembree was born in Tennessee on April 23, 1833, being … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wallace McClain

This well-known and representative business man and patriotic citizen of Harney county is one of the firm of McClain & Biggs, liverymen and dealers in horses and mules in Burns, where their stables are, being also owners of a fine stock ranch. Our subject was born in Scotland county, Missouri, on September 16, 1854, being the son of Martin and Sarah (Childers) McClain. The father was in the confederate army and in the battle of Pea Ridge lost his right arm. He served under Price. In 1866 the family removed to Schuyler county and our subject was educated in these … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jackson A. Bartlett

This well known and representative business man of the town of Drewsey has a fine hotel, where he does a thriving business and also a large livery and feed stable, being a man of excellent capabilities and one of the prominent figures in this part of Harney county. He was born in Owen county, Indiana, on August 31, 1847, the son of James and Sarah (Alexander) Bartlett. He was reared on a farm and gained his education from the public schools of the vicinity and when he heard the call for troops in the times of fratricidal strife he enlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse M. Dickey

Jesse M. Dickey was born in Macon county, Illinois, October 7, 1841, and was reared and educated in the same county. In 1855 he came to Daviess county this State, and located in Lincoln township, engaging in farming till the spring of 1871, when he came to Jamesport and embarked in the general merchandise business, and is still engaged hi the same line. When the war began in 1861 Mr. Dickey enlisted in Company D; of the Fifty-first Missouri Volunteers, with the rank of sergeant and was assigned to the commissary department. He served till the war was closed and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Bunker

Horatio Bunker. This gentleman was born, reared and educated in Vermont, the date of his birth being October 22, 1844, and the place, St. Albans. Before the war he moved to Rock county, Wisconsin, where he was engaged in farming until the outbreak of the Civil War. In April, 1861, he enlisted for the defense of the Union, in Company F, of the Second Wisconsin Infantry. He served in this regiment until July, 1864, when he was honorably discharged. Returning to Wisconsin he again entered the government service as quartermaster’s clerk, and held that position six months. In the fall … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Thomas Jones

James Thomas Jones was born in Wisconsin, August 23, 1848. His parents moved to Lee county, Iowa, when James was about a year old. They again moved to Knox county, Missouri, in 1859, and there James completed his schooling. Early in life be began farming and continued till the spring of 1875, when he came to this county and began merchandising at Bancroft. In September, 1877, he came to Jamesport and went into the hotel business. This he continued till the fall of 1879, when he went into the saloon business and has been thus engaged ever since. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Milton F. Woodward

Milton F. Woodward. This subject was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, May 1, 1832, and there grew up and received his education. He learned the wood-carver’s and cabinet-maker’s trades in his youth and worked at them till August, 1861. Then the war came like a hurricane on the land, and Mr. Woodward enlisted in Company H, of a Pennsylvania regiment known as the “Bucktails,” serving till December, 1863, when he was discharged. In. November, 1864, he again entered the service, this time in the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served in his company as sergeant. In February, 1865, he was detailed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles O. Cole

Charles O. Cole was born in Scioto county, Ohio, March 7, 1830. Silas Cole, his father, was a native of New York. He was reared upon a farm, and has since engaged in farming and stock-raising, in which he has been very successful. He came to this county in 1872, and is one of the leading farmers of the township and owns a farm containing 440 acres of land. Mr. Cole was united in marriage, February 12, 1852, to Miss Sarah A. Orm, who was born in Scioto county, Ohio, June 15, 1834. By this union they have eleven children; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. H. Cole

E. H. Cole was born in Lorain county, Ohio, December 18, 1829. His father, Joseph Cole, was a native of New York, and his mother was born in Pennsylvania; Leonard Cole, his grandfather, was a, native of New Jersey, and was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, also in the War of 1812, and died in Ohio -at the good old age of 105 years. Mr. Cole was reared upon a farm, and bas ever since made that his principal business. In September, 1852, he left Ohio mid settled in Cedar county, Iowa, where he lived until March, 1874, when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ferdinand Tourney

Ferdinand Tourney was born in Ohio, November 15, 1833. His parents moved to Illinois when he was about six months old, and there Ferdinand was reared and educated. He began life as a farmer and continued that business during his residence in Illinois. In the spring of 1862 he came to this State and settled in Daviess county, and immediately engaged in farming. Mr. Tourney is a man of fine business qualifications, and his reputation for fair dealing with his fellow-men has won for him many warm friends. He was married in Livingston county, this State, in November, 1866, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eli J. Walls

Eli J. Walls was born in Scioto county, Ohio, November 12, 1827. He was reared upon a farm, and received his education in the common schools of the Buckeye State. He came to this county in 1845, and has resided here ever since engaged in farming and stock-raising, in which pursuits he has been very successful. His mother, a cheerful old lady of eighty-one years, is also a resident of Daviess county. On the 6th of March, 1851, Mr. Walls was joined in marriage to Miss Catharine Netherton, who came to this county in 1834, and whose parents were among … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gideon Smith

Gideon Smith is a native of Franklin county, Indiana, born June 29, 1833, and is a son of Jonathan Smith, of this county, whose biography appears in this book. He came to this county in 1840, with his father and family, and was educated in the common or subscription schools of the county. He has been engaged in farming up to the present time, with the exception of twelve years, during which time he worked at making and burning brick. In May, 1864, he enlisted in the Enrolled State Militia, and served his country in that command until the expiration … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John L. Netherton, Elder

John L. Netherton is a native of Daviess county; and was the first male child born in Grand River township, the date of his birth being September 20, 1836. He is a son of James and Nancy Netherton, who were among the early settlers of this county, and also sufferers at the hands of the Mormons, having had their house plundered and burned by them. Our subject, was reared upon the home farm, and has since given his attention to agricultural pursuits. His early education was received in the common schools, which he has supplemented with a private course of … Read more

Biography of Martin Scott, Elder

Martin Scott is a native of Jackson county, Tennessee, and was born March 14, 1807. His father, John Scott, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War. When the subject of our sketch was a child his parents moved to Indiana, where he was reared upon a farm, and received his education in the common schools of that State. He is one of a family of fourteen children, four of whom are ministers in the Christian Church. When he was fifteen years old, his parents moved to Sangamon county, Illinois, and at that time there were but three houses in what … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Martin G. Scott

Martin G. Scott was born in DeWitt county, Missouri, August 6, 1842. His parents were both natives of Tennessee, and he accompanied them to this county in 1855, and has since made this his home and farming his principal occupation, in which he has achieved fair success. He received only a common school education, but has added to his knowledge by profiting by his experience. In 1876 he was engaged in the mercantile business, as a partner with John H. Stucker, of Jameson, and continued about eighteen months. He enlisted in Company H, Twenty-third Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, August 5, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. M. Dowell

H. M. Dowell is a native of Surry county, North Carolina, born July 9, 1825. His parents, Peter and Mary Dowell, were both natives of North Carolina; and his grandfather was a captain in the Revolutionary War. When our subject was seven years old his parents moved to Henry county, Indiana, and in 1839 to this county, where he was reared upon a farm, and thus acquired a liking for farming, which he has since made his occupation. Mr. Dowell was united in marriage, March 21, 1850, to Miss Harriet Smith. She was born in May, 1832, and died June … Read more

Biography of William F. Flint

William F. Flint was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, April 4, 1828. His father, George Flint, was a native of Maryland, and William Flint, his grandfather, was a-soldier in the Revolutionary War. William F. Flint moved to Franklin county, Indiana, with his parents, when he was six years old, and then accompanied them to this county in 1841, where he has lived since, excepting-four years that he resided in Harrison county, returning to this county in March, 1881. He received most of his education by home study, and began teaching school when he had reached the age of eighteen years, … Read more

Biography of Jonathan Smith, Elder

Elder Jonathan Smith, the subject of this sketch takes high rank among the early pioneer preachers of Daviess county. To such men as he, who endured the hardships and privations of the early days, and lightened ‘the labors of himself and neighbors by the cheerful rays of scriptural light, much of the progress of the county is due. Jonathan Smith was born in Washington county, Tennessee, December 9, 1805. His father, Richard Smith, was a native of Virginia, and served his country in the War of the Revolution; he died in Franklin county, Indiana, in July, 1840, aged eighty-nine years. … Read more

Biography of N. B. Brown

N. B. Brown was born in Logan county, Virginia, in 1833, and moved with his parents to Daviess county, Missouri, in 1843, settling three and one-half miles west of Pattonsburg. He was educated in the country schools of his native county in Virginia, and of Daviess county. When he came to Daviess county there were few settlements in the northern part of the county. The county then, and for several years afterward, embraced what is now Harrison county. Mr. Brown came to Salem township, then known as Benton, in 1857, and built the first store-house in Salem. When he first … Read more