Campbell’s Abstract – E Surnames

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

E Surnames

Eagle, David, 1357.
Eagle, Tochee, 1357.
Eagle, Ullie, 1357.
Easley, E. C., NB530.
Easley, H. Tookah, 2321, NB539.
Easley, John Pickard, NB530.
Eaton, Dick, 405.
Eaton, Hepsey, 405.
Eblie, 1340.
Echo, Nocus, 2742.
Echoney, 2312, 2983, 2984.
Echonney, 2983, 2984, 2312.
Eckesoma, 3081.
Edmond, Ben, 2843.
Edwards, James, 261.
Edwards, Sarah C., 568.
Egohney, 2310.
Ekar, Amey, 2207.
Ekar, Dickey, 2207.
Ekar, Echo, 2207.
Ekoconney, 2252, CE4038.
Elle, Nocus, 2733, 2845, NB1288, NBI289.
Eleechka, 1347.
Elessy, 1671, 1672.
Elissy, 1671, 1672.
Eliza, 2088, 2607.
Elizabeth, 2125.
Ellis, Amos, 2105, M160.
Ellis, Bob, 3093.
Ellis, Edwin, 2105, 2141.
Ellis, Emma C., 1336, NB1772
Ellis, Fred, M160.
Ellis, Hannah, 1336.
Ellis, Hattie B., 1336.
Ellis, Jack, 2504.
Ellis, James, 1336, NB775.
Ellis, Jannie, 3984.
Ellis, Lizzie, 2141.
Ellis, Martha, 3216.
Ellis, Maud, 1336.
Ellis, Minnie, 2141.
Ellis, Nellie, 2141.
Ellis, Nocus, 2154.
Ellis, Willie, 3093.
Elowatahge, 2158.
Emartha, 2728.
Emartha, Isparne, 659.
Emartha, Sodedon, 2132.
Emarthar, Mieke, 2172.
Emarthar, Mik, 2186.
Emarthar, Nargusta, 3065, 3080.
Emarthar, Nellie, 2172.
Emarthla, 898, 2251, 2571, 2901.
Emarthla, Ahala, 1202, 1541.
Emarthla, Aharle, 1541, 1202, 2578.
Emarthla, Aholle, 2578, 1202, 1511.
Emarthla, Carchee, 2570, 1005.
Emarthla, Catche, 1005, 2370.
Emarthla, Cho, 1789.
Emarthla, Chokotte, 486.
Emarthla, Chuwosta, 3270.
Emarthla, Conehart, 1213.
Emarthla, Cooweeseoowee, 2619, 2620.
Emarthla, Cotser, 633.
Emarthla, Echo, 1007, 2221, 2565, 3091, 3347
Emarthla, Efi, 755, 1251.
Emarthla, Eli, 1251, 758.
Emarthla, Fa, 1775.
Emarthla, Fus, 351.
Emarthla, Fushutch, 2093, 2095, 2100.
Emarthla, Fushuteha, 2100, 2093, 2095.
Emarthla, Gabriel, 2254.
Emarthla, Hattie, 2254.
Emarthla, Hillabee, 2462, 1591.
Emarthla, Hillubee, 1894, 2162.
Emarthla, Hotulke, 3883.
Emarthla, Isparne, 659.
Emarthla, Joseph, M474.
Emarthla, Jimhoker, 2254.
Emarthla, Karpetcher, 3385.
Emarthla, Konip, 2817.
Emarthla, Leechie, 2942, NB1258, NB1259, M474.
Emarthla, Lidda, 2560, 1891.
Emarthla, Linda, 1894, 2566.
Emarthla, Lizzie, 2053, 2732.
Emarthla, Martha, 1405, 2073.
Emarthla, Melissa, 209:3, 2095, 2100.
Emarthla, Micco, 2625, NB1252.
Emarthla, Mickie, 2001.
Emarthla, Millie, 2001, 1345.
Emarthla, Milly, 1345, 2001.
Emarthla, Nocus, 2732, 1299.
Emarthla, Nohos, 1299, 2732.
Emarthla, Osaehee, 1550, 1405. 2073.
Emarthla, Osoehe. 2073, 1405, 15511.
Emarthla, Okchiye, 3310.
Emarthla, Okchum, 2521, 2090.
Emarthla, Osegee, 1165, 15511, 2073.
Emarthla, Pahos, 149, 2095, 2299, 2701.
Emarthla, Pathos, 2299, 2701, 149, 2095.
Emarthla, Parthos, 2701, 2299, 119, 2095.
Emarthla, Pena, 397.
Emarthla, Pin, 2053.
Emarthla, Sallie, 2625, NB1252.
Emarthla, Sam, 2901, NB1258, NB1270, M171
Emarthla, Sarah, 1003.
Emarthla, Selina, 2524.
Emarthla, Singer, 33411.
Emarthla, Tom, 2615, 2825, 1286
Emarthla, Tulmarsey, 1322, 1345, 1375.
Emarthla, Tulmarsy, 1315, 1375, 1322.
Emarthla, Turn, 1286, 2825, 2615.
Emarthla, Tustarna, 1329, 527.
Emarthla, Tustenugge, 527, 1329.
Emarthla, Tuwase, 672.
Emarthla, Walter, NB1252.
Emarthlar, Micco, 1636.
Emarthlar, Okcha, 1347.
Emarthlar, Tulmarsey, 1344.
Emarthle, Fushutch, 2796.
Emarthle, Thlewarthle, 2828, 2829.
Emarthler, Holote, 1726.
Emarthler, Pin, 1489.
Emarthloche, 1878.
Emarthloche, Cho, 3401.
Emarthloche, Daniel, 3334.
Emarthloche, Henehe, 2322.
Emarthloche, Hepsey, 2322.
Emarthloche, Osina, 2322.
Emarthloche, Polly, 3401.
Emarthloche, Sampson, 3401.
Emarthlochee, Maudie, 1375.
Emarthlochee, Numsey, 1375.
Emarthlochee, Pahos, 1342, 1282.
Emarthlochee, Pathos, 1282, 1342.
Emarthlochee, Yarhar, 1375.
Emarthochee, Heneha, 2744.
Emarthoge, 2351.
Emarthoge, Henehe, 2032.
Emarthloge, 198, 310.
Emarthloge, Pahos, 145.
Emarthlogee, 2623.
Emarthlogee, Eco, 2835.

Emarwe, Cahshe, 1291.
Emathla, Thlewatley, 2170.
Emay, 2810.
Embehe, 562.
Embethlena, 571.
Emery, Byron Posey, S47.
Emery, John E., 847.
Emery, Jones Gladstone, 847.
Emery, Melissa B., 817.
Emma, 1570.
Emockla, 421.
Emoutla, Cooweescoowee, 2619, 2620.
Emwihoke, 3040.
England, Susannah, 1110, NB963.
English, Albert Z., 350.
English, Bessie E., 350.
English, Frederick S., 350.
English. Wolf No. 2, 2713.
Enkona, Martha, 3093.
Enledego, 2043.
Enublee, 3222.
Enrigues, Lizzie, 2352, M90, NB276.
Enrigues, Jesus, M90, NB276.
Enrigues, William, NB276.
Enrigues, Winnie, 5190.
Erkehaka, 3081.
Ernest, Anna Lee, 5135.
Ernest, H. B., M35.
Ernest, Leola May, 1764, 5135.
Erwin, Mary, 731, 732.
Escheeye, 831.
Eschemky, 2171.
Escoe, Anna, 2005.
Escoe, Bessie, 3816.
Escoe, Charlie J., 274, 1228, 3709, 3816, M213, M353, NB970.
Escoe, Cornelia, 274.
Escoe, Dora, 3709, 3816, M353, NB970.
Escoe, Earnest B., 1223.
Escoe, Edward, 1152.
Escoe, Ella Mabel, 1228.
Escoe, Ethel May, 1228.
Escoe, Hattie, 274.
Escoe, Ida Maude, 1228.
Escoe, Isaiah, 274.
Escoe, James, 274.
Escoe, Jean, 274.
Escoe, John C., 675.
Escoe, John H., 1228.
Escoe, Johnnie, 3709.
Escoe, Josephine, 1152, 1228.
Escoe, Leo Bennett, NB970.
Escoe, Leona Francis, 1228.
Escoe, Leona G., M10.
Escoe, Lindsey, 51353.
Escoe, Luther, 3709.
Escoe, Mary, 274, 403, 675, 1117, 1119, 1228, 2005.
Escoe, Myrtle Josephine, M213.
Escoe, Octavia, M213.
Escoe, Sarah, 1086, M10.
Escoe, Sarah M., 1086, NB65.
Escoe, Thomas, 274, 403, 675, 676, 1117, 1119, 1228, 2005.
Escoe, Torn, 274, 403, 675, 676, 1117, 1119, 1228, 2005.
Escoe, Tommie, 274.
Escoe, Walter J., 1228, M10, NB65.
Escoe, Wiley T., 1152, 1228.
Escoe, William Albert, NB65.
Escoe, Zelmo, 274.
Esongana, 2729.
Esoraka, 2853.
Esoraka, Leah, 2853.
Espoke, Atsolugge, 2302.
Estepe, 2833.
Estes, Clarence Davis, 1026.
Estes, Joseph Elmer, 1026.
Estes, Julius Benny, 1026.
Estes, Kizzie, 1026.
Estes, Ollie Caroline, 1026.
Estes, Osier, 1026.
Estes, William D., 1026.
Esther, 1568.
Esuthlka, 1873.
Etho, Fixico Chupco, 1148.
Eubanks, Minnie, 1117, NB447.
Eubanks, William, NB447.
Eubanks, William Albert, NB4-17.
Eucharne, 2734.
Euchee, Billy, 2307, 2308.
Euchee, Tom, 2084, 4013.
Eufaula, 756.
Eufaula, Eliza, 2182.
Eufaula, Susie, 2564.
Eufaula, William, 2973, 3229
Euthlegee, 399.
Evans, Alex, 3624, 1117.
Evans, Alexander, 1117, 3624
Evans, Alta, 1119.
Evans, Alva Arizona, M355
Evans, Arch N., 1117.
Evans, Charlie, 1119, 51355.
Evans, Clarence, 1119.
Evans, Clemm, 1119.
Evans, Cora, 1117.
Evans, Della A., M220, NB421.
Evans, Dora, 1119.
Evans, Florence, 1117.
Evans, Harrison, 1853.
Evans, Ida, 1117.
Evans, James, 1119, NB142, NB143.
Evans, James, Jr., NB143.
Evans, Tames H., 3693.
Evans, Laura, 1117, 3624.
Evans, Lee, 1119.
Evans, Lela, 3624.
Evans, Lena, 1853.
Evans, Lettie, 1119.
Evans, Lona, 1853.
Evans, Mary, 1117.
Evans, Mary A., 1853.
Evans, Mary J. E., M355.
Evans, Minnie, 1117, 1853.
Evans, Myrtle G., 3693.
Evans, Nettie, NB421.
Evans, Newton, 1853.
Evans, Phidelta Lee, NB142.
Evans, R. W., 1119, 1553, NB421, M220.
Evans, Rex Dewey, 1119.
Evans, Richard, 1119, 1853, NB421, M220.
Evans, Savanah, 1119, M220.
Evans, Stella, 3693, NB142, NB143.
Evans, Stella A., 3693, NB142, NB143.
Evans, Thomas, 1117.
Evans, Villa. 1853.
Evans, Wiley, 1119.
Ewiheehe, 2254.
Ewika, 155.
Ewing, Arthur E., 996
Ewing, Ethel, NB731.
Ewing, Eulelia, NB730.
Ewing, Orie, 996.
Ewing, Peter R., 996, NB730, NB731.
Ewing, Susan A., 996, NB730, NB731.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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