This document describes an 1874 census roll for Blue County, Choctaw Nation, compiled by Sheriff S. Gardner. The roll, physically assembled as a long sheet, categorizes individuals by age, gender, and status, including Indians, free persons of color, and freedmen. It also records agricultural data. The roll includes Giles Thompson, listed under “Indians,” along with other individuals such as William and Mary Buckholts and Peter Maytubby. However, later Choctaw tribal rolls from 1885, 1893, and 1896 do not include Giles Thompson, as he reportedly died in 1877. Rolls for additional counties also exist.
Upon examination of the roll for Blue County, Choctaw Nation, I find that it is endorsed on the back, “Census return. S. Gardner, Sheriff of Blue county, Choctaw Nation this 29 day of April, A. D., 1874.” This roll is very ancient in appearance. It is literally a roll, being made up of sheets of paper containing lists of names, one sheet after another being pasted on the otherthe whole 1 roll being several yards in length. The roll is divided off in columns, the first of which shows the name of the county. The second is entitled ” Indian” and subdivided into heads, males and females. The male column is further subdivided into columns, showing: First, persons under 10 years of age: second, over 10 and under 18; third, over I8 and under 21: fourth, over 21 and under 45; fifth, over 45.
The column entitled “females” is subdivided into, first, under 10 years of age; second, over 16 years.
Next comes a column for free persons of color. This is subdivided into columns, entitled, first, males and second females.
The next column is entitled ” Freedmen from State and other nation.” This column is subdivided into, first, under 8 years: second, over 8 years and under 60.
The third column is over 60.
The next general subdivision is entitled “Acres in cultivation.” This is subdivided Into, first, cotton: second, grain.
The next column is production, subdivided into, first, bales of cotton: second, bushels of corn; third, bushels of wheat; fourth, bushels of oats; fifth, horses, mares, etc. (page is torn and last word can not be ascertained).
Upon this roll is found the name of Giles Thompson, opposite No. 98. It is significant that the tribal authorities enrolled this man in the column provided for “Indians.” This shows that there were 4 males in the family under 10 years of age; 1 over 45 years of age: and one female over 10 years of age. Upon the same roll I find the names of William Buckholts opposite No. 101, Mary Buckholts opposite No. 104. The name of Peter Maytubby also appears upon this roll and many others. There are a total of 530 names on the roll for this county. There are also with this roll rolls for other counties.
The Choctaw tribal rolls of 1885, 1893, and 1896, in the possession of the commissioner, have been examined and the name of Giles Thompson can not be identified on any of them. The statement of W. J. Thompson shows that his father, Giles Thompson, died in 1877.