According to Morgan (Anc. Society, 163, 1878) the Chickasaw were divided into 12 gentes, arranged in 2 phratries, as follows:
I-Koi, Panther
- Koinchnsh, Wild cat
- llatakfushi, Bird
- Nunni, Fish
- Issi, Deer
II. Ishpanee, Spanish:
- Shauee, Raccoon
- Ishpanee, Spanish
- Mingko, Royal
- Hushkoni, Skunk
- Tunni, Squirrel
- Hochouchabba, Alligator
- Nashola, Wolf
- Chuhhla, Blackbird
The list given by Gibbs (Gatschet, Creek Migr. Leg., I, 96, 1884) follows:
I.-Panther phratry, Koa:
- Kointchush, Wild cat
- Fushi, Bird
- Nanni, Fish
- Issi, Deer
II. Spanish phratry, Ishpani
- Shawi, Raccoon
- Ishpani, Spanish
- Mingo, Royal
- Huskoni
- Tunni, Squirrel
- Hotchon tehapa, Alligator
- Nashoba, Wolf
- Tchu’hla, Blackbird
Mingos or chiefs could be chosen only front the “Spanish” gens, and were hereditary in the female line. The name must formerly have been different or this rule must have been established after the coming of the Spaniards.