C- Alabama Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Cahawba Old Towns. A former group of Choctaw settlements in Perry co., Ala., probably on Cahawba r. Pickett, Ala., II, 326, 1851; Halbert in Ala. Hist, Soc. Trans., in, 66, 1899.

Canjauda. Mentioned as a former Creek town in Cherokee co., Ala. Sen. Doc. 67, 26th Cong., 2d sess., 1, 1841.

Cayomulgi. An ancient Upper Creek town on a stream which joins Coosa r. at Coussa (Kusa) town, Ala. Possibly for Okmulgee, an ancient Creek town in E. Georgia.

Chananagi (ridge of land, or hill ridge). A former Upper Creek town E. of the site of Montgomery, Ala.

Chaneleghatchee. Probably a former Creek town in Alabama, between Tallapoosa and Chattahoochee rs. (Robin, Voy., n, map, 1807.) Not identifiable.

Chatoksofki (Chát aksúfki, rock bluff ). A former Upper Creek town in Talladega co., Ala., with 143 families in 1833. Chatoksofki, Abikudshi, Niuyaka, and Oakfuskee were anciently considered one town whose people met at one place for their annual busk, q. v. In former times these were the greatest ball players of the Creeks. The few survivors are consolidated with the Eufaula in the Creek Nation, Ind. Ter., where a modern town known as Chatoksofki now exists. (A. S. G.)

Chatukchufaula. An Upper Creek town on Tallapoosa r., Ala., probably in Chambers co. , settled apparently by the Talasse.

Chegoli. A former town on the E. bank of Tallapoosa r., Ala. (Bartram, Trav., i, map, 1799). Not identified, but probably Creek.

Cheponta’s Village. A former Choctaw village on the w. bank of Tombigbee r., in extreme s. E. Choctaw co., Ala. Royce in 18th Rep. B. A. E., Ala. map, 1900.

Chiahudshi (Chiahu′dshi, ‘little Chiaha’). A former dependent settlement of the Chiaha, about 2 m. w. of Hitchiti town, E. Ala.

Chickasaw Old Fields. A place on the N. side of Tennessee r., opposite Chickasaw id., about 4 in. below Flint r., in s. E. Madison co., Ala.; claimed by the Chickasaw as one of their ancient village sites. Treaty of 1805 in U. S. Ind. Treat., 116, 1837.

Chinnaby’s Fort. In 1813, at the time of the Creek rebellion, Chinnaby, a Creek chief friendly to the United States, had a “kind of fort” at Ten ids, on Coosa r., Ala.

Chiskatalofa (chiski ‘post oak’, talofa ‘town’). A former Creek town on the w. side of Chattahoochee r., 4 m. below Wikaihlako, in Henry co., Ala.

Cholocco Litabixee ( Chu-‘láko ili-tapíksi ‘horse’s flat foot’, A. S. G. ). A former Upper Creek village on a bend of Tallapoosa r., Ala., in the river bottom, where, on Mar. 27, 1814, the defeat of the Red-stick party took place at the battle of the Horseshoe. Pickett, Hist, Ala., ii, 341, 1851.

Chotanksofkee (tchat aksofka ‘precipice’). A town situated 1 m. s. w. of Eufaula, in the Creek Nation, Ind. Ter. (H. E. Doc. 80, 27th Cong., 3d sess., 8, 1843). In the old Creek country there was formerly a settlement of the same name, probably near Abikudshi, E. of upper Coosa r., Ala. (A. S. G.)

Chukahlako (great house). (1) A former Lower Creek town on Chattahoochee r., Ala. In 1799 the inhabitants had abandoned the place and moved to Oakfuskee, on the opposite side of Tallapoosa r. There is a Choccolocco post-office in Alabama on Choccolocco cr. (2) Mentioned in a census of 1832 as an Upper Creek town with 109 families. Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, iv, 578, 1854. (A. S. G.)

Cochali. Given by Coxe in 1741 as the name of one of 4 small islands in Tennessee r, 40 leagues above the Chickasaw, each occupied by a “nation” of the same name. The others were Kakick, Tahogale, and Tali (Little Talasse). The location was in N. Alabama, and the names may perhaps be Creek. They do not seem to be Cherokee, although Cochali may possibly be kâtsălû′, implying some thing in a sheath. (J. M.)

Cohatchie. A former Upper Creek town on the left bank of Coosa r. , in s. w. Talladega co., Ala. Royce in 18th Rep. B. A. E., pi. cviii, 1899.

Coligoa. A village visited by the De Soto expedition in 1542 and described as in a very fertile country, in which the troops made salt, “toward the mountains,” and by a river at the foot of a hill; possibly in w. Arkansas or on the border of the Ozark mts.

Colomino. (1) A town placed by Jefferys (French Dom. Am., pt. i, map, 134, 1761) on one of the head streams of Ocmulgee r., Ga. (2) A town on the w. bank of upper Altamaha or St George r., Ga. (Güssefeld, Map of U. S., 1784). Both places were within Muskhogean territory.

Conaliga. A former Upper Creek band or settlement, probably near Tukabatchi, on Tallapoosa r., perhaps in Randolph co., Ala. Woodward, Reminiscences, 37, 1859.

Coosa. Given as a Cherokee town in a document of 1799 (Royce in 5th Rep. B. A. E., 144, 1887). Unidentified, but perhaps on upper Coosa r., Ala. See Kusa.

Coosada. A former small mixed settlement of Creeks and Cherokee, established about 1784 on the left bank of Tennessee r. at what is now Larkin s Landing, Jackson co., Ala. From this village to the site of the present Guntersville there was an Indian trail. Street in Ala. Hist. Soc. Publ, i, 417, 1901; Royce in 18th Rep. B. A. E., pi. cviii, 1899.

Coosadi Hychoy. A former Koasati settlement on Tombigbee r., in Choctaw and Marengo cos., Ala., about lat. 32º 35′.

Coosahatchi. An Upper Creek town on Tallapoosa r., Ala., with 36 families in 1832.

Coosak-hattak-falaya (Choctaw: long white cane). Noted on Robin’s map as an Indian town in 1807. Romans (Fla., 305, 1775) mentions it apparently as a settlement w. of lower Tombigbee r., Ala., in Muskhogean territory.

Cosaque (probably from konshak, reed). An unidentified town in N. E. Alabama, in the same region as Cossa (Kusa), visited by Juan Pardo in 1565. Vandera (1567) in Smith, Colec. Doc. Fla., i, 18, 1857.

Coste. A province and town, apparently in Alabama, visited by De Soto in 1540. Biedma says the towns were built on islands in the river.

Creek Path (transl. of Ku′să-nûñnâ′hĭ}. A former important Cherokee settlement, including also a number of Creeks and Shawnee, where the trail from the Ohio region to the Creek country crossed Tennessee r., at the present Guntersville, Marshall co., Ala. It was later known as Gunter s Landing, from a Cherokee mixed-blood named Gunter. Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 526, 1900.

Crow Town (trans, of Kâgûnyĭ, ‘crow place’, from kâgû ‘crow’, yĭ ‘locative’).  A former Cherokee town on the left bank of Tennessee r., near the mouth of Raccoon cr., Cherokee co., N. E. Ala. It was one of the so-called “five lower towns” built by those Cherokee, called Chickamauga, who were hostile to the American cause during the Revolutionary period, and whose settlements farther up the river had been destroyed by Sevier and Campbell in 1782. The population of Crow Town and the other lower settlements was augmented by Creeks, Shawnee, and white Tories until it reached a thousand warriors. The towns were destroyed in 1794. See Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 54, 1900.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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