Biography of Hon. Andrew McAlexander

It is with especial pleasure that we are enabled to recite the salient points in the eventful and lengthy career of the distinguished and prominent citizen of Wallowa county, whose name is at the head of this article, since his life has been spent in the noble and self-sacrificing work of the pioneer, wherein he has served with the faithfulness, ability, integrity and energy that are characteristic of him, being a potent influence in the development of two states and having wrought in Oregon, so that his memory will be handed down to generations to come with expressions of appreciation … Read more

Biography of Peter O’Sullivan

We are pleased to accord to the esteemed gentleman of ability whose name heads this paragraph a representation in this volume of our county’s history since he has been very prominent in the affairs of Wallowa county from its incipiency, and its councils have profited much from his keen foresight and excellent wisdom, while as a private citizen he has manifested capabilities that are praiseworthy and commensurate therewith are his unsullied moral qualities and upright principles which have ever been a polar star in guiding him in all his arduous and responsible service in the state as well as in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis G. Page

Among those who have put their hands to the plow in Wallowa County and have not looked back from the noble work of development and material progress of the county, bearing the burdens and doing the Herculean labor of making the abodes of civilization while they foster the industries that are incident thereto, we should not omit mention of the intelligent and progressive stockman and agriculturist, whose name appears at the head of this sketch, and accordingly we give place to him in the abiding chronicles of Wallowa County, granting such representation there as is commensurate with the skill, industry, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Roberts

Among the leading agriculturists of Wallowa County is the subject of this biography, and we are pleased to accord him space in his county’s history, since his capabilities and thrift have given him the need of abundant success, while his moral qualities of worth are displayed constantly and commend him to all lovers of uprightness and truth. In Bates County, Missouri, on March 9, 1844. Samuel was born to Nelson and Jane (Melton) Roberts. His early life was spent in the invigorating exercise of farm work, while also he gained a good education in the public schools of the various … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Smallwood

The agricultural population of Wallowa County is well known for its energy and enterprise and among this worthy number may be mentioned the esteemed gentleman whose name appears above, and to whom it is our pleasant privilege to grant space in this volume for an epitome of his life’s career, since his efforts in the development of the county and in conducting his business enterprises have stamped him a man of ability and his demeanor in the realm of ethics is such that his exceptionally excellent moral qualities are manifest to all in a manner quite commendatory to himself. In … Read more

Biography of Anderson C. Smith

As a leader in the affairs of the counties of northeastern Oregon, both in times of difficulty with the Indians and also in the quieter times of civil industry, while also he has been a promoter of good government and of substantial progress in the county, the subject of this sketch stands today as one of the prominent and respected citizens of Wallowa county, having manifested both integrity and sound principles and marked capabilities in all of his career here. In addition to this, Mr. Smith has taken a leading part in the Indian councils that were far reaching to … Read more

Biography of John C. Standley

A veteran in frontier life and a pioneer of the Pacific coast, having wrought in various places and in the capacities that are familiar to every one who attempts to push into the wilds of nature, the subject of this sketch has made a record that is praiseworthy and he has been crowned with success. Mr. Standley has manifested the characteristics of his personality, vigor, good judgment and keen foresight, coupled with enterprise and thrift, which have made him one of the leading stock men and a large property owner in Wallowa County. John C. Standley was born in Howard … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert F. Stubblefield

In many of the walks of life are those in Wallowa County who have labored faithfully for the opening of the country and the subduing of nature’s wilds, but there are none who have met face to face the hardships of the pioneer, and done battle with the opposing forces of the obstacles of the frontiersman, more than those who follow the agriculturist’s life; and well known in this class is the esteemed gentleman of whom we have now the pleasure to write, in giving the salient points of his career, while it would be quite out of place to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Hardin Weathers

One of the men who have wrought for the welfare of Wallowa county, as well as doing worthy enterprise for his advancement in the world of industry, is named at the head of this article, and we wish to mention that he is held in the esteem and confidence of his fellows, which his abilities and excellent moral qualities have given him both a prestige and standing that are enviable. William H. was born in Jasper County, Missouri, on August 15, 1849, being the son of John and Elizabeth (Selinger) Weathers. When he was five years of age he was … Read more

Biography of F.C. Bramlet

A pioneer to this state, and a man who has wrought in all the occupations incident to the pioneer’s life, being also attended with many hardships, the subject of this sketch is today one of the most respected and admired residents of Wallowa county, and we are pleased to accord to him a representation in this volume that purports to chronicle the events of the history of the county and also the lives of its leading citizens, since he has been a potent factor in the establishment of the institutions of the county, and has been a faithful supporter of … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Beecher

The list of the real pioneers of Wallowa County would be sadly incomplete, as also the enumeration of the leading citizens of today, were there failure to add that of the worthy gentleman, and capable and patriotic citizen, whose name is at the head of this article and who is one of the prominent agriculturists of our county having wrought here since the earliest settlements and in addition to this, he is one of the immortal number who stepped to the front ranks when the call came from Columbia to her sons for strong arms to defend her honor. Mr. … Read more

Biography of James W. Childers

It is hardly probable that in a humble sketch, as is this article, there could real justice be done the life of a worthy pioneer as is he whose name is at the beginning of the paragraph, for what page has yet pictured as it is the life of a pioneer? Hardships that are more trying than can be described, dangers on every hand that those living in the security of a civilized community can not understand, self-denials at every turn, and labors without respite, all of these endured and much more besides, fell to the lot of the brave … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles L. Hartshorn

It takes brain as well as brawn to make a success in the enterprises that come to the hand of the business man of Wallowa County and it is noteworthy that the subject of this article has accomplished one of the most brilliant successes that has been wrought out in Wallowa County, which demonstrates the mettle of which he is made and also the capabilities which he has brought into play in that commendable career. It is with pleasure that we place this name among the leaders of our county, for who should receive title of leader if it is … Read more

Biography of Charles Hedricks

In the death of this esteemed and worthy citizen Wallowa County suffered the loss of one of her best known and most widely beloved and substantial sons and his demise was a time of general mourning to all who knew him. Mr. Hedricks was capable and enterprising, and his real worth and noble qualities were manifest to all. Charles Hedricks was born on January 28, 1828, in West Virginia, to Charles and Hannah (Collins) Hedricks. The father was a native of West Virginia and was also a skilled machinist and he wrought for some time in the large iron works … Read more

Biography of John Dougherty

Like many of the most prosperous and enterprising citizens of the county of Wallowa, the esteemed subject of this sketch came hither from the eastern part of the United States and here has wrought with the accumulated wisdom of years and experience gained both in that section of the country and in this, while he has ever been dominated by a high sense of the responsibilities of the position of the enlightened citizen and supporter of our free institution, being in his personal demeanor upright, capable, thrifty and patriotic. John Dougherty was born in Lawrence County, Indiana, in 1837, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Endicott

As the older men step aside from the excellent work that they have accomplished in this western country, there are younger ones with fresh vigor and commendable zeal to take up the burdens and prosecute the industries in a manner becoming the foundations that have been laid deep and wide by the worthy pioneers. To this class of younger men belongs the subject of this article, and we are pleased to record concerning him that he has manifested abilities that have stamped him as one of the strong stock men of the county and able to handle successfully the enterprises … Read more

Biography of James D. Halsey

Any work that purports to give in review the lives of the pioneers and leading citizens of Wallowa County would be quite incomplete were there failure to mention the esteemed and intelligent gentleman and capable and patriotic citizen whose name is at the head of this article and who has wrought for the development and advancement of our county for many years, maintaining meanwhile an unsullied reputation and showing forth a character of moral worth and intrinsic value that has placed him in position to be the recipient of the confidence of his fellows, while his vigor, excellent judgment and … Read more

Biography of Lemuel L. Hambelton

In the course of the compilation of the history of Union and Wallowa counties we seldom are favored with the privilege of writing the career of a more worthy citizen and stanch and noble man than at the present time, while we attempt to outline the life of the capable and respected gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. Mr. Hambelton is one of the true pioneers of the country: has always labored for the development and advancement of the same: he is a capable and intelligent citizen, displaying loyalty and patriotism in commendable degree: he has … Read more

Biography of Joseph F. Johnson

It now becomes our pleasant privilege to give in brief review the salient points of the life of the prominent and distinguished gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has been a potent factor in the development of Wallowa County, and also a well known figure in the political realm, both of the state, as well as in promoting and manipulating some measures that are of import to the United States, while his personal qualities of worth and integrity, together with his ability and keen foresight, have rendered him a gratifying measure of success in all of his private … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas R. Akins

One of the leading and well known citizens of Wallowa County is the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who is the operator of one of the important business industries of the county, being proprietor of the Enterprise hotel and is one of those who have been enterprising and up to date in the promotion of the welfare and interest of both the county seat and the county, being a man of good capabilities and energy. Mr. Akins was born in Missouri, in 1857, being the son of S. J. and Mary H. (Burns) Akins, … Read more