Biographical Sketch of James A. Alford

The subject of this article is one of the pioneers of the west and labored faithfully in many sections for its opening and has made a record for frontier work that demonstrates him both a capable and courageous man. He was born in Missouri, on November 19, 1854, being the son of John and Sallie Alford. He remained in his native state until he had reached seventeen years of age and then he went to Utah and engaged in mining, being the second man in the noted Bingham gulch there. He worked there for one year and then came to … Read more

Biography of Lincoln Austin,

This enterprising and representative business man and property owner of Flora is a member of the firm of Clark & Austin, which does a general merchandise business in Flora carrying a complete and well selected stock and gaining a patronage from the adjacent country that betokens a lucrative business. Lincoln was born in Adams County, Illinois, on September 21, 1866, being the son of Moses and Mary L. Austin. Our subject had one brother, Clarence F. of Paradise. On July 25, 1870, his father contracted a second marriage, the lady being Nancy Hester, a native of Missouri and the nuptials … Read more

Biography of William J. Beach

Although the subject of this sketch has not resided in Oregon as long as some within Wallowa County, still he is nevertheless a true pioneer, having wrought with faithfulness for the welfare of other sections and since coming to this region has made commendable efforts in the development of the resources of the county and in the material progress of the same, while he has ever manifested excellent capabilities and showed both zeal and integrity, coupled with which are sound principles and sagacity that dominate a tireless energy and constant industry. Mr. Beach was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, on … Read more

Biography of Hampton D. Hamilton

Hampton D. Hamilton was born in Bedford county, Tennessee, November 12, 1824. His parents were South Carolinians by birth, and were named, respectively, Thomas and Hollie Tucker Hamilton; the former died in Gentry county, Missouri, in 1850, and the latter died in the same county in 1854 His parents removed from Tennessee when our subject was eight years of Age, and located in Lafayette county, Missouri, where they remained but one year, when they removed to Ray county, this State. After a year’s residence in the last named county they once more changed their place of abode and this time … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Meadows

James A. Meadows, the subject of this sketch, is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Daviess county. Over forty years ago his parents, John and Nancy Meadows, settled in the neighborhood known as the “Virginia Settlement.”‘ They reared a family of eight children: Mary E., Sylvester S., Joseph T., Martha B., Hudson C., James A., Susan P. and. William J. His father died in 1880; his mother is now living on the old homestead. James A. Meadows was born in Benton township, Daviess county, Missouri, February 26, 1843. He lived with his parents until May 24, 1863, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Anthony, A.J.

A. J. Anthony, stock-raiser, first came to Lawrence in 1857, and engaged in staging until 1863; he then became conductor and express messenger on the Southern Overland Stage Line from Kansas City, Mo., to Santa Fe, N. M., until August, 1867. He then located at a ranch twenty miles west of Dodge City, where he kept a few cattle and a provision store. A year thence he moved to Fort Dodge and engaged in the sutler business until 1874, when he located on a stock-ranch three-fourths of a mile west of where Dodge City now stands, where he has been … Read more

Gaede, Baker & Co.

Gaede, Baker & Co., dealers in a general line of fancy dry goods, clothing and gents furnishing goods and livestock. They opened trade January 1, 1882, and carry a stock of $6,000 and employ one clerk in the business. The individual names of the firm are Richard Gaede, H. C. Baker and S. H. Fields. H. C. Baker first came to Dodge City January 1, 1882. He was born at Logansport, Cass Co., Ind., September 16, 1849. The family moved to Nemaha County, Neb., in 1856, where he was raised in a small village. He first began business in life … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Galland, S., Dr.

Dr. S. Galland, physician and surgeon, came to North Topeka, Kan. In 1870, and practiced medicine a year; thence to Kansas City, Mo., and practiced his profession two years, when he moved to Dodge City, Kan., and permanently located, where he has been engaged in the practice of medicine until 1878, since which time he has retired from active business. He was born in Posen, Prussia, Germany, May 11, 1822, and was educated in his native country. He graduated from the old school of medicine at Berlin, in the class of 1847. Practiced in Germany two years, when, in 1849, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jarrett, G.B., Dr.

Dr. G. B. Jarrett, physician and surgeon, first came to Dodge City, Kan., in October, 1882, and opened the practice of medicine. He was born in Pittsburg, Pa., in 1846. Educated at Jefferson Philadelphia, Medical College, graduating in medicine March 12, 1870. He began the practice of medicine in St. Louis, Mo., in August 1870, continuing there a year he went to Alameda County, Cal., and practiced his profession seven years. He then returned to his native place, and soon afterward came to Dodge City. Was married in 1877, to Miss Almina C. Kimball, of Rochester, Minn. They have one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of McCarty, T.L., Dr.

Dr. T. L. McCarty, physician and surgeon (allopathic school) and dealer in a general stock of drugs and medicines, carries a stock of $3,000. He came to Dodge City, Kan., in November 1872, and opened a medical office. He opened the drug trade in 1877. He was born in Tuscola, Ill., 1848, and educated in his native State. He graduated from the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, Pa., in the class of 1870. Began the practice of his profession at St. Louis, MO., where he continued until he came to Kansas. Was married in 1871, to Miss S. L. Artt, … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Smith

Charles J. Smith, Manager of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, was born in Nicholasville, Kentucky, March 13, 1854, and is the son of Charles F. and Z. A. ( Jackson) Smith. His father was a merchant at Nicholasville for several years, but in 1857, removed to Kansas City, Missouri, where he died in 1877. In the latter city, the subject of this sketch was educated in a private school until he reached the age of fourteen, when he entered Blackburn University at Carlinville, Illinois, from which institution he graduated in 1870. After graduation he spent one year as a … Read more

Biography of James Duval Holman

James Duval Holman was born in August 18, 1814, on his father’s farm in Woodford county, Kentucky. He was of the Holman family so well known in the Southern and Middle States. His mother was a Duval of Hugenot descent, a family of equal position with the Holmans in the south. Of Mr. Holman’s great-grand parents, three came from Virginia and one from North Carolina. His parents were John and Betsy L. Holman, who were married in October, 1810. In 1817 they moved to Tennessee, where they resided for nine years, when they moved to Clay county, Missouri. His mother … Read more

Biography of Marion Francis Mulkey

Marion Francis Mulkey was born in Johnson county, Missouri, November 14, 1836, and was a son of Johnson Mulkey. At the age of ten years he accompanied his parents across the plains to Oregon. The family settled on a donation claim in Benton county and here amid the scenes of the frontier the boyhood of our subject was passed. From his parents was instilled in him a desire for an education and after a brief experience in the log school house, under the tuition of such men as Senator J. H. Slater and Hon. Philip Ritz, he pursued higher studies … Read more

Biography of Henry Weinhard

Henry Weinhard, the leading and oldest brewer of Portland, was born in Lindenbroun, Wurtemberg, Germany, February 18, 1830. After serving a regular apprenticeship and working at the trade of a brewer in Stutgart and other places in Germany he came to the United States in 1851. He first secured employment at his trade in Philadelphia where he remained a year. He then went to Cincinnati and at the end of two years removed to St. Louis, where he remained until 1856, when he came to California and for a short time was located at Sacramento City. In March, 1857, he … Read more

Missouri WW2 NMCG Prisoners of War

ARMOUR, Floyd, Seaman 1c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Bertha May Hitzelberger, 508 1/2 S. 15th St., St. Joseph. BELL, Richard Eugene, Coxswain, USN. Grandmother, Mrs. Dora M. Bell, 2414 Broadway St., Hannibal. BELTER, Warren Harry, Pfc., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Belter, 3126 Spruce St., Kansas City. BEST, Roy Sidney, Staff Sgt., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Best, 2636 College Ave., Kansas. BRENDLINGER, Ralph Emory, Machinist’s Mate 1c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Jennie Planchon, Rt. 1, Exeter. BURNS, William, Chief Boatswain’s Mate, USN. Mother Mrs. Mary Burns, 1912 S. Quincy St., Sedalia. CANTRELL, Fred Douglas, Cpl., USMC. Mother, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Will S. Thompson

The Artist of Bonham, is from the “buckeye” state, originally, but latterly from Shell City, Mo. -Mr. Thompson east his lot with the people of Fannin County, in July 1885, having just married one of Illinois daughters to share his fortunes in the south-west.. While his life may be said to have just begun in Fannin County, it is not so with his profession. For fifteen years has he applied himself to his profession, keeping pace with all the improvements in the art of photography and painting, and samples of his work in Bonham will convince the most skeptical that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Ardinger

The dry goods merchant prince of Bonham, is a native of Berkely County, Virginia, and has been a merchant all his life. He left Virginia at the age of fourteen, for Elizabethtown, Ky., from this place a little later, he moved to Greensboro of the same state, and from there to Missouri. In 1869-70, he was in the wholesale dry goods business at Chicago, but was fortunate enough to sell out his interest there, just before that city was burned in 1871. In 1875, he removed to Bonham, and opened a dry goods business, with a $1 0.000 stock of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin N. Woodson

County Attorney of Fannin County, was born in Lincoln County, Kentucky, in 1850; came with his father to this state, four years later. He grew up, and was partly educated at Honey Grove. In 1872, he attended school at Glascow, Missouri, from which place he went to New York City, studied law and obtained his diploma in a law school of that city. Not long after this, he was admitted to the bar and licensed to practice by Judge Davis, of New York. In 1875, he came back to Honey Grove, but afterwards moved to Ladonia, where he remained until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. H. Lyday

Was born in Grundy County, Missouri, in 1852, and came to this state with his father’s family, who settled near Honey Grove, in ’61. In ’66, Judge Lyday moved his family to Bonham, and here it was that E. H. Lyday received his education and prosecuted his study of the law. He was admitted to the bar in ’77, and has been in public ever since. He was four times elected Mayor of Bonham, and at the election in ’84 was elected Justice of the Bonham precinct. Mr. Lyday is one of the “young democracy,” active in local politics, and … Read more

Biography of Little, Walter W.

Walter W. Little was born in Fort Bend County, on the last day of October 1828, in what was then called the Fort settlement in the bend of the Brazos, where Richmond now is. William Little, father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Pennsylvania, but came to Texas from Missouri as part of the colony of Stephen F. Austin in 1821. His headright league was located twelve miles below the present town of Richmond, on the east side of the Brazos River, opposite the league of Henry Jones. In November 1821, the Fort, from which the … Read more