Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry. Often very little information is known or they no longer exist. We have included them here to provide more information about the Crow Tribe.
Lewis 1 said the Crow were divided into four bands, called by themselves:
- Ahaharopirnop
- Ehartsar
- Noota
- Pareescar
Culbertson 2 divides the tribe into:
- Crow People
- Minesetperi, or Sapsuckers.
These two divisions he subdivides into 12 bands, giving as the names only the English equivalents.
Morgan 3 gives the following bands:
- Achepabecha
- Ahachik
- Ashinadea
- Ashbochiah
- Ashkanena
- Booadasha
- Esachkabuk
- Esekepkabuk
- Hokarutcha
- Ohotdusha
- Oosabotsee
- Petchaleruhpaka
- Shiptetza
The following is an alphabetical listing of divisions, bands, gens, gentes, clans and sub-tribes found within the Handbook of North American Indians.
- Achepabecha ( prairie dog ). A Crow band.
- Ashbochia. A band or division of the Crows.
- Ashinadea (lost lodges). A band or division of the Crows.
- Ashkanena (Blackfoot lodges). A band of the Crows.
- Biktasatetuse (very bad lodges: a Crow name) . A subtribe or band of the Crows or of some neighboring tribe; apparently the same as Ashiapkawi.
- Booadasha (fish-catchers). A band of the Crows.
- Crow People. A division of the Crows, distinguished from the Minesetperi. 4
- Ehartsar. A band of the Crows, one of the four into which Lewis divided the tribe.
- Esekepkabuk. A band of the Crow tribe adopted from the Sihasapa.
- Hokarutcha (‘skunk’). A band or society of the Crows.
- Iewatse (I-e-wat-se′, mouth men). The Crow name for some unidentified tribe. 5 ]
- Stat. View, 1807.[
- Smithson. Rep. 1850, 144, 1801.[
- Anc. Soc., 159, 1877.[
- Culbertson in Smithson. Rep. 1850, 144, 1851.[
- Hayden, Ethnog. and Philol. Mo. Val., 402, 1862.[