Indian Tribal Histories: Bagaduce to Buena Vista. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Indian Tribes of the United States page.
Bagaduce Indians
Bagiopa Indians
- Bagiopa Tribe – Hodge
Bahacecha Indians
- Bahacecha Tribe – Hodge
Bankalachi Indians
- Bankalachi Tribe – Hodge
Bannock Indians
- Bannock Tribe – Hodge
- Bannock Indians – Swanton
- Bannock Tribal Locations
- Montana Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Utah Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Wyoming Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Bannock Treaties
- Shoshoni Tribe – Hodge
- Indian Missions of the Columbia Region
- War with the Snake, Bannock and Piute, Umatilla County, Oregon
- Bannock Indian War and the Sheepeaters
- Bannock Indian Troubles, Union County, Oregon
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Fort Hall Agency
- 1885-1887 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1890-1891 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1894-1901 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1902-1909 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1910-1918 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1919-1926 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1927-1931 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1932-1934 Fort Hall Agency Census
- 1935-1939 Fort Hall Agency Census
- Lemhi Agency
- Fort Hall Agency
Basawunena Indians
- Basawunena Tribe – Hodge
Bayogoula Indians
- Bayogoula Tribe – Hodge
- Bayogoula Indians – Swanton
- Cha’hta Tribes of the Gulf Coast
- The Southern Taensa Indians – Hodge
Bear River Indians
- Bear River Tribe – Hodge
- North Carolina Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Bear River Indians, California – Swanton
Belantse-Etoa Tribe
- Belantse-Etoa Treaties
Bellabella Indians
Bellacoola Indians
- Bellacoola Tribe – Hodge
- Bellacoola Indians of Canada – Hodge
Beothuk Indians
- Beothuk Tribe – Hodge
Bersiamite Indians
- Bersiamite Tribe – Hodge
- Algonquian Indians – Hodge
Bidai Indians
- Bidai Tribe – Hodge
- Texas Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Allophylic Languages Among Southern Tribes
Big Swamp Indians
Big Valley Indians
- Big Valley Tribe
- Big Valley Treaties
- Treaty of August 20, 1851 as Ha-bi-na-po Tribe
- Pomo Indians – Swanton
- Pomo Tribe – Hodge
Biloxi Indians
- Biloxi Tribe – Hodge
- Pascagoula Tribe – Hodge
- Biloxi Indians – Swanton
- Biloxi Tribal Locations
- Louisiana Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Texas Indian Tribes – Swanton
Blackfeet Indians
- Blackfeet Tribe– Hodge
- Siksika Indians – Swanton
- Blackfeet Treaties
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation
- Montana, Blackfeet Land Patents
- Blackfeet Indian Research
- Blackfeet Indians, Gallatin County, Montana
- Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs
- Salish Tribe – Hodge
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Blackfeet Agency
- 1890-1896 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1897-1906 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1907-1913 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1914-1919 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1920-1925 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1926-1930 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1931-1932 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1933-1935 Blackfeet Agency Census
- 1936-1939 Blackfeet Agency Census
- Blackfeet Agency
Blackfoot Indians
- Blackfoot Tribe – Hodge
- Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians
In this third paper on the ethnology of the Blackfoot Indians, Clark Wissler examines the social culture of the Blackfoot Indians, particularly the Piegan division in Montana. Complete with pictures where appropriate this paper approaches the social life of Blackfoot Indians in a fair and unpretentious manner. Discussions concern marriage, child rearing, naming, games and amusements, government of tribe, picture writing, and other activities specific to the social organization of the Blackfoot Indians. While Clark relied heavily on the first hand knowledge of a Piegan Indian, he supplemented that information with known facts from a variety of sources. - Houses of the Blackfoot Confederacy
- Blackfoot Lodge Tales – Grinnell
- Fort Hall, Bannock County, Idaho
- Van Ranke’s History of the Popes
- Annals of the Red Man, Victoria County, Canada
Blackfoot Confederacy
Black Indians
- Black Tribe – Hodge
Blewmouth Indians
- Blewmouth Tribe – Hodge
Blood Indians
- See Blackfoot Indians
- Blood Treaties
Bocootawwonauke Indians
- Bocootawwonauke Tribe – Hodge
Nation du Boeuf Indians
Brotherton Indians
- Brotherton Tribe – Hodge
- Brothertown Treaties
- Samson Occom, Christian Convert
Brulé Sioux Indians
- Brulé Sioux Tribe – Hodge
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Petitions and Papers Relative to Certain Lower Brulé Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Crow Creek Agency
- Lower Brule Agency
- Rosebud Agency
- 1886 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1887 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1891 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1892 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1895-1896 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1897-1900 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1901-1905 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1906-1907 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1909-1910 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1911-1912 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1915 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1916-1917 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1918-1920 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1921-1923 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1924-1925 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1926 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1927-1928 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1929 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1930 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1931 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1932 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1933 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1934-1935 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1936-1939 Rosebud Agency Census
- 1942-1943 Rosebud Agency Census