Biography of Noah G. Gregory

The subject of this sketch is the eldest son of Joe Gregory, a white man, and Lucinda Simms, a half-blood Euchee Indian. Lucinda was a granddaughter of Cosienna Barnett, a man of considerable prominence in the Euchee tribe, spoken of in the historic pages of this book. They are distinct from the Creeks and speak a different language, although for many years they have affiliated with and enjoyed the privileges of the Muskogees in everything except missionary work. The missionaries, being unable to speak the language, which is extremely difficult, almost completely neglected the Euchees. Noah G. Gregory was sent to Ashberry Mission School in the spring of 1872, where he remained until 1877, going from thence to Morrisville College, Pike County, Missouri. Here he devoted himself to his studies for two years, defraying part of his tuition expenses by working at other employments. Returning to his home in 1879, he went to clerking for James Parkinson, general merchant, at Red Fork, and there remained until the burning of the business house, four months later. After this he went to work for Mr. Reed, of Tulsa, and in 1881 engaged in merchandise for himself, locating about twenty miles from Red Fork, in the Euchee settlement on Polecat Creek, and continued trading for about one year, when he closed out and went to clerk for H. C. Hall, at Red Fork, and later for G. W. Brown, of Wealaka, where he remained about nine months. After that time he improved a farm, carefully cultivating the land, and also devoting his time to the raising of stock. In 1887 Mr. Gregory was elected member of the House of Kings, he being the youngest member of the upper house at that period. He was also appointed as one of the committee on finances. In 1891 he was elected to the House of Warriors, which office he now holds. Mr. Gregory was married to Miss C. Norman June 15, 1886. The issue of this marriage was three children, one of whom is living and named Ari Novelle, born September 5, 1891. Mr. Gregory is owner of two small farms in good cultivation, as well as cattle, horses and hogs, besides a comfortable home with a fine young orchard and other improvements. He is a young man of good education, intelligent and business-like, of unquestionable integrity and very popular with his people. He deserves much credit for having acquired such a good education, considering that he was totally ignorant of English when he first went to school; but owing to his own ambition and energy, together with the assistance of kind friends in Missouri, he has acquired knowledge far above the average. Mr. Gregory has been local Methodist preacher in his district since 1879.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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