Julia Turner Dawes Commission Decision

M.C.R.  1921.

Muskogee, Indian Territory, April 23, 1902.

Julia Turner,

Goodwater,  Indian Territory.    REMAILED TO MISSISSIPPI ON Oct.4.92

Dear Madame:

You are here by advised that on the 15th day of April, 1902, the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes rendered a decision in the consolidated case of Julia Thompson, et al., embracing the following applications for identification as Mississippi Choctaws:

Julia Thompson, et al M.C.R.  1862
Candis Allen, et al M.C.R.  1776
Banistor Allen, et al M.C.R.  1774
Indiana Coleman M.C.R.  1775
Margaret Ferrill, et al M.C.R.  1808
Emma Hayes, et al M.C.R.  1809
Jack Ferrill, et al M.C.R.  1811
John Ferrill, et al M.C.R.  1812
Robert Ferrill M.C.R.  1813
Willoughby Thompson M.C.R.  1870
Tobias Brock M.C.R.  1869
Julia Turner M.C.R.  1921
Charlie Allen M.C.R.  1974

Said decision, after a review of the evidence submitted, concludes as follows:

The authority vested in the Commission by the twenty-first section of the act of Congress of June 28, 1898, (30 Stats., 495), is as follows:

J. T.,  2.

“Said Commission shall have authority to determine the identity of Choctaw Indians claiming rights in the Choctaw lands under article fourteen of the treaty between the United States and the Choctaw Nation, concluded September twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty, and to that end may administer oaths, necessary thereto and make report to the Secretary of the Interior.”

It is the opinion of the Commission that the evidence in this case is insufficient to determine the identity of Julia Thompson, Candis Allen, John Allen, Minnie Allen, Ella Allen, Della Allen, Pearl Allen, Byrd Allen, Aleck Allen, Early Allen, Banistor Allen, Lewis Allen, Annie Allen, Cora Ferrill, Lemuel Ferrill, Charley Ferrill, Emma Hayes,Minnie Hayes, Bamar Hayes, Ollie Hayes, Maggie Hayes, Lucy Hayes, Cicero Hayes, Jack Ferrill, Mary Ella Ferrill, George Ferrill, Joh Ferrill, Fannie Ferrill, Robert Ferrill, Willoughby Thompson, Tobias Brock, Julia Turner and Charlie Allen, as the provision of law above quoted, and that the application for their identification as such should be refused, and it is so ordered.”

You are further advised that the Commission has, on this date forwarded the record in this case to the Secretary of the Interior for review, and you will be informed in due time of such action as may be taken by him.

Yours truly,

Iams Bixby.
Acting Chairman.

M.C.R. 1921


Muskogee, Indian Territory, June 17, 1902.

Julia Turner,
Goodwater, Mississippi.

Dear Madam:

You are hereby advised that on the 5th day of June, 1902 the Secretary of the Interior affirmed the decision of this Commission refusing the applications for identification as Mississippi Choctaws of the several persons included in the consolidated case of Julia Thompson, et al., of which decision you were advised by registered mail on the 23rd day of April, 1902.

Yours truly,
Signed  Iams Bixby.
Acting Chairman.




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