The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.
B Surnames
Baccus, Mattie Belle, M263.
Baccus, Rebella, 1074, M263.
Baccus, Willie, M263.
Backburn, Arnecie, 807, 3537, NB1164.
Backburn, Cal 3537, NB1164.
Backbun, Duffy A., 3537.
Backbun, Etta May, NB1164.
Bailey, Charles, 398, 780.
Bailey, Elizabeth, 780.
Bailey, George Ella, 814, M15.
Bailey, Georgie Ella, 814.
Bailey, Howard L., 814.
Bailey, Joe A., 22.
Bailey, Joseph Martin, 22.
Bailey, Lonie Lee, 814.
Bailey, Mattie, 22
Bailey, W. H., 814.
Baily, Moses, 39S.
Baker, Anna, 166$, NB661, NB414.
Baker. Annie, 160, 103.
Baker, Benjamin W., 1838.
Baker Billy, NB305, NB1023.
Baker, Butler, 1838.
Baker, Clara Belle, 1S35
Baker, Eldo, 1835.
Baker, Ella B., 3254, NB178.
Baker Ella Blanche, 3254, NB17s.
Baker, Emma, 1570.
Baker, Eula Blanche. NB178.
Baker, Everett M., NB304.
Baker, George. NB414.
Baker, George K., 3538.
Baker, Henry, 160, 163, 3913.
Baker, Inez W., NB305.
Baker, John, 1558, 1570, 3913, M423.
Baker, Josephine, M194.
Baker, K. N., 1838, 2158 3538, NB303, NB304, M194.
Baker, Kinkehee, N., 1835, 2I58, 3538, NB303, NB304, M194.
Baker, Kinkehe N., 1838, 2158, 3538, NB303, NB304, M194.
Baker, Lasley, 1570, NB414, NB661.
Baker, Lucy, 163, NB471.
Baker, Luther 1., NB303.
Baker, Martha, N11661.
Baker, Maud Anna, 1838.
Baker, Mentie, 1558.
Baker, Pauline E., NB1023.
Baker, Rebecca J., 1838, 3538, NB303, NB304, M194.
Baker, Sam, NB178.
Baker, Sandy, 1570, M423.
Baker, Sanie (or Billy), 1568, M423.
Baker, Sunday, 1570, M423.
Baker, Susan, 3913.
Baker, Susie, 2158, NB305, NB1023.
Baker, Tarsey, 1558, M444.
Baker, Wiley, 1558.
Barbee, Sarah M., 580.
Barber, Alice A., 1055, 2198.
Barber, Alice Ann, 1055, 2198.
Barber, Carrie, N. B. 514.
Barber, Cora, N. B. 1016, 51313.
Barber, Dovie E., 1055.
Barber, Gertie May, M 13.
Barber, John C., 267, 268, 2035.
Barber, John Thomas, NB1016.
Barber, John W., 1055, NB1016, M313.
Barber, Josephine C., 268.
Barber, Lula F., 1055, N13821.
Barber, Mary E., NB514.
Barber, Minnie P., 1055.
Barber, Mollie, 267.
Barber, Robert T., 267, 1055, 2198, NB514.
Barber, Sarah A., 267, 1055.
Barber, Sarah Ann, 267, 1055.
Barber, Shellie L., 1055.
Barber, Silas II, 267, 1055.
Barber, Walter C., 1055.
Bard, Daniel Lee, NB242.
Bard, Daniel N., 643, NB242, NB243.
Bard, Emma, 643, NB242. NB243.
Bard, Lucy, 643.
Bard, Oda May, NB243.
Bard, Richard 643.
Bard, William J. B., 643.
Bardy, 3235.
Barefoot, 1837.
Barheche, 67 .
Barkinson, Jonathan, 1019.
Barnett, 1056, 1240, 3825.
Barnett, Ada P., 1957.
Barnett, Albert, 1933.
Barnett, Aldine, 1433.
Barnett, Alice, N13883.
Barnett, Amos, 1540, M262.
Barnett, Anna, 3087.
Barnett, Annie, 88, 966, 1012, 3672, M148.
Barnett, Annanias, 3956.
Barnett, Austin, 966, 1433, 1654, 2880, NB724, NB725.
Barnett, Babie, 400, M286.
Barnett, Benache, 75.
Barnett, Bennie, 1933.
Barnett, Billy, 556.
Barnett, Charles, 1812.
Barnett, Charlie, 2761, NB8S2.
Barnett, Cheparney, NB523.
Barnett, Chillie, 966.
Barnett, Cilla, 1546, 3920.
Barnett, Cita, 51.
Barnett, Clifford Marion, NB1173.
Barnett, Columbus R., 1957.
Barnett, Cookie, 1468, NB464, NB465.
Barnett, Daniel, 61, 642, 822, 1433, 1443, 1547, 1.566, 1594, 1720, 3752. NB464, NB465, NB552, NB845.
Barnett, Daniel W., 1929.
Barnett, Dave, 642, 1929, 1930, 1540, 2863, NB1113.
Barnett, David, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1540, 3921, NB1113, M483.
Barnett, David C., 1851.
Barnett, Dennis, 1933.
Barnett, Dock, 966.
Barnett, Dick, 966, 1445, 3672, 51251.
Barnett, Dick, Creek Frd., 397, M148.
Barnett, Edmond, 2761.
Barnett, Edmund, NB724.
Barnett, Eliza, 1443, 3752.
Barnett, Elizabeth, 966, 141148.
Barnett, Ella, 1812.
Barnett, Ellen, 1240.
Barnett, Ellie, 1573.
Barnett, Frank, 233.
Barnett, George, 51, 1407, 1411, 1812, 1957, 3752, NB1173.
Barnett, Hallie, 1278, M483.
Barnett, Hammer, NB725.
Barnett, Hannah, 1056, 13S7, 1546, 180S.
Barnett, Harley, 1800, NB957, NB1235.
Barnett, Hattie, 1957, NB1173.
Barnett, Helie, 1407.
Barnett, Hettie, 1540.
Barnett, Himer, 1412.
Barnett, Hothlochee, 2313.
Barnett, Hulley, NB552.
Barnett, Ida, 1411.
Barnett, Jackson, 51, 75, 76, 233, 1397, 1419, 144S, 1701, 51251, 51286.
Barnett, Jacob, 2313, 2502.
Barnett, James, 416, 1387, 1388, 1448, 1800, 3087, NB464.
Barnett, Jeanetta, 51.
Barnett, Jennie, 1812.
Barnett, Jensey, NB204.
Barnett, Jesse, NB465.
Barnett, Jim, 3909.
Barnett, Jimmie, NB523.
Barnett, Jimmy, 1411.
Barnett, Joe, 416, 1012, NB204, M262.
Barnett, John, 1443, NB881.
Barnett, Johnny, 3825.
Barnett, Johnson, 51.
Barnett, Jones, 1798, 1808.
Barnett, Joseph, 1407.
Barnett, Judie, 1798, 1799.
Barnett, Jumsey, 1423.
Barnett, Katie, 1423, 1543, 1930, NB1035, M249
Barnett, Kogee, 1397.
Barnett, Leah, 1812.
Barnett, Leola, NB500.
Barnett, Lillie, 1808, M53.
Barnett, Linea, 75, 1467, NB552, NBS45.
Barnett, Liza, NB724, NB725.
Barnett, Lizzie, 1433, 1450.
Barnett, Lonie, 3672.
Barnett, Losana, 1407.
Barnett, Louis, 2921.
Barnett, Louisa, 51, 431, 1799, 1933.
Barnett, Louisiana, 2457.
Barnett, Lucinda, 2761.
Barnett, Lucy, 2233, 2863, 3841, NB500.
Barnett, Lydia, 3142, 3146, 3750, NB 1005.
Barnett, Mahala, 556, 2921, 3909, NB523.
Barnett, Mahaley, 556, 2921, 3909, NB523.
Barnett, Malissa, 233, NB566.
Barnett, Marshall, 3122. Barnett, Martha, 75.
Barnett, Mary, 75, 523, 642, 1414, 1415, 1488, 1540, 1929, 1931, 1932, NB1113
Barnett, Mary Alice, 1929.
Barnett, Mary Ann, 416, 3136.
Barnett, Mehote, 1387, 1388, 1448.
Barnett, Melissa, 51.
Barnett, Melviney, 1540, NB367, NB501.
Barnett, Millie, 1808, 3920.
Barnett, Minnie, 3824. Barnett, Mollie, 1409.
Barnett, Morris, 1808.
Barnett, Moses, 51.
Barnett, Nancy, 1, 1397, 1407, 1411, 2088, 3750, NB1113, M251.
Barnett, Nellie, 1411.
Barnett, Palmer, 1445.
Barnett, Parte, 2863.
Barnett, Patsy, 3956.
Barnett, Patty, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1540.
Barnett, Peggy, 1933, CE4018.
Barnett, Peter, 2088.
Barnett, Petoche, 1.
Barnett, Phoebe, 1448.
Barnett, Pollie, 966, NB406.
Barnett, Polly, 1929, M249.
Barnett, Pompey, 77, M286.
Barnett, Robert, 1411.
Barnett, Roman, 1812.
Barnett, Rosanna, NB1035.
Barnett, Salina, 3909.
Barnett, Sallie, 431, 448, 822, 1056.
Barnett, Sally, 61, 233, 232, 235, 1720.
Barnett, Samara, 642, NB845.
Barnett, Samochee, 1566.
Barnett. Sampson, 1445.
Barnett, Samuel, 1812, 2761.
Barnett, Sandy, 966.
Barnett, Sarah, 642, 1547, 1553.
Barnett, Satney, 232, 233, 235.
Barnett, Scipio, 966, 1432, 3956, NB500.
Barnett, Siah, 1415, 1419, 1488, 1540.
Barnett, Soocer, 1432.
Barnett, Stephen, 2201.
Barnett, Sukey, 2685, NB881 NB882, NB883.
Barnett, Susannah, 76
Barnett, Susie, 2201.
Barnett, Sussanna, 1, NB5S, NB59.
Barnett, Tarhinner, 1932.
Barnett, Thomas, 232, 1387, 1575, 1745, 180S, 1933, 2761.
Barnett, Tim, 1932.
Barnett, Timothy, 1929, 1932.
Barnett, Timothy W., 3087.
Barnett, Tochee, 1443, 1445, 1466.
Barnett, Tom, 1412, 2454, 3525, NB881, NB- 882, NBS83.
Barnett, Toney, 1928.
Barnett, Tony, 1546,
Barnett, Tucker, 1546, 1553, 3920, NB1035 M.249.
Barnett, Tucker, K. 1546, 1553, 3920, NB1035, M249.
Barnett, Wanney, 1012, NB204, M262.
Barnett, Wannie, 1012, NB204, M262.
Barnett, Wash, 1933.
Barnett, Wealache, 2502.
Barnett, Wesley, 88, 1540, 235S.
Barnett, William, 75, 1575, 1928, 2233, 2094, 3824, M483.
Barnett, William A., Jr., 75.
Barnett, Winey, 1388, 1546.
Barnett, Yahlawe, 77, M235.
Barnett, Yards, 1798, 1799.
Barnette, Alex, 412.
Barnette, Benjamin, 413.
Barnette, James, 413.
Barnette, John, 413.
Barnette, Judie; 412, 413.
Barnette, Lizzie, 412.
Barnette, Lucy, 413.
Barnette, Martha, 413.
Barnette, Polly, 412, NB736, M69.
Barnette, Susie, 412.
Barnette, Tilsey, 412.
Barnette, Wesley, 413.
Barnette, Wm., 412.
Barnette, Yarda, 412, 413.
Barney, 2233.
Barney, Albert, NB138.
Barney, Albert Emmet, NB13S.
Barney, Bessie, 1066, NB138.
Barney, Lee, 338.
Barnogee, 1444.
Barnwell, David, 4S6.
Barnwell, Jane, 1226.
Barnwell, Joe, 1737.
Barnwell, John, 486, 1226.
Barnwell, Katie, 386, 4S6.
Barnwell, Robinson, 1737.
Barnwell, Sissy, 1737
Barnwell, Vicey, 486.
Barnwell, Wisey, 1226.
Barr, Emma, 741, NB260.
Barr, J. C., 740, 741, 753.
Barr, Laura, 741, 3443, NB437, M248.
Barrett, Billy, 556.
Bartley, Leah, 1147.
Bassochee, 3228.
Baughman, Bert, NB13, NB14, NB15.
Baughman, Ella May, NB15.
Baughman, Fannie, 3523.
Baughman, Fayetta, 3523.
Baughman, Gay L., NB14.
Baughman, G. G., NB244, NB245.
Baughman, Gold C., Jr., NB245.
Baughman, Jefferson Euel, NB13.
Baughman, Malvin W., NB244.
Baughman, Mary Lula, 140, NB13, NB14, NB15.
Baughman, Sarah, 339, 3523, NB244, NB245.
Baysinger, Columbus, 539.
Baysinger, Eliza, 539, M13.
Baysinger, Nellie, 539.
Baysinger, Perry, 539.
Baysinger, William, 539.
Beams, Annie, 1413, 3838, NB895, NB896.
Beams, Becky, 3962.
Beams, Charles, 1413, 3838, NB895, NB896.
Beams, Charley, 1413, 383S, NB895, NB896
Beams, Isom, 1413.
Beams, Jacob, 1222, 3962.
Beams, Jake, 1222.
Beams, Lilly, 3338.
Beams, Mitchell, 1074, 1222, 3962.
Beams, Parthenia, 3269.
Beams, Rhoda, NB896.
Beams, Tishie M., NB895.
Beams, Tooka, 1074.
Bean, Gideon, 1414.
Bean, Jacob, 190.
Bean, John, 2849, NB955.
Bean, Lena, 3627, 3746, NB954, NB955.
Bean, Monday, 2849, 3746, NB954, NB955.
Bean, Money, 2874.
Bean, Nancy, 1414.
Bean, Okfuske, 3746.
Bean, Parthena, 239.
Bean, Rhoda, 190, NB587, NB588, M252
Bean, Sabena, 3746.
Bean, Supsie, NB954.
Bear, 3204.
Bear, Albert, 1674.
Bear, Alexander, 2338.
Bear, Amy, 3339.
Bear, Annie, 889, 2663, NB1165.
Bear, Bamma, 2915.
Bear, Bonnie, 2388.
Bear, Ceasar, 3080.
Bear, Cinda, 1354.
Bear, David, 3339.
Bear, Dick, 3339.
Bear, Edward, 3159.
Bear, Fannie, 2898.
Bear, Faska, 3204.
Bear, Haney, 291.5, 2995.
Bear, Hannah, 1218.
Bear, Harry, 3466. Bear,
Bear, Harty, 2915.
Bear, Hepsey, 2930, 2931.
Bear, Hilly, 2294.
Bear, Jakey, 3065.
Bear, Jessie, 3080.
Bear, John, 3065.
Bear, Johnson, 1356.
Bear, Jolly, 606.
Bear, Joseph, 2388.
Bear, Josie, M321.
Bear, Judo, 1218.
Bear, Katie, 1218.
Bear, Kizzie, 2430, 3080, NB521.
Bear, Lena, N.B. 879.
Bear, Lewis, 2599, NB1165.
Bear, Lillie, NB521.
Bear, Little, 1356, 2039.
Bear, Lonie, 1356
Bear, Lottie, 2925.
Bear, Louis, 2995.
Bear, Louisa, 2632.
Bear, Lowina, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1319.
Bear, Lucinda, 2388, CE4019.
Bear, Lucy, 1607.
Bear, Lydia, 3086, 3108, 3999, NB879, M352
Bear, Mahala, 2915.
Bear, Mannie, 2461.
Bear, March, 1218, CE4019, NB1172.
Bear, Marche, 1218, CE4019, BN1172.
Bear, Monny, 2206, M321, M320.
Bear, Munnie, 1299.
Bear, Nancy, 2929, 2930.
Bear, Nettie, 1243, NB1172.
Bear, Nocos Elle, 2388.
Bear, Paro, 121S.
Bear, Pinar, 1356.
Bear, Polar, 2461, NB521.
Bear, Pollie, 3466.
Bear, Polly, 606, NB382, M287.
Bear, Rhina, 2277.
Bear, Robert E., 3159.
Bear, Roley, NB1172.
Bear, Roman, 3080.
Bear, Ryder, 2929.
Bear, Sammie, 1356.
Bear, Sampson, 1356.
Bear, Samuel, 2388.
Bear, Sarah, 2248, NB1198, M346.
Bear, Sarley, 1356.
Bear, Seluskey, 2278, 3174.
Bear, Senie, 1356.
Bear, Sine, 2632.
Bear, Sunthape, 30S0.
Bear, Susanna. 2841.
Bear, Taylor, 3080, 3379.
Bear, Thomas, 3204, NB879.
Bear, Tinor, 2841.
Bear, Turner, NB1165.
Bear, Ulsar, 2383.
Bear, Walter, 606, 3466.
Bear, Washbarney, M320.
Bear, Washington, 3290, M320, M321
Bear, Wilson, 2843.
Bear, Varner, 2787.
Bearhead, Barney, 2742.
Bearhead, Betsey, 2742.
Bearhead, Cooper, 2210.
Bearhead, Jake, 2175.
Bearhead, Jesse, NB1269.
Bearhead, Louisa, 2210.
Bearhead, Lucinda, 2210, 2991.
Bearhead, Mollie, 3998.
Bearhead, Moser, 3998.
Bearhead, Moses, NB1269, NB1270.
Bearhead, Nancy, 136, 3998, NB1269, NB- 1270.
Bearhead, Polly, 2742.
Bearhead, Robinson, 2210.
Bearhead, Wylie, NB1270.
Bearhead, Yanah, 3998.
Beartail, John, 3368.
Beartail, Louis, 3718.
Beartail, Louisa, 3368.
Beartail, Lydia, 3718.
Beartail, Mary, 1275.
Beaty, 1159.
Beaver, 1101, 1870, 2330.
Beaver, Alex, 2380.
Beaver, Annie, 3159, 3384, NB1208, NB1209.
Beaver, Babie, 1695.
Beaver, Barney, 2665.
Beaver, Beatrice, M214.
Beaver, Beckey, 218.
Beaver, Buck, 399.
Beaver, Buna, M368.
Beaver, Byer, 3068, NB586, NB1055.
Beaver, Colbert, 3068.
Beaver, Cora, 399, 51376.
Beaver, Daniel, 537, 2473.
Beaver, David, 809, M368.
Beaver, Earnest, NB255.
Beaver, Ella, NB255, NB1091.
Beaver, Elsa, 3270.
Beaver, Emma, 152.
Beaver, Enoch 3599.
Beaver, Fanny, 1296.
Beaver, Frank, 399.
Beaver, Fred, 1176.
Beaver, George, 243, 3599.
Beaver, George Milton, 5136S.
Beaver, Halleyamson, 218, 2063, NB1077, 51214.
Beaver, Harry, 218, 2063, NB1077, 51214.
Beaver, Heliswa, NB1209.
Beaver, Jennetta, 285, M214.
Beaver, Jennie, 1029, 2009, 2380.
Beaver, Jimsey, 1577, 1585, 1586.
Beaver, Joe, 1296, 3833.
Beaver, John, 1176, 1296, 1870, NB255, N1091
Beaver, Joseph Charles, NB1091.
Beaver, Kaska, NB1208.
Beaver, Katie, 218.
Beaver, Lecus, NB586.
Beaver, Lela, 1296.
Beaver, Levina, 2473.
Beaver, Lizzie, 2380.
Beaver, Lou Ella, 2380.
Beaver, Louisa, 1300, NB1077.
Beaver, Lousanna, 2933, NB708.
Beaver, Lucy, 399, 2515, NB1161.
Beaver, Lydia, 809, 1095, 1101.
Beaver, Martain, 2009.
Beaver, Martha, 537.
Beaver, Martin, 537.
Beaver, Marty, 2380.
Beaver, Mary Capitola, NB450.
Beaver, Milton, 809, 1095.
Beaver, Mody, 3159.
Beaver, Mollie, 1727, 2462.
Beaver, Monte, 1029.
Beaver, Motey, 1727, 2462.
Beaver, Moty, 1727, 2462.
Beaver, Mulsey, 3068, NB5S6, NB1055.
Beaver, Mulsie, 3038, NB536, NB1055.
Beaver, Nancy, NB1131.
Beaver, Nansoche, 2473.
Beaver, Nellie, 3270.
Beaver, Nicey, 2516.
Beaver, Oklow, 2462.
Beaver, Ollie, 1095, NB450, M334.
Beaver, Ollie V., 1095, NB450, 51364.
Beaver, Pahte, 2515, NB1161.
Beaver, Party, 2515, NB1161.
Beaver, Peter, 1695.
Beaver, Polly, NB1161.
Beaver, Foyer, 3068, N. B. 536, N. B. 1055.
Beaver, Riley, 1577.
Beaver, Foley, 3065.
Beaver, Roman, 3033.
Beaver, Rosa, 453, 3833, NB1131.
Beaver, Sam, 1586.
Beaver, Sammie B. M364.
Beaver, Samuel, 1095, NB450, 51364.
Beaver, Samuel C., 1095, NB450, 51364.
Beaver, Sandy, 453.
Beaver, Sanger, 3270.
Beaver, Simmer, 1695.
Beaver, Sophie, 243.
Beaver, Thomas, 1577.
Beaver, Tilda, 3599.
Beaver, Tillar, 218, 312.
Beaver, Tiller, 213, 312.
Beaver, Tiner, 1577.
Beaver, Turner, 306S.
Beaver, Viola, 1095.
Beaver, Walter, NB1055.
Beaker, Wattie, 621, N111184.
Beaver, Willie, 3384, N111208, NB1209.
Beaver, Williamsee, 2473.
Beaver, Wilson, 152, 1296. 2473, NB1077.
Beaver, Wisey, NB1184.
Beck, Fannie, 2292.
Beck, Gerty, 2292.
Beck, Leonard, 2292.
Beck, Odus, 2292.
Beck, Otto, 2292.
Beckett, Mariah, 854.
Becky, 3952.
Beddoe, Hettie, R., 1805.
Beddoe, Lonzo, 1805.
Beddoe, Lonzo A., 1805.
Beddoe, Malvina P., 1805.
Beddoe, Martha A., 130
Beddoe, Morellis R., 1805.
Beddoe, Virona, 1805, 51423.
Beef, Fanny, 393.
Beef, Jim, 808.
Beef, John, 808.
Beef, Kizzie, 898.
Behaye, 2061.
Behen, 882, 937.
Behen, Asa, 3435.
Behen, Chefargee, 937, NB783.
Behen, Belay, 937.
Behen, Jennetta, 633, 3485, M17
Behen, Judy, 882.
Behen, July, 937.
Behen, Micco, 937, 3435, M17.
Behen, Noah, M17.
Behen, Walie, 937.
Belcher, Alen, 29.
Belcher, Bessie, 2423.
Belcher, Christopher C., 1085.
Belcher, Eliza, 1085.
Belcher, Emma, 2423.
Belcher, Geo. W., 1085.
Belcher, Jennie, 3558.
Belcher, John, 2423.
Belcher, Martha, 2423, 3558.
Belcher, Sila, 29.
Belcher, Simon, 237.
Belcher, Sunny, 2-123.
Belcher, Tobe, 2423, 3558.
Bell, Aaron, 3547.
Bell, Agnes, NB8.
Bell, Clarissa, 677, 3547, NB88.
Bell, Cornelius, 706.
Bell, Eli, 706, NB403, NB404.
Bell, Emma, 378, NB8.
Bell, George, 627, S90, 945, 960.
Bell, Georgiana, 627.
Bell, Jack, NB88.
Bell, James, 890, NB8.
Bell, Jasper, 945.
Bell, Jim, 960.
Bell, Jimmie, M430.
Bell, John, 3547.
Bell, Josie, NB369, M430.
Bell, Lelia May, NB88.
Bell, Lizzie, 6, NB369, M430.
Bell, Lizzie Marshall, 6, NB369, M430.
Bell, Losmar, 706.
Bell, Martha, 706!
Bell, Nellie, NB369.
Bell, Oliver, NBS9.
Bell, Silby, 706, NB403, NB404.
Bell, Silla, 706.
Bell, Suthie, NB404.
Bell, Thompson, NB403.
Bell, Willie, 706.
Bell, Yarnah, 890, 945.
Bellen, Nellie, 2910.
Bellsted, Chas., 498.
Bellsted, Myrtle, 498.
Bellsted, Tookah, 498.
Bellstedt, Catharine, 1399.
Bellstedt, George, 1399.
Bellstedt, Lula, 1399.
Bemar, Lizzie, 2430.
Bemar, Siah, 2430.
Bemo, Alexander, 303S.
Bemo, Douglas, 3116.
Bemo, John, 303S.
Bemo, Katie, 3116.
Bemo, Leon, 3116.
Bemo, Myrtle L., 1221, NB38, NB39.
Bemore, Alice, 1221.
Bemore, Annie, M237.
Bemore, Charlie, N13209, N13270.
Bemore, Chartey, M237.
Bemore, Dora, NB269.
Bemore, John, 1221.
Bemore, Lewis, NB270.
Bemore, Maggie, 2523, M237, NB269, NB270.
Ben, 159.
Ben, Big, 1423, 1425, 1435, 1436, 1584, 3830.
Ben, John, 1436
Ben, Martha, 1436, 3830.
Ben, Mary, 1423, 1125, 1435, 1436, 15S4.
Ben, Robert, 3830.
Ben, Samuel, 3031.
Ben, Wicey, 1436.
Ben, Willie, 1436.
Benden, Anna, 1609.
Benden, Dicey, 1609, NB944, NB945.
Benden, George, 1609.
Benden, Ida, NB9944.
Benden, Jeff, 1609.
Benden, Jonas, 1721.
Benden, Joseph, 1721.
Benden, Louis, 1609, .NB944, BN945.
Benden, Louisa, NB945.
Benden, Thomas. 1609, 1721, 1724.
Benham, C. A., 3498, NB380. NB381
Benham, Claude, 3498, NB1380, NB381.
Benham, James Albert, NB381.
Benham, Lucy Etta, NB380.
Benham, Malinda, 1446, 3498, 3819, NB380, NB381.
Benham, Willie, 3498.
Benjamin, Mulsey, 2435.
Benjamin, Timmie, 2435.
Bennefield, John Franklin, M63.
Bennefield, Mollie, 1736, M63.
Bennefield, William, M63.
Bennett, Anna C., 2715.
Bennett, Gertrude, 2714, M227.
Bennett, Leo E., 2714.
Bennett, Lonie, 2714.
Bennett, Lou Ellen, 956, M161.
Benny, 1593.
Benson, Annie, 2577, M147.
Benson, Billie, NB475.
Benson, David M., 20.
Benson, Edward, NB474.
Benson, Haney, 1424.
Benson, Hattie, 20.
Benson, Jack, 20, 1931.
Benson, James, 2577.
Benson, Jim, 1421, 2754, 3081.
Behson, Johnson, 2876.
Benson, Josiah, 2577.
Benson, Katie, 1417, 2577, NB471, NB175.
Benson, Kokey, 2754.
Benson, Lena E., 20, NB66, M156.
Benson, Lillie M., 20, NB681.
Benson, Louisa, 20.
Benson, Lydia, 1931.
Benson, Mary. 2754.
Benson, Matilda, 2754, NB1176.
Benson, Rhoda, 20.
Benson, Sallie, 2577.
Benson, Silpie, 2577.
Benson, Waley, 2577.
Benson, William, 20, NB474, NB475.
Benton, Bob, 2903.
Benton, Daniel, 4003.
Benton, Jennie, 2903, 4003, NB1277.
Benton, Lewis, 2563.
Benton, Louisa, 1685, NB697.
Benton, Mary, 290.
Benton Robert, 2771, 4003, NB1277.
Benton, Thomas, 1683, 1685, NB1277.
Benton, Washington, 2563.
Berry, Adesta, 3283.
Berry, Anna Marie, 1890.
Berry, Frances, 3283.
Berry, John H., 3283.
Berry, Josephine, 3283.
Berry, Louisa, 392
Berry, Louise, 3283.
Berry, Louise A., 1890.
Berry, Spire McIntosh, 3283.
Berry, W. D., 1890.
Berryhill, 1289.
Berryhill, Airy Ann, 637, 770, 771, 772, 844, 1129, 2706.
Berryhill, A. J., 532, 854.
Berryhill, Albert, 25, 637, 1443.
Berryhill, Glee, 37, 3675, NBS19, M291
Berryhill, Aleck, 37, 3675, NBS19, M291.
Berryhill, Alex, 37. 3675, NBS19, 11291.
Berryhill, Alice, 770. 916, NB256, NB832, NBS33.
Berryhill, Altie, May, 532.
Berryhill, America, 797, 3525.
Berryhill, Anderson, 1360, 1505.
Berryhill, Andrew J., 332 3457, 3628, NB277.
Berryhill, Annie, 37, 1508, 2675. N13819, M291
Berryhill, Ara Ann, 637, 770, 771, 772, 844, 1129, 2706.
Berryhill, Archie, NBS33.
Berryhill, Arie A., 637, 770, 771, 772, 844, 1129, 2706.
Berryhill, Ary Ann, 637, 770, 771, 772, 844, 1129, 2706.
Berryhill, Benjamin F., 39, 916.
Berryhill, Benjamin Franklin, 39, 916.
Berryhill, Bessie, 765.
Berryhill, Bettie, 351, 3676.
Berryhill, Bluford W, 844.
Berryhill, Buford O., 532.
Berryhill, Carl C., 844.
Berryhill, Charles Lawson, 844.
Berryhill Charles Percy, NB277.
Berryhill. Charlie, 1499, NB293.
Berryhill, Charles S., NB837.
Berryhill, Clarence, 35.
Berryhill, Clementine, 3628, NB9S6, M98.
Berryhill, Clent. NB928.
Berryhill, Columbus, 637, NB837, NB838, M269.
Berryhill, Columbus D. 637.
Berryhill, Cora F. 797, NB118.
Berryhill, Daniel B., 637.
Berryhill, David, 637.
Berryhill, David L., 30, 37, 370.
Berryhill, Della I., 797.
Berryhill, Earl, NB988.
Berryhill, Effie, L. 35.
Berryhill, Eli, 467.
Berryhill, Eliza, 370.
Berryhill, Elizabeth, 351.
Berryhill, Ellander, 467.
Berryhill, Elnora, NB765
Berryhill, Elsie, 351, 537.
Berryhill, Emma, 637, 1508, 2843, NB837, NB838, M269.
Berryhill, Emma C., NB3838.
Berryhill, Evaline, 467, 3028, 3289.
Berryhill, Eveline, 457, 3028, 3289.
Berryhill, Faith, 51269.
Berryhill, Fannie, 1226.
Berryhill, F. B., 334.
Berryhill, Fickhumker, 623.
Berryhill, Flora Edna, NB908.
Berryhill, George, M291.
Berryhill, George F., 844, 3625.
Berryhill, Geo. Franklin, 2706, NB986, M98.
Berryhill, Geo. W., 637, 770, 771, 772. 511. 1129, 270.5.
Berryhill, Georgia Ann, 3289.
Berryhill, Gertrude, 765.
Berryhill, Gracie I., 3575
Berryhill, G. W., 637, 770, 771, 772, 514, 1129, 2706.
Berryhill, Hare, 637, 770, 771, 772, 511, 1129, 2706.
Berryhill, Harris, 1030, 1032.
Berryhill, Harrison, 351, 3576.
Berryhill, Henrietta, 178
Berryhill, Hiepsie, 488, M149. NB256, NB257.
Berryhill, Hepsoy, 2843.
Berryhill, Houston, 623.
Berryhill, Huelda, 1030, 1032.
Berryhill, Hulda, 1030, 1032.
Berryhill, Ida Belle, 467.
Berryhill, Ione, NB765.
Berryhill, Isabenda, 53.
Berryhill, Jackson G. 772.
Berryhill, Jake (A. J.) 765.
Berryhill, James, 181, 765, NB765.
Berryhill, Jane, 82. 765, 1102.
Berryhill, Jeannetta, 2366, NB814.
Berryhill, Jeff, 33, 37, 533. 765. 924.
Berryhill, Jefferson, 35, 37, 533, 765, 921
Berryhill, Jennie, 237, 2623.
Berryhill, Jessie L., 844.
Berryhill, Jim, 237.
Berryhill, Joe. 23, 1508, NB256, NB257, M149.
Berryhill, John, 23, 325, 623, 797, 982, 1508, 3525.
Berryhill, John H., 637.
Berryhill, John P., 797.
Berryhill, Joseph, 23, 1508, NB256, NB257, M149.
Berryhill, Joseph F., 770.
Berryhill, Josephine, 35, 1772.
Berryhill; Katie, NB819.
Berryhill, Konsie. 325.
Berryhill, Lee, 765.
Berryhill, Leola May, NB814.
Berryhill, Little Deer, 1360.
Berryhill, Littleton, 3525.
Berryhill, Lizzie, 2843, NB1036.
Berryhill, Lony Love, 772.
Berryhill, Louisa, 1193, 1199,1508, 3373. M135, M275.
Berryhill, Lucinda. 623.
Berryhill, Lucy, 237, 351.
Berryhill, Lula, 532, 3157. NB277.
Berryhill, Lunn, NB832,
Berryhill, Maria, 532.
Berryhill, Martha, 623, 755, 1508, 3576.
Berryhill, Maudie, 1193.
Berryhill, May Belle, NB900.
Berryhill, Mildred E., 3157.
Berryhill, Millie, 23.
Berryhill, Minda, 2843.
Berryhill. Nancy, 35, 765, 844.
Berryhill, Nellie, 3575, NB908 NB909.
Berryhill, Nevada, 770.
Berryhill, Newman, 30.
Berryhill, Nicey, 325
Berryhill, Oleta Pearl, M98.
Berryhill, Oliver P., 854.
Berryhill, Ollie, 772.
Berryhill, Oscar, 35.
Berryhill, P. D., 83.
Berryhill, Peggie, 3675.
Berryhill, Peggy, 30, 37, 533, 924.
Berryhill, Pleasant, 30, 35, NB814.
Berryhill, Peter, 2843.
Berryhill, Rachel, 765, 1802, NB393.
Berryhill, Reno, NB257.
Berryhill, Richard. 1772.
Berryhill, Rilla, 772, NB987, NB988.
Berryhill, Robert, 351, 537.
Berryhill, Roby B., 916.
Berryhill, Rosa Lee, 3912.
Berryhill, Sallie, 1508, NB256.
Berryhill, Sally, 1193, 1360.
Berryhill, Sam, 1193, 1226, 1443, 1772, 2076, NB293, NB928.
Sam Bob, NB986.
Berryhill, Samuel, 1289, 1499.
Berryhill, Sanford, 844.
Berryhill, Sarah, 797, 3912.
Berryhill, Sarah H. 375.
Berryhill, Sarah Lee, 35.
Berryhill, Simon, 623, 1193, 1508.
Berryhill, Sophia, 1193, NB293, NB928.
Berryhill, Sophie, 1193, NB293, NB928.
Berryhill, Susanna, 1499.
Berryhill, Susannah, C., 83.
Berryhill, Susie, 25.
Berryhill, Theodore, 772, NB987, NB988.
Berryhill, Theodore F., 797.
Berryhill, Thomas J., 1032, 3575, NB908, NB909.
Berryhill, Thos. H., 375, 797, 3912.
Berryhill, Tobe, 2843.
Berryhill, Ves, NB987.
Berryhill, Walter Ray, 532.
Berryhill, William, 82, 237, 351, 637, 770, 1102, 1802, NB832, NB833.
Berryhill, William T., 755, 797.
Berryhill, Willie, 2076, M149.
Berryhille, Winnie, 30.
Berryhill, Zachariah T. 467, 755
Berryhill, Zena, 916
Berryhill, Z. T., 467. 755
Bethrolf, Alice K., 861.
Bertholf, Amanda J., $61.
Bertholf, Bettie L., 861.
Bertholf, Dewitt T., 861.
Bertholf, Emilia H., 861, NB146.
13ertholf, Myrtle M., 861, M254, NB145.
Bertholf, Ruble Cherokee, 861.
Bertholf, W. H., 861,
Besey, 126.
Beshers, Mary. 1303.
Bessie, 353, 2330.
Betehe, 3767.
Bethel, D. F., 3477, NB886.
Bethel. David, F., 3477, NB886.
Bethel, Dora, 554, 3477, NBSS6.
Bethel, Howard 13., 3177.
Bethel, Julia Lavinia, NB8S6.
Betsey, 600, 605, 612, 1366, 1745, 1892, 2770, 3274.
Betsy, Lizzie, 1571, 2542, 2959.
Betsie, 1899
Betsy, 889, 2021
Betsy, Lizzie, 1571, 2542, 2959.
Bettie, 1001, 2158, 2867, NB1287, M477
Betts, C. L., M9
Betts, Kathryn W., M9
Betts, Sue Hettie, 38, M9
Betty, 1590.
Bety, 1578.
Bewley, Elizabeth, 862, M42, NB513.
Bewley, Elizabeth Yargee, 862, M42, NB513
Bewley, Eugene L., NB513.
Bewley, George Henry, M42.
Bewley, Lawrence W., NB513, M42.
Bible, David, NB254.
Bible, Emmet, 284.
Bible, Lewis, 284, 2345, NB253, NB254.
Bible, Lewis Jr., 284.
Bible, Mulsie, 284, NB253, NB254.
Bible, Tigo, 284.
Bible, William McHenry, NB253.
Big, Ben, 1423, 1425, 1435, 1584, 3830.
Big, Jack, 2867, NB1287, M477.
Big, John, 1646.
Big, Sam, 751.
Biggs, George, 1627.
Biggs, George C., 3242, NB1239.
Biggs, Homer, 3242.
Biggs, Jeannetta, 3242, NB1239.
Biggs, Martha, NB1239.
Biggs, Pompey, 747.
Biggs, Robert, 3242.
Biggs, Sinda, 3242.
Biggs, Susan, 3242
Biggs, Susanna, 747.
Biggs, William, 1627.
Biggs, Yarnah, 747.
Bighead, Addie, 573.
Bighead, George, 980, 2505, NB1230.
Bighead, Jack, 3545.
Bighead, Jennie, 2505, NB1230.
Bighead, Jimmie, 2505.
Bighead, John, 1042.
Bighead, Konzie, 573.
Bighead, Lizzie, 2505, NB60.
Bighead, Lottie, 2505.
Bighead, Millie, 373, 3545, NB60.
Bighead, Nancy, 573, 2505.
Bighead, Pathlumka, NB1230.
Bighead, Sakcofahny, 1206.
Bighead, Salina, 1042, NB1118.
Bighead, Sallie, 573.
Bighead, Sam, NB1118.
Bighead, Sampsey, 1042, NB1118.
Bighead, Sampson, 1042, NB1118.
Bighead, Stanwaite, 573, 3545, NB60.
Bighead, Stanwaitie, 573, 3545, NB60.
Big Mosquito, 587, 1949, 3689, 3789, N B737.
Big Mosquito, Agnes, 3689.
Big Mosquito, Albert, 5S7, NB382, M2S7.
Big Mosquito, Carecoeonthlana, 3789.
Big Mosquito, Coyoufolany, 587.
Big Mosquito, Jennie, NB737.
Big Mosquito, Jensey, 587, 3689, 3789, NB737
Big Mosquito, Lizzie, 587, 1949.
Big Mosquito, Tacoconwee, 587.
Bigpond, Albert, 1187, 3482.
Bigpond, Anderson, NB241.
Bigpond, Billie, 1878, 3031.
Bigpond, Billy, 1059, 2312.
Bigpond, Charles, 557.
Bigpond, Charley, 2313.
Bigpond, Coneah, 999, 1008.
Bigpond, Daniel, 567, 3482, NB33, M87.
Bigpond, Eliza, MS7.
Bigpond, Ella, 1676.
Bigpond, Gosse, 2104, 2107.
Bigpond, Jackson, 1206.
Bigpond, James, 2104, 2312, NB939.
Bigpond, James Jr., 2104.
Bigpond, Joe, 1187.
Bigpond, John, 567, 1059, 1206, 1676, 2103, 2104, NB240, NB241.
Bigpond, Johnson, 1008. Bigpond, Joseph, 567.
Bigpond, Kalakony, 1187.
Bigpond, Kizzie, 1059, 2312.
Bigpond, Lathe, 1206.
Bigpond, Lallo, 1206.
Bigpond, Louis, NB939.
Bigpond, Louisa, 2313.
Bigpond, Lucy, 1008.
Bigpond, Martha, 3031.
Bigpond, Nancy, 567, 1059, 3482, M87, NB33, NB240, NB241.
Bigpond, Ninnie, 1008.
Bigpond, Odie, 2104
Bigpond, Rachel, 1206.
Bigpond, Sam, 1206.
Bigpond, Sarah, 2312.
Bigpond, Selah, 2103, NB939.
Bigpond, Shackleford, 567.
Bigpond, Sissie, 1676.
Bigpond, Sophia, 3031.
Bigpond, Sophie, 1878.
Bigpond, Susanna, 557, NB3I.
Bigpond, Susie, NB240.
Bigpond, Uconthla, 2104.
Bigpond, William, 2104.
Bigpond, Wilson, NB33.
Big William, 2893, 2035, NB1189, NB1190.
Big William, Hannah, 2935, NB1240.
Bigwood, 2380.
Bigwood, Linda,.2380.
Billey, John, 3277.
Billey, Pilot, 3277.
Billie, 2160.
Billie, Emma, 1878.
Billie, Jonas, 1878.
Billie, Lina, 1878.
Billy, Billy, 1567.
Billy, 175, 1568.
Billy, Annie, 3286, CE4041, NB1012
Billy, Billy, 1567
Billy, Captain, 2839.
Billy, Chotkey, CE4020.
Billy, David, 3734.
Billy, Eliza, 3800.
Billy, Emma, 3089, 2286.
Billy, Euchee, 2308.
Billy, Hannah, 1568.
Billy, Langley, 3734.
Billy, Lumber, 3286, 3734, 3800, CE4020.
Billy, Millisey, 1568.
Billy, Minnechar, 1568.
Billy, Nancy, 3286, 3734, 3S00, CE4020.
Billy, Rina, 3734.
Billy, Simon, 3089.
Billy, Sinnie, 1568, M423. Billy, Sophia, 2839.
Billy, Susan, 3734.
Billy, Tookah, 3734.
Billy, William, 1567, 1568, 3731.
Binney, 1951.
Bird, Ada, 2601.
Bird, Albert, 1821.
Bird, Amanda, 68.
Bird, Annie, 175, 1553.
Bird, Billie, 2691
Bird, Charlie, 175, 1824.
Bird, Dick, 1155, M473.
Bird, Dudie, 2672.
Bird, Edmund, 1821.
Bird, Eliza, 175.
Bird, Ellis, 68.
Bird, Eva, 175.
Bird, Felix, 2120.
Bird, Hannah, 3413.
Bird, Hughey Elmer, 406.
Bird, Hullie, 1824.
Bird, James, 2100.
Bird, Jim, 2672.
Bird, Jimmie, 1553.
Bird, Joanna, 175.
Bird, Katie, 1824.
Bird, Kizzie, NB990.
Bird, Lewis, 241, 1621.
Bird, Louie, M473.
Bird, Louisa, 68.
Bird, Malinda, 2100.
Bird, Margaret, 175.
Bird, Melissa, 2129.
Bird, Minnie, 626, M473.
Bird, Moses, 68, 3413, N13990.
Bird, Nancy, 175, 2061.
Bird, Nannie, 68.
Bird, Nellie, 2387.
Bird, Nelsie, 2100.
Bird, Polly, 2396.
Bird, Sallie, GS, 3413, NB990.
Bird, Sandy, 406.
Bird, Sarah Ann, 241.
Bird, Sissie, 2791.
Bird, Stella, 2120.
Bird, Susie, 1080.
Bird, Thomas, 2061.
Bird, Uplee, 175, 241.
Bird, Upler, 175, 241.
Bird, Walter, 241.
Bird, Willie, 1824, 2100.
Bird, Yanah, 241.
Birdcreek, Belcher, 1450.
Birdcreek, Jesse, 1450, CE4021.
Birdcreek, Lewis, CE4021.
Birdcreek, Mandy, 1450, CE1021.
Birdcreek, Moses, 1450.
Birdcreek, Peggie, 1450.
Birdcreek, Stanley, 1450.
Birdcreek, Timmie, 1450.
Birdhead, 2171, 2472, 2174, 2500, NB516.
Birdhead, Cinda, 2174, NB546.
Birdhead, Lucy, 2471.
Birdhead, Meloche, 2474.
Birdhead, Mollie, 2472, 2474.
Birdhead, Robison, 2-171.
Birdhead, Sinda, 2474, NB546.
Birdhead, Willochee, 2474.
Birdhead, Yanah, NI1516.
Bittle, Arminda, M309.
Bittle, George, 1915, 3001.
Bittle, Jacob; 740, 973, M309.
Bittle, Mary M., 746, 973.
Bittle, Mary Marina, M309.
Bittle, Muskogee Essie, 3004, M187.
Bittle, William, 1915.
Blackbird, 829.
Blackgrass, 2406, 2412.
Blackgrass, Wisey, 260S.
Blackston, Albert, 485.
Blackstone, Patsy, 485.
Blackstone, Tom, 485.
Blackwell, Henry, 462, 463.
Blackwell, Lucy, 2060.
Blackwell, Tecumseh, 462.
Blackwell, Thomas, 462.
Blake, Louisa, 3077.
Blake, Peter, 3077, 3S76.
Blake, Phema, 3077.
Blake, Simon, 3077.
Bland, Arlie, S., NB803.
Bland, Davis M., NB802.
Bland, Era, 1099.
Bland, Hazel M., 1099.
Bland, J. C. W., 1099, NB802, NB803
Bland, John C., 1099.
Bland, John C. W., 1099, NB802, N13803.
Bland, Owen W., 1099.
Bland, Sue A., 1099, NI3S02,!NB803.
Bland, Vera, 1099.
Blend, Joe, 1765.
Blend, Lucy, 1765.
Blend, Roley, 1765.
Blue, Sampson, 26.
Bluford, Fickey, 3108.
Blunt, Annie, 3358.
Blunt, Joe, 3357, 3358.
Blunt, John, 3197.
Blunt, Phillip, 3197.
Boatmun, Laura, 2236.
Boles, C. A., NB857.
Boles, Charles, 410, 3488, M325.
Boles, Charlie 0., 3488.
Boles, Cherokee, 3234.
Boles, Frank C., 3234.
Boles, Fred, 3234.
Boles, Holland, 3234.
Boles, James, 410.
Boles, Jennie P., 3234.
Boles, Laura H., 3234.
Boles, Mattie, 410, 3488, NB857, M325.
Boles, Pearl, 3234.
Boles, Pearl Amy, NB857,
Boles, Ruby, 3234.
Boles, Wilmer Burns, M325.
Boling, Connie M., 3606.
Boling, Dixie Self, NB1128.
Boling, John R., 3844.
Boling, Martha, 1865, 3606, 3841, NB903, NB1128.
Boling, Martha F., 1865, 3606, 3844, NB903, NB1128.
Boling, Sophia 0., 1865.
Boling, W. F., 1865, 3600, 3844, NB903, NB1128.
Boling, Walter Gilmore, NB903.
Bolling, 1035.
Bonbee, 2717.
Bone, Tiger, 398.
Bones, Eliza, 617.
Bones, Joe, 017.
Boney, 2800.
Boney, James, 2800.
Boon, Dock, 1038.
Boon, Ikey, NB811.
Boon, Isaac, NB812.
Boon, Martha, 651, NB811, NB812 M150
Boon, Peter, Creek Frd., 4848, NB811, NB812, M150.
Boon, Robert, M150.
Boone, Belle, 3030.
Boone, Blanche, 3030.
Boone, Charley, 474, 3505.
Boone, Charlie, 474, 3505.
Boone, Daniel, 1038.
Boone, Dock, 1038.
Boone, Imy, 1038, NB828.
Boone, Imy, R. 1038, NB828.
Boone, Mrs. Imy R., NBS2S.
Boone, Josephine, 1038, NB745, NB1061.
Boone, Ladossa Fredre, NB828.
Boone, Madge, 3505.
Boone, Millie, 1035.
Boone, Newman, 1038, M38.
Boone, Otto, 3030.
Boone, Polly, 2127, M38.
Boone, Priscilla, 474.
Boone, Sallie, 474, 3505.
Boone, Stella May, 5138.
Boone, Thomas, 474, 1038.
Boone, Ural, 474.
Boone, Zenus, 474.
Bosen, Amos, 2083
Bosen, Elsie, 454.
Bosen, George, 1945, NB978.
Boson, John, 1457, 1945.
Bosen, Lousanna, 1945.
Bosen, Mary, 2083.
Bosen, Pearlie, NB978.
Bosen, Peggy, 2083.
Bosen, Sam, 1457.
Boudinot, Belfoure, 180.
Boudinot, Cornelius, 180, NB224, 51114.
Boudinot, Cornelius Jr., M114.
Boudinot, Jessie, 180.
Boudinot, Mitchell, NB224.
Boudinot, Susanna, 180, NB224, M114.
Bough, Arthur, NB246, NB247.
Bough, Emma, 210, NB246, NB247.
Bough, Ethel, NB247.
Bough, Henry, NB246.
Bough, John, NB201.
Bough, Rachel, 1191, NB201.
Bough, Willie E., NB201.
Boulton, Etta C., 1091.
Boulton, Etta Marie, 1091.
Boulton, Geo. H., 1091.
Boulton, Howard H., 1091.
Boulton, Noco C., 1091.
Bowers, Edith, 3714.
Bowers, Fred, 107, 3714.
Bowers, Frederick, 3714.
Bowers, Harold, 107.
Bowers, Ida, 107, 3714.
Bowers, Lewis, 107.
Bowers, Rebecca, 107.
Bowleg, Wm., 3750.
Bowlegs, Ethel, 2486.
Bowlegs, Florence, 2486.
Bowlegs, Lulu, 2486.
Bowlegs, Lulu Winnie, 2486.
Bowlegs, Robert, 2486.
Bowling, 3034.
Bowman, Dolly, 471, 472.
Bradley, Adaline, 2756.
Bradley, Belle, 487, M14.
Bradley, Calvin Durant, M14.
Bradley, Cass M., M14.
Bradley, Lewis, 319.
Bradley, Sam, 35, 319.
Brady, Albert, 503, 1701.
Brady, Charley. 3300.
Brady, Dora, 1701.
Brady, Eliza, 3300.
Brady, Fall M., 2265, 3300.
Brady, Foil M., 2265, 3300.
Brady, Jallah-Cherokee, 1708, M308.
Brady, Lucinda, 503.
Brady, Martha, 2265, 3300, 3795.
Brady, Mary, 1701
Brady, Sam R. 3300, M308.
Brady, Saucer, 608.
Brady, William Penn, M308.
Brammir, 2539, 2640.
Bray, Mary, 158.
Bray, Vicey, 158.
Bray, William, 158.
Breeding, Dick Bland, 1500.
Breeding, Eliza, 1500.
Breeding, Henry, 1500.
Brewer, Jessie, 1877.
Brewer, Nick, 1877.
Brian, Charley, NB63, NB64.
Brian, Hettie E., 54, NB63, NB64.
Brian, John William, NB63.
Brian, Mary Ellen, NB64.
Bridges, Elizabeth, 026, 1020.
Bridges, Ellis, 926, 1020.
Bridges, Ellison, 926, 1020.
Bridges, Montle Robert, M358.
Bridges, Patty Bruner, 710, NB979, M358.
Bridges, Wade Elmer, M358.
Bright, John, 2127, NB720, NB 21, M37
Bright, Lafa, NB721.
Bright, Leon De Witt, 3602.
Bright, Lizzie, M37.
Bright, Luke, 3602, NB169.
Bright, Luke O., 3602, NB169.
Bright, Lumber, 2349.
Bright, Mary, 650, NB169.
Bright, Mary L., 3602.
Bright, Nannie, 423.
Bright, Reubin. NB720.
Bright, Rhoda, 2127, NB720, NB721, M37
Bright, Thelma Beatrice, NB169.
Bright, Watty, 423.
Brightman, Earl, NB679.
Brightman, Fannie, 2271, NB679.
Brightman, Lyeman, NB679.
Briley, Ella, 303, 51276.
Briley, Paul W., M276.
Briley, Winfree, 51276.
Brimer, George, 2539, 2640.
Brimer, Wilbert, 2640.
Brink, Lizzie, NB750.
Brink, Lusanna D., 1060, NB750.
Brink, Willie, 3125, NB750.
Brinton, Carrie, 911.
Brinton, Edith, 911.
Brinton, George, 1907.
Brinton, Ruth, 3418.
Brinton, Samuel, 911, 2505, 3418.
Brinton, Sarney, 911.
Brinton, Sussie, 911, 3418.
Brinton, TiIda, 2505.
Brister, 511, 512.
Bristor, 511, 512.
Bristor, Sudom, 512.
Bristow, 1822.
Broadnax, Ben, 523.
Broadnax, Bessie, M290.
Broadnax, James, M290.
Broadnax, Nannie, 1058, 3230, 51290.
Brock, Jennetta, A., 1961, 3663, NB179.
Brock, Jennetta L., 1961
Brock, John, 1961
Brock, Lillie, 1961.
Brock, Lucile E., 1961.
Brockman, Mary E., 333, 857.
Brook, Annetta Slay, NB179.
Brook, Eck E 3005.
Brook, Frederick H., 3663.
Brook, Jennetta A., 1961, 3663, NB179.
Brook, J. H., 1961, 3663, NB179.
Brook, John, 1961, 3663, NB179.
Brook, John H., 1961, 3663, NB179.
Brook, Nina, 3005.
Brook, Nina T., 3005.
Brooks, 1603.
Brooks, Annie, 2632, A1416.
Brooks, Bettie, 1963, NB315, M111.
Brooks, Eddie, 1603.
Brooks, Emma. 2632.
Brooks, George, 1603, 2632.
Brooks, Joe, 2632. M416.
Brooks, John, NB315, M111.
Brooks, Louisa, 2632.
Brooks, Lucinda, 1603, M164.
Brooks, Mona, 1603.
Brooks, Nola, M416.
Brooks, Rufus Claude, M111.
Brooks, Thomas Clifford, NB315.
Brooks, Widey. 1603.
Brown, Ada, NB313.
Brown, Ada, J., 1632, NB616.
Brown, Addle, 3167.
Brown, A. J., 1906, 2091.
Brown, Albert, 2335.
Brown, Alec, 2376.
Brown, Alex, 1446, 2582, NB672.
Brown, Alice, 915, 2011, NB524.
Brown, Annie, 586, 2258, 2582, NB761.
Brown, Athalene, 1622.
Brown, A. W., 1622, NB616
Brown, Banner, 1643.
Brown, Bernard, 1609.
Brown, Bertha, 1391.
Brown, Bertha Alice, 3427.
Brown, Bessie, 612, 915.
Brown, Bettie, 1906.
Brown, Billy, 223.
Brown, Buster, 612.
Brown, Cahkalecoconthla, 3303.
Brown, Carrie C., 460.
Brown, Chailey, 1686.
Brown, Charity, 356.
Brown, Charlie, 1048.
Brown, Charles, 356, 2258, 5136.
Brown, Charley, 248, 1224, 1230, 2335, 2983.
Brown, Cilia, 1038, 1277.
Brown, Clarence, 2091, 3737, NB604, NB605
Brown, Clarence W., 2091, 3737, NB604, NB605.
Brown, Claud W., 1622.
Brown, Cleller, NB713.
Brown, Conpesinney, 2785, 3303, NB1087, NB1088.
Brown, Contenny, 882, NB748, M18.
Brown, Cosaye, 2878.
Brown, Cotenney, CE4022.
Brown, Dakesahcocontaney, 3303.
Brown, Daniel W., NB139.
Brown, Dave, NB672.
Brown, Delilah, M36.
Brown, Dewey, 190.
Brown, Dick, 252.
Brown, Echoluste, 975.
Brown, Edith, M199.
Brown, Edward S., NB687.
Brown, Elijah, 1048, 1049, 1050, 2018.
Brown, Eliza, 617, 627, 3427, 51199.
Brown, Elizabeth, 1304, 1974.
Brown, Elizabeth A., 2011.
Brown, Ella, 234, NB966.
Brown, Ellen, 3060.
Brown, Elmer Wesley, 795.
Brown, Elwood, 356.
Brown, Esther M., 1277.
Brown, Eva May, NB616.
Brown, Flora, 627.
Brown, Flora A., 1500.
Brown, Frances, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1391, 2018.
Brown, Francis, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1391, 2018.
Brown, George, 559, 1184.
Brown, George A., 627.
Brown, Georgia, NB971.
Brown, Geraldine, 795.
Brown, Gold, 3060.
Brown, Gold C., NB189.
Brown, Hannah, CE4022.
Brown, Hardin, 612, NB971, M.115, M.116.
Brown, Hardy, 1686.
Brown, Henry, NB761.
Brown, Hettie, NB1030.
Brown, Jackson, 2011, 2018, 3653, NB713.
Brown, Jake, 605, 3467.
Brown, James, 460, 882, 2011.
Brown, James C., 1391.
Brown, Jeff, NB1029.
Brown, J. F., 2011.
Brown, Jennette, 605.
Brown, Jennie, 915, 2013.
Brown, Jennie E., 915.
Brown, Jerry, 1643.
Brown, Jim, 3303, NB1087, NB1088.
Brown, Jimsey, 975, 1407, 2878.
Brown, Jimsy, NB850.
Brown, Joanna, 855.
Brown, Joe, 1048, 2582, NB313, NB314, NB1030.
Brown, John, 115, 190, 356, 855, 1877 107, 2115, NB1088.
Brown, John William, NB605.
Brown, Joseph, 2258.
Brown, Joseph Wm., 795.
Brown, Josephine, 2011.
Brown, Josiah, 1048, 2582, NB313, NB314, NB1030.
Brown, Julia, 356, 1092, 1391, NB495, NB687, NB1007, NB1029.
Brown, J. W., 795.
Brown. Katie, 560, 567, 606, 612, 2582.
Brown, Kichee, 882.
Brown, Kiger, 233, 234.
Brown, Laney, 1236.
Brown, Larry, 612, NB971, M115, M116.
Brown, Laura, 3653, NB713.
Brown, Legus, 1184.
Brown, Lilly, 1500.
Brown, Lisha, 1609.
Brown, Lizzie, 115, 559, 1184, 1382, 2582, NB313, N11314.
Brown, Loda, 3303, N131087, NB1088
Brown, Lorena M., 3653.
Brown, Lou, 1974, 2091, 2537, NB101.
Brown, Louis, 2011.
Brown, Louisa, 2335.
Brown, Lucinda, 1048.
Brown, Lucy, 1236, 2225, 3860.
Brown, Lula, NB850.
Brown, Lydia, 2774, 111407.
Brown, Mabel, 3060.
Brown, Madison, 356.
Brown, Madison H., 1277
Brown, Maria, 2996, NB672, M36.
Brown, Martha, 252, 1943.
Brown, McKinley, NB1029.
Brown, Melia, 1391.
Brown. Melinda, 1416, NB380, NB381.
Brown, Melvin A., M115.
Brown, Minnie, 356.
Brown, Mollie, 1643.
Brown, Mr. 3315, 3317.
Brown, Myrtle, 627.
Brown, Nancy, 795, 2013.
Brown, Nannie, 1664, 1877.
Brown, Nathaniel, 682.
Brown, Neosho, 915.
Brown, Neosho P., 915, 1277, NB119, NB120.
Brown, Neilson, 3060.
Brown, Nellie, 1236.
Brown, Nettie, 1277.
Brown, Nick, 2013.
Brown, Nora, 223.
Brown, Oliver, 627.
Brown, Ollie B., 3060.
Brown, Peter, 1048.
Brown, Pilot, 252.
Brown, Polly, 2785.
Brown, Ralph, 627.
Brown, Rebecca, 3737, NB604, NB605
Brown, Robert, 560, 567, 606, 612, 1500.
Brown, Robert S., 627, 3427.
Brown, Roland, 1382.
Brown, Rosanna, 975, N13850.
Brown; Rosannah, 975, NB850.
Brown, Rose, 356.
Brown, Ruth, NB604.
Brown, Sallie, 605, 3467, 51318.
Brown, Sam, 2225, 3860, CE4023.
Brown, Sammie, 1277.
Brown, Samuel, 115.
Brown, Samuel B., 3060.
Brown, Samuel W., 915, 1277, 1304.
Brown, Samuel W. Jr., 915.
Brown, Sandy, NB314.
Brown, S. E., 1391.
Brown, Sealy, 252.
Brown, Sherman, 51116, 51119,
Brown, Simon, 1092, 1192.
Brown, Simpsey, 1686.
Brown, Sinnie, 759.
Brown, Sparhechar, 75S.
Brown, Stanton, NB687.
Brown, Susan, 915.
Brown, S. W., 915, 1277, 1304.
Brown, Taheonfah, 3303.
Brown, Tussekiehutkie, 460.
Brown, Tahsaconthleney, 3303.
Brown, Taylor, 248.
Brown, Thomas, 559, NB761, NB918.
Brown, Thomas J., 356, NB495.
Brown, Thomas Jefferson, NB495.
Brown, Timmie, 600.
Brown, T. J., 356, NB495.
Brown, William C., 49.
Brown, W. F., 49, 682.
Brown, William F., 49, 682.
Brown, William J., 3737.
Brown, Willie, 855, 1092, 1446, NB1087.
Brown, Wilson, 2225, 2774, CE1023.
Brown, Yacancothla, CE4022.
Brown, Yahlane, 3303.
Brown, Younger, 252.
Brown, Zenie, 3060, NB139.
Brown, Lora, 2011.
Broyles, Ida B., 1887.
Bruce, Browder F., NB140.
Bruce, Lena Ester, M122.
Bruce, Moten, NB140, M122.
Bruce, Pheba, 449, NB140, M122.
Bruce, Phoebe, 449, NB140, M122.
Brummet, Annie, 1121, 1134.
Brummett, Annie, 1121, 1134
Brummett, Texanna, 618, 650.
Brunel], Texanna, 944.
Bruner, Abney, 1566.
Bruner, Adaline, 635, NB62.
Bruner, Addle, 2510, M414.
Bruner, Alec, 2609.
Bruner, Aley, 750.
Bruner, Alice, MI12.
Bruner, Amanda. 989.
Bruner, Anna, 1499, 2076.
Bruner, Annie, 923, 1499, 1601, 2567.
Bruner, Archie, 922, NB999.
Bruner, Arlie, 655.
Bruner, Arlinger, 710.
Bruner, Arthur, 2489.
Bruner, Barney, 2329.
Bruner, Benj., 18, 35S1.
Bruner, Berry, 1610, 1611, 1612.
Bruner, Bertha, NB759.
Bruner, Bessie, 635, NB1002.
Bruner, Bettie, 725, NB1000.
Bruner, Betty, 750, NB759, NB760.
Bruner, Biker, 2666.
Bruner, Billy, 635, NB62.
Bruner, Bunnie, NB936.
Bruner, Cassie, 3583.
Bruner, Cessie, 922.
Bruner, Charles Eberle, 655.
Bruner, Charley, 1067, 1404.
Bruner, Cumsey, 2042.
Bruner, Daniel, 665, 750, 986, NB759, NB760.
Bruner, Dave, 899, 1611.
Bruner, David, 1639, 2385, 2938, 3823, NB1034.
Bruner, Dewey, 2479, 3641.
Bruner, Dick, 3763,
Bruner, Drefus, 1731.
Bruner, Eddie, 16111, 1694.
Bruner, Edward, 655.
Bruner, Eli, 103, 719, S99.
Bruner, Eliza, 725, 1950.
Bruner, Eliza Jane, 617.
Bruiser, Emanuel, 1831.
Bruner, Emma, 655. 1201.
Bruner, Emmett, 1802.
Bruner, Esther, 3529.
Bruner, Fannie, 655.
Bruner, Flora, NB152.
Bruner, Freeland, 591, 872, 3583, NB45.
Bruner, George, 1499, 1831, 2076.
Bruner, George E., 1802.
Bruner, Georgia, 1802, M311.
Bruner, Grace, 665, NB1218, NB1219 ,
Bruner, Haley, 2970.
Bruner, Hannah, 1983, 2592
Bruner, Harriet, 017, 679, 872.
Bruner, Henry, 617, NB1000, NB1001, NB1002.
Bruner, Hyman, 2390.
Bruner, Ida, 2510, M414.
Bruner, Ilsey, 2385, NB1034.
Bruner, Iona, 635.
Bruner, Iva M., NB451.
Bruner, Jackson, 1601, 2293, 2348, 2970.
Bruner, Jacob, 617.
Bruner, James, 2489, M168.
Bruner, Jane, 989.
Bruner, Jarey, 1521.
Bruner, J. Esther, NB12.
Bruner, Jemime, 2385.
Bruner, Jennetta, 1454.
Bruner, Jennie, 1648, 1831, 3529, NB152.
Bruner, Jensy, 591.
Bruner, Jerry, 1694, 1933, 1983.
Bruner, Jesse, 1426, 1994, 2413, 2479.
Bruner, Jessie, NB1001.
Bruner, Jim, 1998.
Bruner, Jimboy, 1631.
Bruner, Joe, 888, 1610, 2567, 2588.
Bruner, John, 18, 888, 970, 1454, 2235, 2465, 2666, 3310, NB936, NB937, NB999, NB1085.
Bruner, Joseph, 970, NB12.
Bruner, Josie, 899.
Bruner, Judy, 1994, NB532.
Bruner, Julia, 3641.
Bruner, Katie, 989.
Bruner, Kissie, 1738
Bruner, Kizzie, 909.
Bruner, Kogee, 2567.
Bruner, Lady Beatrice, NB810.
Bruner, Ledeger, 2413.
Bruner, Lee, 655.
Bruner, Lena, 1694.
Bruner, Lente, 2938.
Bruner, Leoner, NB1000, NB1001, NB1002.
Bruner, Lewis, 18, 922, 989, 1831, NB531.
Bruner, Lillie, 2385.
Bruner, Lilly, 635.
Bruner, Linda, 2453.
Bruner, Link, 750.
Bruner. Liza, 1521, 3700.
Bruner, Lizzie, 1694, 2465.
Bruner, Loney, 635.
Bruner, Losanna, 2111.
Bruner, Lottie, M93.
Bruner, Lou, NB904
Bruner, Loucinda, 2453.
Bruner, Louis, 734, 750, 2592.
Bruner, Louisa, 1630. 51334.
Bruner, Lowina, 2666.
Bruner, Lucinda, 1426, 1610, 1639, 3172, M334.
Bruner, Lucy, 655, 970, 1301, 2489, 3581, NB73.
Bruner, Luna, 1734.
Bruner, Luney, 655, 2374.
Bruner, Luny, 655, 2374.
Bruner, Lyman, 635.
Bruner, Mack, 1140, 1142.
Bruner, Maggie, 922, 2248, NB760.
Bruner, Mahala, 750.
Bruner, Mamie, 103.
Bruner, Margaret, 2235, NB12.
Bruner, Mary, 922, 1140, 1142, 1802, 2383, 2385, 2390, 2592, NB359.
Bruner, Mattie, 750.
Bruner, Mattie L., 1610.
Bruner, May Belle, 18.
Bruner, Meculla, 103.
Bruner, Megually, 103.
Bruner, Mekey, 2111.
Bruner, Miller, 655, 1521, 3623, 3766, 3820, NB73.
Bruner, Millie, 2453. 3820.
Bruner, Mindie H., 1610.
Bruner, Mineffie, NB73.
Bruner, Minnie, 2453, NB1085, 11168.
Bruner, Mitchell, 872
Bruner, Nan, 18, 922.
Bruner, Nancy, 635, 680, 734, 750, 2374, 2567, NB533, M112.
Bruner, Nannie, 18, 922.
Bruner, Nathan, 986, NB904.
Bruner, Nellie, 635, 3212.
Bruner, Nicer, 655, 235.
Bruner, Nola, 2453.
Bruner, Overton, 750.
Bruner, Pamela, 18, NB999, NB1085.
Bruner, Parmela, 18, NB999, NB1085.
Bruner, Paro. 725, 1956.
Bruner, Patty. 710, NB979, M358.
Bruner, Pearl, NB904.
Bruner, Pinkey, 617, M311.
Bruner, Polly, 1610, 1611, 1612, 3823.
Bruner, Rachel, 1734.
Bruner, Rentie, 2451, 2465.
Bruner, Reuben, M111.
Bruner, Rhoda, 872. 922, 3583, NB451.
Bruner, Richard, 1734, 1802, NB810, M93.
Bruner, Richard Douglas, NB62.
Bruner, Richard R., 617, 679, 872, 3823.
Bruner, Richmond, 725.
Bruner, Rider, 1067.
Bruner, Rider F., 989.
Bruner, Robert, 1994, 2383, 2113, 2592.
Bruner, Robertson. 2453, M331.
Bruner, Roman, 2453.
Bruner, Salina, 103, 710.
Bruner, Sallie, 2293, 2465, 2466, NB936, NB937.
Bruner, Sam, 1142.
Bruner, Sampson, 845.
Bruner, Sarah, 899, 1734, NB810, M93.
Bruner, Senic, 2453.
Bruner, Siah. 1454, 2383, 2385, 2390, 2392, 2567, 3172, 3595.
Bruner, Silla, 2609
Bruner, Sindoche, 1142.
Bruner, Sopsey, 2384. 2510.
Bruner, Sorbse, 2012, 2329.
Bruner, Sorbsey, 2012, 2329.
Bruner, Sulda, 1301, 3581.
Bruner, Susie, 2451, M414.
Bruner, Susy, 1908.
Bruner, Suther, 1994.
Bruner, Taylor, 2489, 2567, NB533, M112.
Bruner, Tecumseh, 1632.
Bruner, Tena, 1632.
Bruner, Thomas, 679, 2111, 3641, NB937.
Bruner, Thompson, 1064.
Bruner, Togy, 2489, 51168.
Bruner, Toley, 2012, 2329, 2384, 2510.
Bruner, Tom, 1956.
Bruner, Wash, 1983.
Bruner, Wego, 2517.
Bruner, Wiley, 2970, 3310.
Bruner, William, 635, 1404, 2510, M414.
Bruner, William G., 1831, 3529, NB152.
Bruner, Willie, 103, 2293, 2510, 3623, NB1034, M414.
Bruner, Wilson, 2517.
Bruner, Winfield, 1734.
Bruner, Yoapka, 2692, 3171.
Buck, 584.
Buck, Alex, M177.
Buck, Annie, 590, 1817, NB288.
Buck, Daniel, 1817, 1881, 1883.
Buck, Haney, 1720, NB947.
Buck, Hepsey, 1525.
Buck, Joe, 1525, 3232, M177.
Buck, John, 5 4, 586, 589, 591.
Buck, Josa, 1525.
Buck, Joseph, 1817.
Buck, Lily, M177.
Buck, Lonnie, M253.
Buck, Lottie, 2273, NB391.
Buck, Marse, 584.
Buck, Mary, 1817, 1881, 1883.
Buck, Nathan, M169.
Buck, Perryman, 590.
Buck, Reuben, 584.
Buck, Rhoda, NB707, M169.
Buck, Roley, 1881.
Buck, Roman, 1817.
Buck, Rosa, 584, 589, 591.
Buck, Rufus, 590.
Buck, Sallie, 1930, M253.
Buck, Sappho, NB947.
Buck, Sarah, NB707.
Buck, Sillibee, 584
Buck, Simpson, 1780, NB707, M169.
Buck, Susanna, M147.
Buck, Toney, 1881.
Buck, Walter, 1780.
Buck, Warrior, 584.
Buck, William, 1883, NB947, M147, M253.
Buckler, Mahala, 3730.
Buckler, Sam, 3730.
Buckley, Betsey, 15S8, 3696, NB1276
Buckley, Ceasar, 15S8, 3696, NB1276
Buckley, Cora, NB1276.
Buckley, Eli a, 1588.
Buckley, Emma, 3696.
Buckley, George, 1479
Buckley, Henry, 1479.
Buckley, James, 1479.
Buckley, Liza, 1478, 1479.
Buckley, Lucinda, 1479.
Buckley, Polly, 1478.
Buckley, Rufus, 1479.
Buckley, Sallie, 1479.
Buckley, Sam, 1475, 1479. 1588
Buckley, Solomon, 1479.
Buckner, Jack, NB863.
Buckner, Lizzie, 2889, 2890, 2891.
Buckner, Nancy, 2988.
Buckner, Nannie, 3867.
Buckner, Samuel, 2699.
Buckner, Scott, 2988.
Buckner, Susie, 2988, 3867, NB863.
Buckner, Wiley, 2699, 2985, 3867, NB863.
Bucktrot, 2687, 2730, NB852.
Bucktrot, Angee, 2687.
Bucktrot, Concharcher, 2687, NB852.
Bucktrot, Conzey, 2687.
Bucktrot, Lucy, 2687.
Bucktrot, Madie (Wydie), 2687, NB852.
Bucktrot, Mattie, 2687, NB852.
Bucktrot, Sagie, NB852.
Bucktrot, Sam Green, 2687.
Bucktrot, Wydie, 2687.
Bucktrot, Wysena, 2687.
Buffalo, George, 377.
Buffalo, Meley, 1058.
Buffalo, Yana, 377.
Buffnee, 3978.
Buflow, Miley, 379.
Buflow, Peter, 379.
Bullet, Annie, 164.
Bullet, Arthur, 164.
Bullet, Ben, 164
Bullet, James, 164, 3555, 3985, 4022.
Bullet, John, NB1140.
Bullet, Johnnie, 164.
Bullet, Lucy, 164, 3555, 3985.
Bullet, Mary Ann, 3555.
Bullet, Nellie, 164.
Bullet, Sam, 3285.
Bullet, Same, M452.
Bullet, Solomon, 3053, M452, NB1163
Bullet, Tagee, 4022.
Bullet, Zoye, 3995, NB1140.
Bullett, Bailey, 3103, NB1163.
Bullett, Bill, 3053.
Bullett, Chitto Harjo, NB1140.
Bullett, Edward, 2988.
Bullett, Hanna, 2935, NB1240.
Bullett, Jacob, NB1240.
Bullett, Jemima, 3995.
Bullett, Jennie, 3743.
Bullett, John, 3103, 3995.
Bullett, Kizzie, 3743.
Bullett, Maxey, NB1240.
Bullett, Millie, 3053, NB1163.
Bullett, Soloman, 3053, NB1163, M452.
Bullett, Solomon, 3053, NB1163, M452.
Bullett, Zoye, 3995, NB1140.
Bullette, Disey, 2015.
Bumkin, 3549.
Bumkin, Annie, 3549.
Bundy, 2540.
Bungee, Annie, 824.
Bungee, John, 824.
Bunger, 1235.
Bunger, Annie 824, 1235.
Bunger, Beckie, 1235.
Bunger, Enoch, 1235.
Bunger, John, 524, 1235.
Bunger, William, 824.
Bungy, 3332, 3585.
Bunner, 6, 3417.
Bunner, Addie, 3417.
Bunner, Barney, 6.
Bunner, Peale, 6.
Bunner, Indie, 6, M480
Bunner, Losie, 6, 3417.
Bunner, Masaner, 6.
Bunner, Martha, 6.
Bunner, Miley, 6.
Bunner, Mosey, 6, NB1247.
Bunner, Nancy, 6.
Bunner, 011ie, 2760, NB1247.
Runner, Susie, NB1247.
Bunney, Ahohulch, 2877.
Bunney, Martha, 2877.
Bunny, George, 2734.
Bunny, Jeannetta, 2734.
Burdett, Sudie M., 1640.
Burgess, Albert, 1761.
Burgess, Alice, 256.
Burgess, Barney, 1761.
Burgess, Bean, 2037.
Burgess, Ben, 374, NB1222.
Burgess, Benjamin E., 2037, NB161.
Burgess, Bird, NB827.
Burgess, Caesar, 950, 1653.
Burgess, Ceasar, 950, 1653.
Burgess, Curnseh, 243.
Burgess, Daniel, 256, 332, 1320, 2038,
Burgess, Dave, 332, 1760, 1761.
Burgess, Dick, 243.
Burgess, Ed., 2037, NB161.
Burgess, Edmond, 1770.
Burgess, Edmund, 312.
Burgess, Edward. 1761.
Burgess, Ellen, 312, 332.
Burgess, Ellis, 1760.
Burgess, Emma, 1760.
Burgess, Ethel, 2037.
Burgess, Fain, 372, 374.
Burgess, Fannie, 2117, NB1075.
Burgess, Gussie, 2038.
Burgess, Hettie, 265.
Burgess, Ida, 312, NB433.
Burgess, India, M272.
Burgess, James, 1760, 3786, NB826, NBS27
Burgess, James, Jr., 3786.
Burgess, Jane, 373.
Burgess, John, 678.
Burgess, John B., 265.
Burgess, Katie, 1770.
Burgess, Lee, 243, 950.
Burgess, Louisa, 442.
Burgess, Lowisa, 1320, 203S.
Burgess, Lyddia E., NB1222.
Burgess, Malissa, 264, 205.
Burgess, Martha, 2037.
Burgess, Alary E., 1761
Burgess, Mattie, 265.
Burgess, Slay, 2037, NB161.
Burgess, Nora, 1232, M272.
Burgess, Raymond B., NB1222.
Burgess, Riley, 1761.
Burgess, Roman, NB1075.
Burgess, Ruby, NB161.
Burgess, Sampson, 1770.
Burgess, Sarah, 265, 678.
Burgess, Senora, 1760.
Burgess, Susanna, 1760, 3786, NB826, NB827.
Burgess, Tina, 1760, 1761.
Burgess, Tyler, 1320.
Burgess, Walter, 2037.
Burgess, William, NB1075.
Burgess, Yarna, 1761.
Burke, John, 475.
Burke, John Thomas, 475.
Burke, Maggie J., 475, NB601, M461.
Burnett, E. H., M97, NB675.
Burnett, Joseph L., NB675.
Burnett, Richard Stanford, M97.
Burnett, Vinita, 406, M97, NB675.
Burnett, Vinita Gordon, 406, NB675, M97
Burnette, A. T., 3442, NB80.
Burnette, Mary J., 678, 3442, NBSO, M216
Burnette, Mary Jane, 678, 3442, NBSO, M21
Burnette, Moses, NB80.
Burnette, Myrtle, 3442.
Burnette, Thomas, M216.
Burnette, Violet, M216.
Burns, 3028.
Burns, Alvin, 3289.
Burns, Ike, 3289.
Burns, Isaac, 3289.
Burrow, John D., 777.
Burrow, Thomas R., 777.
Burrow, Wiley, 777.
Burrows, Isaac, 1495.
Burt, Eliza 993, NB706.
Burton, Abi L., 1698.
Burton, Charles Checotah, NB172.
Burton, Eliza N., 1698.
Burton, Ethel V., NB67.
Burton, Jesse, NB172, NB173.
Burton, Lucinda, 3024.
Burton, Lydia, 3024, NB69.
Burton, Mack, 3024.
Burton, Mary, 2227, NB172, NB173.
Burton, Mary E., 1698.
Burton, Minnie Ola, 1698.
Burton, Mollie E., NB67, NB68
Burton, Robert, 3924.
Burton, Robert 0., 169S NB67, NB68.
Burton, Rober P., 1698.
Burton, Rufus Cheestell, NB173.
Burton, Samuel, 1698.
Burton, Wynema Owen, NB68.
Bush, Hattie, 2931, 3712.
Bush, Jessie, 2931.
Bush, Jonas, 2931.
Bushyhead, Cleveland, 3353.
Buslar, James, 209.
Buster, Betsey, 710.
Buster, John, 710.
Butcher, 1348, 1376.
Butcher, Edmond, 1376.
Butcher, Lela, N131028.
Butcher, Mussy, 1348, NB1028.
Buteher, Norfer, 1348, NB1028.
Butler, 3191.
Butler, Anna, 1989.
Butler, Delpha, 3585.
Butler, Dinah, 009, 1731.
Butler, Eddie, NB1186.
Butler, Edward, 315, 729, 1989.
Butler, Elizabeth, 315, 729, 1989.
Butler, Emma, 3191.
Butler, Fount G., 1989.
Butler, Henderson, 1040.
Butler, James, 909, 1731, 2319.
Butler, Jennie, 195.
Butler, Jim, 195, 446.
Butler, John, 2066, 3191.
Butler, Legus, 2319.
Butler, Mahoye, 3191.
Butler, Manny G., 1989.
Butler, Mollie, 1040, 3585.
Butler, Molly, 3332.
Butler, Myron, NB1186.
Butler, Pusler, 2066.
Butler, Sam, 195, 446.
Butler, Sammie, 1989.
Butler, Susan Ann, 9.
Buzzard, 2587.
Byrd, Ada, 2691.
Byrd, Annie C., 1085.
Byrd, Betsey, 1085.
Bryd, Billie, M422.
Byrd, Chiska, 1590.
Byrd, Coleman, 2691.
Byrd, Dudie, 2691, CE4059, M406, M422
Byrd, Eda, 2328.
Byrd, Felix, 2691.
Byrd, James, 1591, 2061.
Byrd, Jemima, NB634.
Byrd, Jennetta, 2061.
Byrd, Judy, 2061.
Byrd, Leader, 3148.
Byrd, Leah, 1575.
Byrd, Louisa, 1576.
Byrd, Lucinda, 1590.
Byrd, Lucy Ann, 2328, NB366.
Byrd, Mary, 1621, NB200.
Byrd, Mattie, CE4059.
Byrd, Melissee, 1621.
Byrd, Nellie, 2672, 3354.
Byrd, Sandy (Leader), 3148.
Byrd, Seborn, 1576.
Byrd, Sunny-Sem, 565, NB633, NB631.
Byrd, Susie, 3148.
Byrd, Tamisa, 3095, NB633, NB634.
Byrd, Thomas, 2691, 3148, CE4059, M422
Byrd, William, 1085, 2328.
Byrd, Yakdeka, NB633.
I am a Granddaughter of Anna Benden, card number 1609. I am trying to locate information on her Grandmother Hepsey McGirt. Any information on Hepsey i.e., would be truly appreciated. Mainly looking for our clan.