Martha J. Williams Dawes Application

Last Updated on March 22, 2013 by

Department of the Interior,
Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes,
Westville, I. T., July 19, 1900

In the matter of the application of Martha J. Williams for herself and children for enrollment as Cherokee citizens; being sworn and examined by commissioner Breckinridge she testifies as follows:

Q  What is your name? A  Martha J. Williams.
Q  What is your age?   A  Fifty-eight
Q  What is your post office?  A Westville.
Q Your district?   A  Goingsnake.
Q For Whom do you make application for enrollment?  A For myself and son and daughter.
Q Are your son and daughter single and living with you?  A  Yes Sir.
Q Are you Cherokee by blood?  A Yes Sir.
Q How long have you lived in the district where you now reside?  A  All my life.
Q How long has your name been Martha J. Williams?   A  I was married in 1857
Q  Note: 1880 roll examined for Martha J. Williams, page 586, #1871, Martha Williams, Goingsnake District.   1896 roll, page 803, #2286, Martha J. Williams, Goingsnake District.
Q  What is the name of your oldest child which you wish to apply for? A  Ellen Williams, Twenty-one years old.  ( On 1880 roll, page 486. #1879, Ellen Williams, Goingsnake District.)   ( on 1896 roll, page 803, #2291. as Ellen Williams, Goingsnake District. )
Q What is the name of your next child?  A  Fred Williams, nineteen years old.   ( on 1896, page 803,  #2292, Fred Williams Goingsnake District.

Com”r Breckinridge:  Your name is found duly enrolled on the roll of 1880 and on the roll of 1896, as well your older child, Ellen, is found enrolled on the roll of 1880 and 1896, and your child Fred, in 1896.
Q They are both,  you say, living with you, and have been living with you all the time?  A Yes Sir.
And all of you will be enrolled at this time as Cherokees by blood.

M. D. Green, being first duly sworn, states taht as stenographer to the commission to the Five Civilized Tribes he reported teh foregong case and that the above and foregoing is a full rue and complete transcript of his stenographic notes in said case.

M D. Green

Subscribed and sworn to befor me this 19th day of July 1900

Clifton R. Breackinridge

Page 2



Wifes name  Martha J. Williams
District         G Snake              Year   1880 Page 486  No. 1871

Name of Children:
Ellen Williams  District. Goingsnake  Year   1880  Page 486  NO. 1879
Fred Williams                     ”             Year  1896  Page 803  NO.  2292

ON 1880 Roll as Martha Williams #373




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