Campbell’s Abstract – W Surnames

Last Updated on June 9, 2014 by Dennis

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

W Surnames

Wacoche, 3235.
Wacoche, Aggie, 3235.
Wacoche, Alex, 3235.
Wacoche, Benjamin, 3235.
Wacoche, Eliza, 3235.
Wacoche, Isaac, 3235.
Wacoche, Jane, M344.
Wacoche, Jimmie, 3235.
Wacoche, Johnson, 3235, M344.
Wacoche, Lizzie, 415, M344.
Wacoche, Lotta, 3235.
Waddie, 2289.
Wadey, 2842.
Wadsworth, 1772, 3314.
Wadsworth, Annie, 3037.
Wadsworth, Ben, 361, NB871, NB872.
Wadsworth, Ben W., 361, NB871, NB872.
Wadsworth, Cad, 361, 1237, 3875.
Wadsworth, Caddo, 1237, 3875, 361.
Wadsworth, Daniel, 3037.
Wadsworth, Eliza, 3037, NB628.
Wadsworth, Elle E., NB872.
Wadsworth, Emma, 741, NB260.
Wadsworth, Irene, 577.
Wadsworth, James, NB028.
Wadsworth, Jessie Eulalie, NB680.
Wadsworth, John, 577, 3037, NB628.
Wadsworth, Joshua, 1237.
Wadsworth, Leo E., NB871.
Wadsworth, Levina, 3314.
Wadsworth, Louisa, 3875.
Wadsworth, Lussie, 2628.
Wadsworth, Malinda, 301.
Wadsworth, Martha F., NB871, NB872.
Wadsworth, Mary, 3297, 260.
Wadsworth, Mattie, 577, NB680,
Wadsworth, Mitchell, 1981, NB260.
Wadsworth, Newman, 577.
Wadsworth, P. J., 577, NB680.
Wadsworth, Pude J., 577′ NB680.
Wadsworth, Richard, 3037.
Wadsworth, Thomas, 3875.
Wadsworth, William, 577.
Wagey, 2205.
Wagie, Two, 1607.
Wahhiley, 1365.
Wahnahuche, 2826.
Wahnahye, 444.
Wahouto, 939.
Waitchee, 3273.
Waitie, Osie, 3139.
Waitte, 2319.
Wakige, 2494
Waley, 1293, 2549, 2550, 2551.
Walker, Annie, NB647.
Walker, Benjamin, 1926.
Walker, Bettie, 2392, M163.
Walker, Billie, 320.
Walker, Cinda, 715.
Walker, Daniel, 308.
Walker, Dick, 1155, M473.
Walker, Ed, 3602.
Walker, Eddie, 134, 1472, 1926.
Walker, Edith, NB615.
Walker, Edward FL, 1053, NB611, NB615.
Walker, Ellen, 1473, NB539.
Walker, Eula, 1053, 3662, NB614, NB615.
Walker, Florence, 742.
Walker, George, 1414.
Walker, Geo. H., 1472.
Walker, Geo. W., 521, 1053, 1054, 1473, 3861.
Walker, George Washingtoon, NB614.
Walker, Hardy, 2392, M103.
Walker, Henry, 54.
Walker, Isaac, 2392.
Walker, Izora E., 988, NB89.
Walker, Jeff, NB646, NB647.
Walker, Jennie, 3200.
Walker, Jim, 163.
Walker, Joel, 261.
Walker, John, 1414.
Walker, Johnson, NB646.
Walker, Joseph, 51163.
Walker, Josephine, 308.
Walker, Minnie, 320.
Walker, Knightley, 259, 1839.
Walker, Knighty, 259, 1839.
Walker, Louis, 2392.
Walker, Liza, 3861.
Walker, Lucy, 163, NB471.
Walker, Mabel, 3017, NB646, NB647.
Walker, Martha J., 1713, 1855.
Walker, Martha Jane, 1713, 1853.
Walker, Mary, 134, 1053, 1472, NB452, NB453
Walker, Mineola, 3662.
Walker, Mollie, 521, 1472, 1473, 3861.
Walker, Nancy, 54.
Walker, Nettie, 320.
Walker, Susan, 1473.
Walker, William, 449, 1473.
Walker, William Walter, 261.
Walker, Wisey, 2392.
Wallace, Albert, 962.
Wallace, Ella, 962, NB131, M335.
Wallace, Jamison, 2003.
Wallace, Laura, C., M335.
Wallace, Tula, 962.
Wallace, Tully Mac, NB131.
Wallace, William A., 962, NB131, M335.
Wallesa, 3076.
Wallie, 1293, 2549, 2550, 2551.
Wallow, 3168.
Wallow, Lasley, 3168.
Wallow, Lizzie, 522.
Wallow, Lucy, 822.
Wallow, Nellie, 2391, NB688, M190.
Wallow, Peter, 2591.
Wallow, Salta, 3009.
Wallow, Sallie, 2591, 3131.
Wallow, Simmer, 2591.
Wallow, Wiley, 2591, 3131.
Wallow, Wilson, 822.
Walter, Isaac, 3708.
Walter, Partese, 3768.
Walters, John, 554.
Walufhogee, Tema, 2607.
Wanakee, 3869.
Wanakee, Lizzie, 3869.
Warcheeman, 1509.
Warcheenar, 1025.
Warcoche, 2607.
Ward, 1411.
Ward, Charlie, 553.
Ward, Ed, 853.
Ward, Effie, 853
Warden, Coy, 1652.
Warden, C. W., 1652.
Warden, Hugh, 1652.
Warden, Levicey, 1652.
Ware, Henderson, 553, NB875.
Ware, Ima, NB875.
Ware, Ivy, 553.
Ware, Lula, 553, NB875.
Ware, Oren, 553.
Warga, Yarhola, 1492.
Warkoke, 1369.
Warlecy, 951.
Warlecy, James, 951.
Warlecy, Jennetta, 951.
Warlecy, Nancy, 951.

Warlese, 2003, 3937, 2170.
Warlesee, 2003, 2170, 3937.
Warnarkee, 2084.
Warnarkee, Silla, 2084.
Warnarkee, Wicey, 2084.
Warnarkee, Winnie, 3922.
Warner, Rosa L., 913.
Warney, 1081.
Warrior, Dave, 2923.
Warrior, John, 2923.
Warrior, Lydia, 2923.
Warrior, Sam, 3792, NB1136.
Washburn, Mary, 1500, 1501.
“Washington”, 3290, M320, M321.
Washington, Aggie, 1201, NB354, NB355.
Washington, Alfred, NB1285.
Washington, Alice, M56.
Washington, Austin, 106.
Washington, Brutus, 3456.
Washington, Casinie, 106.
Washington, Catherine, 2026, NB776.
Washington, Claud, NB490.
Washington, Colbert, 2422, NB927.
Washington, Dave, 2245,
Washington, David, 3456. NB490.
Washington, Dixon, 651, 2064, NB354, NB355
Washington, Eliza, 2331, 2422.
Washington, E. M., 2026, NB776.
Washington, Emma, 2422.
Washington, Frank, M55.
Washington, George, 106, 2 9, 424, 1705, 1757, 2047, 2053, 2064, 2245, 2251, 2635,
2897, 3878, NB354.
Washington, Henry, 1234.
Washington, Ida, 2047.
Washington, Isaac, 1757, 3841, M55, M56.
Washington, James, 2422.
Washington, John, 3245.
Washington, Kogee, 2047, 279, 2053, 2635.
Washington, Koger, 279, 2047, 2053, 2635.
Washington, Lillie, NB927.
Washington, Linda, 2053.
Washington, Liza, 2569.
Washington, Lizzie, NB1229.
‘Washington, Lucy, 2047, NB734, NB735.
Washington, Mandy, NB735.
Washington, Marchie, 2494.
Washington, Marion M., 2026.
Washington, Martha, 2251.
Washington, Mary, 3761.
Washington, Melah, NB734.
Washington, Millie, 994, NB490.
Washington, Minnie, 2047, 2635.
Washington, Moses, 2053.
Washington, Nancy, 424.
Washington, Peter, 100, NB1229
Washington, Polly, 2521, NB927
Washington, Ralph, NB1285.
Washington, Rhoda,
Washington, Roda, 2635
Washington, Sadie, NB355
Washington, Sallie, 2215.
Washington, Sarah, 1757.
Washington, Sue. NB776.
Washington, Sukey, 2122.
Washington, Thomas, 2805, 3591, 3842
Washington, Toni, 3701.
Washington, Waitie, 1705, 2491.
Washington, Walter, 2251, 3701, 3878.
Washington, Watson, 2047, NB734, NB735
Washington, Wesley, MI.
Washington, William, 651.
Washington, Willie, 279, 1705, 3594, 3701
Washington, Winey, 106, NB57.
Waspee, 3220.
Waspin, Mary, 3239.
Wasse, 2103.
Wata, 1424.
Watashe, 2259, 2260, NB535, NB316.
Watashe, Barney, 2260.
Watashe, Celia, 2260.
Watashe, Eliza, 2260.
Watashe, James, M316.
Watashe, Joe, NB535.
Watashe, Lofahye, 2260.
Watashe, Rosa, 2260, NB535, M316
Watashe, Wiley, 2260.
Watkins, U. S., 1301.
Watkins, U. S. Grant, 1301
Watkoche, 1207.
Watkogee, 3051.
Wider, James, 3098.
Watsey, 2055, 2059, 2677, 3907.
Watson, Aggie, 2133.
Watson, Amos, 2117.
Watson, Annie, 685, 3252, 816, NB177, NB935, M85.
Watson, Annie L., 238.
Watson, Bella, 2153.
Watson, Bessie, 1117.
Watson, Chancy Lee, M85.
Watson, Chummy, 2105.
Watson, Daniel, 238, 1120, 1121 2879, NB115?.
Watson, Daniel G., 2433, 2571, 2573.
Watson, Dave, NB935, NB1031.
Watson, David C., 2433, 2573, 2571
Watson, Eddie, 1585.
Watson, Ellen, 685 NB873.
Watson, Fannie, 1131, 2391, 2404, 2105, 2571.
Watson, Fanny Anna, 513
Watson, George, 685, 1117.
Watson, Hannah, 60, M113.
Watson, Hettie, 1131.
Watson, Homer, 1117, 1576, 1585, NB715
Watson, Ida, 1575.
Watson, Jane, 238, 1131.
Watson, Joe, 107, 1575, 2117.
Watson, John, 685, 2153, 3252.
Watson, Johnny, NB1153
Watson, Josiah, 60, 1117, 1134.
Watson, Kate, 238.
Watson, Katie, 1117, NB171, NB175, NB874, M107.
Watson, Lela, NB177.
Watson, Louisa, 685, 1576, NB1153.
Watson, Mahala, 476.
Watson, Mahala A., 75.
Watson, Mehaley, M143.
Watson, Milburn L., 238.
Watson, Minnie, NB653.
Watson, Nellie, 685, 1434.
Watson, Nora, NB715.
Watson, Parnoska, 2404.
Watson, Pollie, 2582.
Watson, Polly, 3001.
Watson, Robert, 543,685, M85.
Watson, Sallie, 1480, 2573, 2574, 2577.
Watson, Sandy, 2573, NB653, NB1031, NB477, NB935, M143.
Watson, Santa, 2573, NB774, NB653, NB935, NB1031, M143.
Watson, Santy, 2573, NB477, NB653, NB935, NB1031, M143.
Watson, Thos., 685.
Watson, Webster, 1434.
Watson, Yarner, 1434.
Watson, Young, 238.
Wattie, 1111, 1271, 2103.
Wattie, Albert Willie, CE4055.
Wattie, Parnie, 2822.
Wattie, Polly, CE4055.
Wattie, Thomas, 2822, CE4055.
Watts, Anna H., 1659, NB648.
Watts, Mary, 579, 2321, 3314.
Watts, Mary Etta, 1659.
Watts, Minnie, NB733.

Watts, Nobe, NB733.
Watts, Robert L., 1659.
Watts, Susan, 425, NB733.
Watts, Thomas, 579, 2321.
Watts, William T., 1659, NB648.
Watts, William T., Jr., NB648.
Wayman, Bessie, 355, 514.
Wayman, Clyde McCausland, M4.
Wayman, E. T., M4.
Watty, 2353.
Way, Thos., 988.
Way, Vida M., 9SS.
Wealey, 187, 188, 189, 191.
Weatherford, 153.
Weatherford, Mary Levitia, 3267.
Weatherspoon, Vicey, 717.
Weaver, Amos, NB287.
Weaver, Bert, 3315.
Weaver, Bert Leo, NB281.
Weaver, Bert W., 3687, NB280, NB281, M296
Weaver, Billie, NB286.
Weaver, Edward, 135, NB285, NB286, NB287.
Weaver, Emma, 134, NB902, M428.
Weaver, Etta May, 3687.
Weaver, Georgia, 135.
Weaver, Helen R., 3315.
Weaver, Lizzie, NB25, NB286, NB287.
Weaver, Lois Aileen, NB280.
Weaver, Mary, 135.
Weaver, Slav, NB285.
Weaver, Mollie, 134.
Weaver, Paul, 134, 135.
Weaver, Rena, 3315, 3687, NB280, NB281, M296.
Weaver, Thelma, M296.
Webb, Ethel Samantha, NB38.
Webb, Ettie Jane, NB39.
Webb, George W., NB38, NB39.
Webb, Myrtle L., 1221, NB38, NB39.
Webber, Louis, 175.
Webster, Albert, 23.
Webster, Betsey, 23.
Webster, Bunner, 3857.
Webster, Daniel, 23, 1470.
Webster, Edward, 23.
Webster, Jefferson, 1470, 3857, NB94,
Webster, Hattie, 1470, 3837, NB94.
Webster, Seeley, NB94.
Webster, Sookey, 23.
Webster, Winey, 1470.
Welakacochee, 2132.
Welakoche, 3090, 3097.
Weldon, A. E., 33.
Weldon, Mrs. Ruby D., 33, 34, 38.
Weldon, Robert Lee, 33.
Weldon, Ruby D., 34, 38.
Weldon, Viola, 33.
Welorkee, 1911.
Wells, Ellen, 720, 31186, NB375, NB376.
Wells, Frank, 718, 720.
Wells, Joseph, 720.
Wells, Lee, 720.
Wells, Lizzie, 720, NB125.
Wells, Loyal, 720.
Wells, Lydia, 718, 719, 720.
Wells, Martha, 720, NB124.
Wells, Viola, 720.
Wells, Walter, 720.
Wells, Watie, 720.
Welorkee, 1911.
Wesley, 3147.
Wesley, Ada, CE4056.
Wesley, Bella, 822.
Wesley, Bessie, 2167.
Wesley, Bettie, 31142.
Wesley, Bettie Slay, 701.
Wesley, Charley, 1410.
Wesley, Cherokee, 1531, M131.
Wesley, Cogee, 3960.
Wesley, Daniel, 822.
Wesley, Eddie, 2782.
Wesley, Elsie, 2167, CE4056.
Wesley, Hulka, 1869.
Wesley, Ida, NB1139.
Wesley, Jimsey, 45.
Wesley, Joe, 1868, M131.
Wesley, John, 1993, 2167, 2168, NB261, NB353, M142.
Wesley, John Lowe, 701.
Wesley, Keeper, 2782, 3753, 3960.
Wesley, Kentucky, 1869.
Wesley, Leah, 2782, 3753.
Wesley, Lillie, M131.
Wesley, Linda, 2167, 2168.
Wesley, Lizzie, 2168, M195.
Wesley, Louis, 2167.
Wesley, Louisa, 702, 2782.
Wesley, Louisana, 3960.
Wesley, Lucy, 3068.
Wesley, Major, 2958.
Wesley, Mary Ann, 701, 3175.
Wesley, Mitilda, 2754, NB1176.
Wesley, Nettie, 3753.
Wesley, Nutka, 702, 822, 2075.
Wesley, Nutta, 702, 822, 2075.
Wesley, Peter, NB261.
Wesley, Polly, 2090, 3542, NB261, NB353, M142.
Wesley, Rhoda, 2168, M268.
Wesley, Roley, 701, 702, M75.
Wesley, Rose Etta, M75.
Wesley, Sikey, 2835.
Wesley, Thomas, 2168, NB1139, M195.
Wesley, Tiger, NB353.
Wesley, Toche, 1839, NB1139, M195.
Wesley, Victor, 2167, CE4056.
Wesley, Washington, 45.
West, Annie, 1279, M322.
West, Arabella W., 34.
West, Bessie, 2330.
West, Billy, 1414, 1420, 3023, M403.
West, Cogee, 1140.
West, Daniel, 1420.
West, Eliza, 1157, M403.
West, Ella, 1329.
West, Elsie, NB1074.
West, Emma, 1484, NB1141, NB1142.
West, Feny, 1442.
West, George, 1140, 1157, 1158, 1284, 1293.
West, Bettie, 3923.
West, John, 168.
West, Johnnie, 3847.
West, Katie, 1329.
West, Kizzie, 1157.
West, Ledie, 1254.
West, Lizzie, 520.
West, Losanna, 1449.
West, Louisa, 1140, 1157, 1158, 1420, 3923, M403.
West, Lucy, 1158.
West, Lumsey, 520, 1537, CE4057, NB1111, NB1142.
West, Milochee, 1293.
West, Nafey, 168.
West, Nellie, 3831, CE4057.
West, Nora. M322.
West, Parsinder, 1442, 3S34, NB1074.
West, Polly, 140, 143.
West, Pompey, 1414.
West, Robert, 1329, 1442, 3834, NB1074, NB1141.
West, Rosie, 520.
West, Sally, 1157.
West, Sarnie, 1329.
West, Siker, 1284, M322.
West, Sissy, 1293, 3847.
West, Sue Hettie, 38, 519.
West, Susan, 1420.
West, Thomas, 168, 1158, 1422, 1449, 2330.
West, Waddie, 1293, 3847.
West, William, NB1142.
West, Williamsee, 1293.
West, W. R., 34, 38.
Westerna, 2884.
Wethla, 629.

Whaley, Elizabeth, D., 1331.
Whaley, Fannie, 1331.
Whaley, Rebecca, 1331.
Whaley, Ride, 3275.
Whaley, Rufus M. Jr., 1331.
Whaley, Rufus M. Sr., 1331.
Wheeley, 149.
Whetstone, Alvin, 709.
Whetstone, Anderson, 709, 821, 918, 1089.
Whetstone, Carrie, 709.
Whetstone, Charlie, 709.
Whetstone, Dorcia, 709.
Whetstone, Dorethea Cleo, M207.
Whetstone, Edward, 709.
Whetstone, Eula Pearl, NB1094
Whetstone, James, 709, NB1094.
Whetstone, James R., M207
Whetstone, Mannie M. M41.
Whetstone, Mary Illa, 709
Whetstone, N. C. 709, 777, 875. 918, 82?, 3958.,
Whetstone, Nancy C., 709, 777. 821, 875, 1089, 3958.
Whetstone, Presley, 821, M44.
Whetstone, Theodoeia, NB1091, M207.
Whetstone, Theodesta, NB1091, M207.
Whetstone, Verma C., M44.
Whis ler, John, 2980.
White, Ada, 349.
White, Barney, 2436
White, Ben, 2014.
White, Cella, 2872.
White, Clara, NB772.
White, Craft, NB772.
White, Edmund, CE4058.
White, Emma, 1336, NB772
White, Everett B., 826.
White, Florence, 110.
White, George. 2011, 2596, 2899, CE10??, NB1236.
White, James, 1532
White, John, 349, 1532
White, J. T., NB168.
While, Katie, CE4058.
White, Laura. NB1064
White, Lizzie. NB1236.
White, Lucy. 1533.
White, Mae. 1133. NB1064.
White, Mack, 1133, NB1064.
White, Malissa, 349, M337
White, Mary, 1117, NB168.
White, Maud Annie, 1133.
White, M.H., 3121
White, Millisa, 349, M337.
White, Mose, 337.
White, Nancy, 1360, 2011.
White, Phenia, 1133, 3621, NB1064
White, Peter. 2136.
White, Polly, 2181.
White, Raymond. M337
White, Robert, 1151
White, Ronnie Loundine, NB468
White, Rosella, 1133.
White, Sally, 2175.
White, Sandy, 3009.
White, Sarah, 2129, NB1170, NB123?.
White, Sheldon. 39.
White, Susie, 1360.
White, Tellie, 319,
White, Tennessee, 826.
White, W.F., 826.
White, William, 3621.
Whiteman, 2707, 1016.
Whitfield, Millie. 1128, NB342, NB344.
Whitfield, Rachel, 1128.
Whitfield, Wm., 1128.
Whitlow, 2745.
Whitlow, Cleveland, 517
Whitlow, D.B., 649, 1650, 364.
Whitlow, David, 361.
Whitlow, David B., 361, 517, 649.
Whitlow, Edmond. 2715
Whitlow, Edward, 3881
Whitlow, Elizabeth, 517
Whitlow, John, NB 1138.
Whitlow, Joseph, 517.
Whitlow, Leo, 640
Whitlow, Mary, 517, 735, 737.
Whitlow, Millie, 364, 649.
Whitlow, Muna, 3943.
Whitlow, Ralph, 649.
Whitlow, Rosa, 649.
Whitlow, Simhoye, 2745, NB374, NB1138.
Whitlow, Sissie, NB374.
Whitlow, William, 649, 3884, NB374, NB1138.
Whitten, John, 715.
Whitten, Willie, 715.
Whooping, John, 2179.
Wicey, 757, 2547, 2915, 3237.
Wichie, 1261.
Widey, 2487, 2883.
Widy, 2918.
Wigey, 259.
Wigget, 1024.
Wiggie, 2741, NB 1134.
Wika, Mosey, 2995.
Wika, Yahola, 2995.
Wike, Yarhola, 1444.
Wiker, Annie, 2922.
Wiker, Belloche, 2922.
Wiker, Marley, 2922.
Wiker, Yarhola, 2922.
Wikey, 2801.
Wikke, 486.
Wilcox, Ella, 1917, NB37.
Wilcox, H. H., NB37.
Wilcox, John, NB37.
Wildcat, 386.
Wildcat, Aleck, 1572.
Wildcat, Albert, 3301.
Wildcat, Annie, 1572.
Wildcat, Bessie, NB1176.
Wildcat, George, 1572.
Wildcat, James, 3667.
Wildcat, Jesse, 3773.
Wildcat, Jim, 2783, 3773.
Wildcat, John, 3301.
Wildcat, Liza, 3667.
Wildcat, Losanna, 1572, NB1143, M421.
Wildcat, Maxey, 3667.
Wildcat-, Peter, NB1143.
Wildcat, Rhoda, M421.
Wildcat, Sandy, 1483, 1484, 1572, NB1143, M421.
Wildcat, Willie, 1483, NB1176.
Wiley, 170, 147, 1630.
Wiley, Adam, 3001.
Wiley, Andrew, 447, 3614, NB47S.
Wiley, Andy, 447, 3614, NB478.
Wiley, Angie, 172.
Wiley, Annie, 447.
Wiley, Benny, 172.
Wiley, Betsey, 271.
Wiley, Charlie, NB480.
Wiley, Cinda, 330.
Wiley, Cora, 3614, NB478.
Wiley, Dickson, 1208.
Wiley, George, 271.
Wiley, Haley, 171, 172, NB475.
Wiley, Hattie, M402.
Wiley, Jackson, 302, 2937.
Wiley, James, 730.
Wiley, Jennie, 2937.
Wiley, Jersey, 330
Wiley, Leah, 98, 90.
Wiley, Lizzie, 302, 3614, NB265.
Wiley, Louisa, 302.
Wiley, Lucy, 171, 172.

Wiley, Major, 330.
Wiley, Malissa, 330, NB856.
Wiley, Maria, 302, 2937.
Wiley, Martha, 330.
Wiley, Mary, 447.
Wiley, Melissa, 330, NB850.
Wiley, Milley, 447.
Wiley, Moses, 2552.
Wiley, Nettie, 172, NB203.
Wiley, Peggie, 447.
Wiley, Susie, 447, NB480.
Wiley, Virginia Dorothy, M402.
Wiley, Walter, 271, M402.
William, 2570.
William, Big, 2648, 2893, 2035, NB1159, NB1190.
William, Doctor, 2151.
William, Selina, 2893.
Williamochee, 3-110.
Williams, 2157.
Williams, Abbie, 1699, M171.
Williams, Ada, M285.
Williams, Alex, 348, 470.
Williams, Annie, 2423, 2427, 3286, NB1012.
Williams, Baby, NB1190.
Williams, Ben, 680.
Williams, Bettie, NB1189.
Williams, Bill, 391.
Williams, Charles, 1699, 3366, 3536, NB52, NB942.
Williams, Charley, 1699, 3366, 3536, NB52, NB942.
Williams, Cilia, 3366.
Williams, Cinda, 2648, NB1189, NB1190.
Williams, Clara May, 1699.
Williams, Daniel, 348.
Williams, Davis, NB491.
Williams, Eddie, 370.
Williams, Eli, 897, NB1221, M101.
Williams, Elizabeth, 1145.
Williams, Ellen, 3366.
Williams, Elmer, 370.
Williams, Emma, 470, 1699, 3536, NB942, NB28, M230.
Williams, George, 348.
Williams, Haddie, M101.
Williams, Hannah, 2158.
Williams, Henryetta, NB351.
Williams, Jane, 348, 3227.
Williams, Jennie, 2158.
Williams, John, 859, NB1012, NB1221.
Williams, John F., NB239.
Williams, John H., 3651, N8239, NB351.
Williams, John Randolph, NB942.
Williams, Kepsey, 2157.
Williams, Kissie, 1699.
Williams, Lillie D., 2157.
Williams, Loster, 1007, 1207, 2475.
Williams, Louisa, 391.
Williams, Lucy, 2475, 2648.
Williams, Lusta, 1007, 1207, 2475.
Williams, Luster, 1007, 1207, 2475.
Williams, Martha, 2158.
Williams, Mary, NB1221, M101.
Williams, Mary Ann, 1699.
Mary M., 403, NB52, M66.
Williams, Matt, M66.
Williams, Monroe, M66.
Williams, Naoma, 470.
Williams, Nat, NB52.
Williams, Nathan, 2157.
Williams, Nellie, 2142.
Williams, Nora, 680, NB1265.
Williams, Polly, 915.
Williams, Rena, 1214, 3227, 3799, NB491, NB492, M285.
Williams, Richard, 2475.
Williams, Rose Ann, 1699.
Williams, Sadie May, 859.
Williams, Sallie, 1007, 1207.
Williams, Sally, 2475.
Williams, Sally Ann, 1007, 1207.
Williams, Sam, 3227, 3799, NB491, NB492, M285.
Williams, Samuel, 915.
Williams, Samuel B., 3227, 3799, NB491, NB492, M285.
Williams, Sarah E., 859, 3651, NB351, M238.
Williams, Sol, 1699, 2475.
Williams, Sinthe, 2648, NB1189, NB1190.
Williams, Susie, 2158, NB305, NB1023.
Williams, Tamer, 3536.
Williams, Taller, 2648.
Williams, Thomas, 391, NB3381, NB1012.
Williams, Tom, 2423.
Williams, Vina, 470.
Williams, Viola, NB492.
Williams, Walter E., 3651.
Williams, W. F., 470.
Williams, Willie, 3799.
Willie, 2918, M485.
Willie, Sam, 384.
Williford, Joe Brown, NB101.
Williford, Lou, 1974, NB101.
Williford, M. M., NB101.
Willingham, Bettie, 415.
Willingham, Doe, 415.
Willingham, Emma, 2406, NB950, NB951.
Willingham, Harriet, 413.
Willingham, Jane, 415. ,
Willingham, John, 415.
Willingham, Lizzie, 415, NB652, M344.
Williams, Mary 415.
Willingham, Nicey, 415, 1928.
Willingham, Rachael, 415, M345.
Willior, 2286, 2257.
Willior, Lena, 2286.
Willior, Peggy, 2286, NB1132.
Willior, Seper, 2287.
Willis, Daniel, 965.
Willis, Kogee, 965.
Willis, Wesley, 965.
Willison, 33.
Willison, Helen, 3250.
Willison, Hettie, 01, 580.
Willison, Howard D., 3257.
Willison, Irene, 3255.
Willison, James, 301, 580.
Willison, James D., 580, 3255, 3256, 3257.
Willison, James M., 3256.
Willison, Mary J., 3255, 3256, 3257.
Wills, 3197, 3198, 3200.
Wills, Albert O., 800.
Wills, Amey, 3197, 3198, 3200.
Wills, Amy, 3197, 3198, 3200
Wills, Arthur Rex, NB746.
Wills, Bluford, 466.
Wills, Bonnie, 800
Wills, Burk H., 3686,
Wills, Buford, 166.
Wills, Dottie Ruth, 664
Wills, Eliza, 3198.
Wills, Eunice May, NB716.
Wills, Georgia Ann, 166. 184, 613, 1677
Wills, Georgiana, 166, 184, 613. 1677
Wills, Georgianna, 166, 184, 613, 1677
Wills, Hazel Irene, NB522.
Wills, Henry F., 661, 3686, NB522, M125
Wills, Jack Harbert, M125.
Wills, Joe B., 800.
Wills, John J., 466, NB108.
Wills, John S., 1227, NB716
Wills, Joseph, 3198, NB529.
Wills, Lilly, NB529.
Wills, Louis Leroy, 166.
Wills, M. J., 1227.
Wills, Mary, 663.
Wills, Mary A., 664, 3686, NB522, NB125
Wills, E., 800.
Wills, Mollie L., 466.
Wills, N. J., 664, 800.
Wills, Nancy, NB529.
Wills, Narcissi, 826.

Wills, Ollie Ann, 166, NB108.
Wills, Polly Ann, 466, NB108.
Wills, Theodore Dewey, 466.
Wills, Thomas, 3198.
Wills, Vard, 466, 184, 613, 1677, 3289.
Wills, Vardy J., 466, 184, 613, 1677, 3289.
Wills, V. J., 466, 184, 613, 1677, 3289.
Wills, Wm., 663, 664, 800, 826, 1227, NB108.
Wills, Wm. H., 663, 664, 800, 826, 1227, NB108.
Wilsey, 1185.
Wilson, 112.
Wilson, Abbey, 1627
Wilson, Annie, 3701, NB1219.
Wilson, Bennie, NB110.
Wilson, Bessie, NB1137.
Wilson, Bettie, 2521, 2703, NB1032, NB1033.
Wilson, C. H., NB69
Wilson, Charley, 2957, NB110.
Wilson, Cheparney, 730.
Wilson, Clark, 2713, NB1137
Wilson, Cora D., 513.
Wilson, Della, 1301,
Wilson, Earnest C., 513.
Wilson, Emily, 1075.
Wilson, Enus, NB1218.
Wilson, Frank, 1075.
Wilson, George, 2521.
Wilson, Geo. H., 1301.
Wilson, Grace, 665, NB1218, NB1219.
Wilson, Harvey, 1075.
Wilson, H. C., NB703.
Wilson, Hattie L., 543,
Wilson, Hettie, 817, 3476, NB122, NB451, M110.
Wilson, Howard, M161.
Wilson, Hubbard. NB163.
Wilson, Ida, 3701, NB112.
Wilson, Jack Elton, M110.
Wilson, Jason, NB42, NB43.
Wilson, Jasper, 2703
Wilson, Jesse, 342, 3701.
Wilson, John, 2957.
Wilson, John Emmet, 513.
Wilson, John W., 513.
Wilson, John Wesley, M462.
Wilson, Julius, M462, M463, M464, M465, M466.
Wilson, Kate. 1075.
Wilson, Kessella, 2454, 2457.
Wilson, Lillie, 1075.
Wilson, Lizzie, 342, 2747, NB410.
Wilson, Lola, 442.
Wilson, Louisa, 513.
Wilson, Lucy, 615, NB703.
Wilson, Lydia, 3024, NB69.
Wilson, Mahala, 1627,
Wilson, Manama, 665
Wilson, Margaret A., 513.
Wilson, Martha, 909, NB42, NB43.
Wilson, Mary E., 3972, M462, M463, M464, M465, M466.
Wilson, Minnie, 986, NB1033.
Wilson, Noonley, 1627.
Wilson, Nora, 3961.
Wilson, Oleta, NB69.
Wilson, Otto, NB43.
Wilson, Raymond, NB422.
Wilson, R. B., 817, 3476, NB422, NB423, M110.
Wilson, Robert B., 3476.
Wilson, Robert Henry, NB703.
Wilson, Sarah Jane, NB423.
Wilson, Simon J., 1627.
Wilson, Solomon, 1627.
Wilson, Stephen, M466.
Wilson, Taylor, 342.
Wilson, Thomas, 665, 2521, 2703, 2957, NB1032, NB1033, NB1218, NB1219.
Wilson, Toney, 2703.
Wilson, Verbena, 817.
Wilson, William, 1075.
Wilson, Wisey, NB1032.
Wilson, Zane, M465.
Wilumpka, 2648, NB1189, NB1190.
Wilyarme, 3381.
Wilyarme, Rody, 3381.
Wilyumka, 2781, 3410, CE4027.
Winchester, Doyle, 192.
Wind, Charlie, M118.
Wind, David, 1485.
Wind, Fanny, 1485, 1495.
Wind, George, 1495, 3695, NB603, M118.
Wind, James, 1485.
Wind, Jesse, NB603.
Wind, Job, 3695.
Wind, Millie, 1495, 3695, NB603, Ml18.
Wind, Milly, 1495, 3695, NB603, M118.
Wind, Susie, 1495.
Wineblood, Eva, 293.
Wineblood, F. A., 293.
Wineblood, Laura, 203.
Wineblood, Mary E., 293, 294, 306.
Winey, 90, 907, 1138, 1470, 1674, 2350, NB329, NB330.
Wingo, Will, 1112.
Winie, 1135, 2380.
Winn, Geneva Atkins, 3972, M435, M436, M437, M438, M439, M440.
Winn, Henry O., M436.
Winn, Oscar, M435, M436, M437, M438, M439,M440.
Winn, Prebble, 51438.
Winn, Richard E., M435.
Winn, Tabbie, M437.
Winn, Urceil, M440.
Winn, Valley, M439.
Winnie, 1138, 1503, 2380.
Winoyaheah, 2708, 2709.
Winters, Ada, 901.
Winters, Clara, 3516, NB484, M21.
Winters, Ed, 901, 3516, M24, NB484.
Winters, Elijah, NB484.
Winters, Ellen, 2159.
Winters, Grace, M24.
Winters, Henry, 901.
Winters, Leether, 3516.
Winters, Mary, 901.
Winters, Matilda, 901.
Winters, Nelson, 901.
Winters, Rosa, 901.
Winters, Williams, 901.
Wisely, 1323, 1381.
Wiseman, Charley, NB284.
Wiseman, Harry, NB284.
Wiseman, Hepsie, 2463, NB284.
Wisener, Annie, 848.
Wisener, Ben, 1059.
Wisener, Ben J., 699, NB887, NB1117, M178.
Wisener, Bessie, NB887.
Wisener, Douglas, 699.
Wisener, Joe, 1059.
Wisener, Katie, 1059.
Wisener, Minnie, NB1117.
Wisener, Oyama, M178.
Wisener, Susan, 2163, NB1117, NB887, M178.
Wisey, 1144, 1541, 1591, 1641, 1695, 1710, 1726, 2214, 2303, 2818, 2841, 2849, 2118
Wisner, Annie D., 92.
Wisner, Douglas, 92.

Wistoche, 2575, 2583, 2584.
Wistochee, 2566.
Withers, Joseph A., 3626.
Withers, Loney Ethel, 801.
Withers, Lydia, 801, 3626, NB87.
Withers, Maggie, 781.
Withers, Oliver Lee, NB87.
Withers, Robert, 3626, 801, NB87.
Withers, Robert 0., 801, 3626, NB87.
Withers, Roberts, 801, 3626, NB87.
Witochee, 150.
Wity, 858.
Woddie, 1528.
Wofford, Jackson. NB265.
Wofford, Lizzie, 302, NB265.
Wofford, Sherly, NB265.
Wolf, Amy, 3726.
Wolf, Annie, 3056, 3445.
Wolf, Bertha, 3973.
Wolf, Bettie, 2468.
Wolf, Birdie, 3445.
Wolf, Buck, 819.
Wolf, Cobley, 3445, NB1290.
Wolf, Copley, 3445, NB1290.
Wolf, Elba, 1215.
Wolf, Ella, 1997.
Wolf, Ellen. 3439.
Wolf, Enoch, 2465.
Wolf, Francis, 2902.
Wolf, Freeland, 1097.
Wolf, George, 819, 1215, 224S, 3726.
Wolf, Hannah, 1838.
Wolf, Isla, 1215.
Wolf, Jackson, NB650.
Wolf, Jane, 1687, 3729.
Wolf, Janie, 2902, M100.
Wolf, Jennie, NB1232.
Wolf, John, 609, 2468, 3729.
Wolf, Josie, 819.
Wolf, Kimbo, 3964.
Wolf, Kizzie, 819.
Wolf, Lee, 3658.
Wolf, Levina, 3083, 3658.
Wolf, Linda, 819.
Wolf, Lucy, 609, 2902.
Wolf, Mandy, 3083.
Wolf, Martha, 2468.
Wolf, Mary, 819, 2902.
Wolf, Matilda, NB1290.
Wolf, Mattie, 819.
Wolf, Motey, 1997.
Wolf, Nancy, 1997, 3964, NB298.
Wolf, Nannie, 819, 3726.
Wolf, Roley, 3053, 3655.
Wolf, Sam, 3084.
Wolf, Seaver, NB298.
Wolf, Sissie, 1215.
Wolf, Sukey, 3149, NB650.
Wolf, Susie, 2902.
Wolf, Timmie Bartlett, NB650.
Wolf, Wallace, 1997, 3964, M295.
Wolf, William, 819, 2465, 2902, 3430, NB1232.
Wolfe, Ellen, 2494, NB1232.
Wolfe, John, 3439.
Wolke, 3107.
Woodley, Oscar, 3973.
Wood, Argethel, NB1057.
Wood, Big, 2330.
Woodard, Mollie, 866.
Woods, Claude, 1112.
Woods, Cora, 1919, NB1057, NB630.
Woods, Eliza, 1112, 3556.
Woods, Eliza J., 3556, 1112.
Woods, Florence Lillian, 1112.
Woods, John R., 1112.
Woods, John W., 1112, 3556.
Woods, Lillie Rosell, NB630.
Woods, Ralph M., 3556.
Woods, Willis, NB1057, NB630.
Woodward, Clarence, 550.
Woodward, Edith, NB436.
Woodward, Charlie, 866.
Woodward, Grace E., 674.
Woodward, Hazel D., 674.
Woodward, Helen M., 674.
Woodward, H. E., 074, M289, NB436.
Woodward, Henry, 550.
Woodward, Herbert E., 674, NB430, M259.
Woodward, James H., M289.
Woodward, Mollie, 866.
Woodward, Nellie E., 674, NB436, M259.
Woodward, Pollie, 550.
Wootsha, 588.
Worker, Annie, 164.
Wosode, 1310.
Wotka, 1858.
Wotkee, Louina, 642.
Wotkoche, 2823.
Wotlen, Sallie, 3098.
Woxoche, 889.
Woxseholatla, 2447.
Wray, Benjamin, 790.
Wray, Claud, 790.
Wray, George T., 780.
Wray, Lee, 790.
Wray, Lillie, 790.
Wray, Sarah E., 780.
Wright, Annie E., 409.
Wright, Annie E., 469.
Wright, Ava E., NB933.
Wright, C. J., 1274, NB378.
Wright, Charles F., 169, M367.
Wright, Clida Owen, 3635.
Wright, Cora Adeline, 1271.
Wright, E. A., 1119,
Wright, Eugene M., NB67.
Wright, Jane P., 1274, NB378.
Wright, Judge William, 1274.
Wright, Lela L., 400, NB898.
Wright, Lula T., 931, 3635, NB932, NB933.
Wright, Mary E., 469.
Wright, Maysie, A., 169.
Wright, Olive A., NB378.
Wright, Sarah A., M367.
Wright, W. C., 3625.
Wright, Walter C., NB932, NB933.
Wright, Walter D., 469.
Wright, Ynenia B., NB932.
Wumhohla, 3075, 3079.
Wumhola, 3078, 3079.
Wydie, 2657.
Wynn, Earl, 1480.
Wynn, Lizzie, 1180.
Wynn, Pearl L., 1480.
Wynne, 2488.
Wysa, 1651.
Wyyabka, 2313.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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