Choctaw Divisions of the Year

It is asserted by the women at Bayou Lacomb that the Choctaw year was divided into twelve moons; but it is highly probable that thirteen not twelve is correct. The native method of reckoning the divisions of the year is no longer practiced, or do the present Choc­taw remember the names of all the moons; they assert, however, that the year begins in December instead of the first of January. The only names they can recall are

English MonthChoctaw MonthEnglish Translation
AprilTans hasheCorn [planting] moon
DecemberUna’fa hasheCold moon
FebruaryHashe kapo’shaMoon of snow
JulyHash’ luwakMoon of fire
MarchHash’mahaleMoon of wind

The year is divided into two seasons, which in turn are subdivided, making four seasons in all:

SeasonChoctaw Season
SpringTofa ape
SummerTofa laspa
AutumnUnafa ape
WinterUnafa kapese


St. Tammany Parish LA,

Bushnell, David I., Jr. The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St Tammay Parish Louisiana. Washington Government Printing Office. 1909.

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