E- Texas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Ebahamo. An extinct tribe formerly dwelling on Matagorda bay, Tex. La Salle constructed his Ft St Louis within the territory of this tribe and of the Quelanhubeches, or Karankawa, who probably were a cognate people. Joutel (1687) states in his narrative (French, Hist. Coll. La., i, 134, 1846) that La Salle recorded a vocabulary of their language, which is very different from that of the Cenis (Caddo) and more difficult; that they were neighbors and allies of the latter people and understood some of their words. “At our fort at St Louis bay,” he says, “we made some stay to cultivate the friendship of our Bracamos (as the Indian nation that dwells near our fort is called), in order to leave protectors to the people whom we would have to leave in the fort.” (A. S. G.)

Emet. A small tribe met by De Leon and Manzanet near lower Guadalupe r., Texas, in 1689. They occupied a village with the Cava Indians near the crossing place, apparently about 15 leagues from the French Fort St Louis on Matagorda bay. To the northward they encountered several other Emet “ranchitos.” Within a year these Indians appear to have moved farther E., for in 1690 De Leon encountered them on that side of the Rio Colorado, living with the Cava, Too, and Toaa Indians, their former neighbors. They were perhaps related to the Karankawa. Possibly the Meghty of Joutel are identical. (H. E. B.)

Erigoanna. A tribe living near St Louis (Matagorda) bay, Tex., in 1687, and referred to as at war with the Ebaharmo, q. v. (Douay quoted by Shea, Discov. and Expl. Miss., 209, 1852). Not identified, unless the same as the Kohani (q.v.). Probably a Karankawa band.

Ervipiames. A tribe of central Texas in the 18th century. Domingo Ramon was met by some of them a few leagues w. of Trinity r., not far from the country of the Bidai. They re mentioned in unpublished documents as among the tribes which in company with other northern tribes petitioned for a mission on San Javier r., and they are included among the northern Indians as distinguished from the coast tribes. If they belonged to any of the large recognized divisions in this neighborhood it was probably Tonkawan. (H. E. B.)

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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