Genealogy of the Cherokee Halfbreed Family

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1112Lydia Halfbreed  Charles Renatus Hicks
2Pigeon Halfbreed  Neki Fields
3Chinosa Halfbreed  Joseph CrutchfieldA59
4Susannah Halfbreed  John Wickett Fields
5Jennie Halfbreed*A46
6Elizabeth Halfbreed. Squirrel
7Jesse Halfbreed. Jennie Fields
111213Catherine Hicks. Andrew Miller and Thomas Gann
2George Hicks. Aky Rogers and Lucy Fields
112213Catherine Pigeon
2Sulteesga Pigeon. Oo-ye-ki
OK3Jack Pigeon. Elsie Buzzard
4Lydia Pigeon. Lewis Cunnigan
5Alfred Pigeon. Rachel Ketcher, Serena Frazier and Susie McGhee nee Beck
113213George Hunter
2John Crutchfield Mary Etta Ladd and Emma Gibbs |A58
3Susie Crutchfield. David Dixon Landurum
4Richard McLeod Crutchfield. Susan Ware and Susan Moore
114213Elizabeth Fields. * Stand Watie
2Mary Fields. * Rufus McGuilliams, John Adair Duncan, Thomas Fleming and Daniel Pinson
OK3John McFerran Fields. Elizabeth Smith
4Eliza Fields. John Alexander Watie and Samuel Smith
5Timothy Fields. Eliza McIntosh, Polly Fields and Elmira Rogers
6Rachel Fields
7James Fields* Dollie Eunice Lowrey
116213Joseph Squirrel*
2Nannie Squirrel. George Fields
3Walker Squirrel*
4William Squirrel. _____Walker
5Tiana Fields
117213Margaret Halfbreed. Ezekial Daniel and William Taylor
2Sarah Halfbreed. Daniel H. Ross
OK3Stand Halfbreed. Sarah Carey
4Tiana Halfbreed. George Downing
5Melvina Halfbreed. Blackhaw
6Mary Halfbreed. Edward Downing
7Eliza Halfbreed. James Bowles
8Richard Halfbreed*
9Elizabeth Halfbreed. John Bigby
10James Halfbreed  Martha Duck
11121314Avery Vann Miller  Nannie Ward and Susie Spaniard
2Elizabeth Miller  James Fields and Philip Inlow
OK3Alfred Miller  Elizabeth Seabolt nee Levi
4Isabelle Miller  Stand Watie, ___Hicks and Kinch Hargroves
5Elmira Miller  Benjamin Paden
6Lucinda Miller  Calvin Adair
7Andrew Miller  Sallie McCoy
8George Gann. Mary Ann Starr nee McCoy
9Elias Gann*
10Isaac Gann*
11Ruth Gann. William Edwin Brown
11122314Aaron Hicks. Nannie Riley
2Nannie Hicks* John Bickles
3Delilah Hicks* Bryan Ward
4Jefferson Hicks  Nannie Lowrey and Margaret Lowrey
5Eleanor Ophelia Hicks. Gilbert Wilsan
6Henry Hicks  Annie
7David Hicks* Elzina Wilson
8Frank Hicks*Celia Baldridge

A46. Jennie Halfbreed, her brothers and sisters belonged to the Blind Savannah clan.

A59. Joseph and Rock Crutchfield were the sons of a full blood Cherokee mother and a White trader whose trading station was near James Vann s residence at Spring Place. Vann and Crutchfield became mixed up in a broil in which the latter was killed. Vann at once adopted the orphan boys and raised them as if they were his own and when they were grown equipped them with well improved plantations and gave several slaves to each.


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

1 thought on “Genealogy of the Cherokee Halfbreed Family”

  1. My Ggrandmother was Ruth Hicks, she was the daughter of Jefferson Davis Hicks. Jefferson was killed in 1862 @ the battle of bayou menard east of tahlequah oklahoma. Unknown burial location for Jefferson.


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