Carlos Agreement

Last Updated on July 31, 2012 by Dennis

Articles of agreement, made this 3rd day of November, A.D. 1889, between Henry B. Carrington, “special disbursing agent in the field,” designated by the Secretary of the Interior to secure the several “consents” of certain of the Flathead Indians to whom patents were issued for lands assigned to them in the Bitter Root Valley, Montana Territory, under the provisions of an act of Congress, approved June 15, A.D. 1872, entitled “An Act to provide for the removal of the Flathead and other Indians from the Bitter Root Valley, in the Territory of Montana, or the heirs-at-law of said Indians,” to the appraisement and sale of said lands, under the provisions of an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1889.
Of the first part, and the hereditary chief, Charles Victor, sole surviving chief of said Flathead Indians, who alone of the three chiefs then living, viz, Charles, first chief; Arlee, second chief; and Adolph, third chief, did not sign the contract called the Garfield agreement, dated at Jocko Reservation, Flathead Indian Agency, August 27, 1872.
Witnesseth, that for himself and his heirs, and as the heir of his father, Eneos Victor, hereditary chief of the Flathead tribe of Indians, deceased, he does hereby consent to the appraisal and sale under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior of the lands assigned to his father, Chief Victor, and to himself, to wit, the S ½, SE ¼ off Sec. 32, T 9 N R 20 W., and the N ½ of NE ¼ of Sec. 5, T 8 N, R 20 W., containing 160.81 acres, and as well also, the N ½ of the SW ¼ of Sec. 27, T 9 N, R 20 W., with the N ½ of the SE ¼. Of Sec. 28, of T 9 N, r 20 W., said last two tracts containing 160 acres.
And the said second party, as the hereditary chief of the Flathead Indians, known as Carlos’ land, agrees also to move with the Indians of his tribe, now in the Bitter Root Valley, to the Jocko Reservation in the spring of the year 1890, upon the acceptance given in writing upon this day and date of propositions submitted, viz, that besides the choice of location on the jocko Reservation allotted to him in paper of this date, viz, the old Arlee property, for the benefit of himself and his children and grandchildren, and the removal of himself and effects without cost to him, that the thirty-two families of his people, who on account of the dry season last past, have had scant crops, and who in view of their removal in the spring will need aid, shall have sent to Stevenville for distribution, according to their actual necessities, sufficient flour, sugar, coffee, tea, rice, and bacon, to prevent suffering, until the time of their removal, and that the burial ground near St. Mary’s Mission, and the graves of the buried Flathead Indians, shall have due protection and honor.
(Signed) Henry B. Carrington,
Special Disbursing Agent in the Field
To secure consent to Flathead Indians.
Carlos x Victor,
Hereditary Chief of the Flathead Indians.
J.R. McLaren
T.M. Slocum

NOTE: Before Carlos signed he wished to know definitely as to his future, and the disposition of the proceeds of the sale of his land. He was assured that he would have the benefit of the sale of his land. The main personal item desired was “a new wagon and harness.” He needs these and they were promised.
He requested “that upon reaching the reservation the families having young children, but no cow, should be supplied with a cow.” This was promised.
He desired to occupy the old Arlee property. This was promised him, when at Washington. I confirmed the promise by embodying it in the contract. Widow Arlee and her heirs are satisfied. It was fully explained to them.
He desired a “two-seated, covered, spring wagon, to use in visiting his people, and getting them settled at work.” This was promised, but to be charged to him, if the Government can not furnish. Several of the Indians on the reservation have them, and they are of great service where a heavy wagon is almost useless.


United States Indian Service,
Flathead Indian Agency
Dated Arlee P.O. , Mont., December, 1889.

The undersigned, a Flathead Indian, and official interpreter at the agency on the Jocko Reservation, Montana, do certify that I acted as interpreter for General Henry B. Carrington, special agent of the Interior Department, both at said agency and for several days at Stevensville, in the Bitter Root Valley, where the patented Indian lands lie, and upon examination of the “consents” secured to the appraisement and sale of the fifty-three tracts, do state as my best conviction and belief that the parties signing the same are the true heirs and representatives of the deceased patentees who said signers answer for in said executed consents.
Henry B. Carrington, U.S. Army (SEAL)
Special Agent
Peter Ronan (SEAL)
U.S. Indian Agent


Flathead Indians of Bitter Root Valley Montana. Extracts from Senate Executive Document #231 of the 51st Congress, 1st Session concerning Flathead Indian Allotments in Montana. 1889.

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