Biography of Jas. O. Callaghan, M.D.

Last Updated on July 28, 2012 by Dennis

The subject of this sketch was born November 1860, at Sulphur Springs, Texas. He is the eldest son of Judge S. B. Callaghan, present Chief Justice of the Creek Nation, who is the son of Oliver Callaghan of Scott county, Pennsylvania. Mrs. S. B. Callaghan (Dr. Callaghan’s mother) is the daughter of Rev. Wm. Thornburg, a minister of the Methodist Church, who came from Mississippi to Texas and died in that State about the year 1845. Up to the age of fourteen James received his schooling at Sulphur Springs public school, after which he went to the Alley High School, Jefferson, Texas. Here he remained two terms, when he commenced studying medicine and serving his apprenticeship in the drug business. After two years spent in this manner, he entered the business in Springfield, Mo., and there continued until 1882, when he became traveling agent for A. A. Mellier, wholesale druggist. In the fall of 1883 he took a course of lectures at Missouri Medical College, and in June of the same year married Miss Josie E. Tarpley, of Murphysboro, Tenn. In the spring of 1884 he returned to the Creek Nation (Muskogee), where he built a home for himself and began the practice of medicine.

After some time Dr. Callaghan returned to St. Louis, and taking another course of lectures, graduated in the spring of 1886. In 1890 he was appointed president of the Creek Medical Examining Board, which office he still holds. In 1888 he was elected secretary of the Indian Territory Medical Association, of which he was one of the charter members. Dr. Callaghan was the originator of the Creek medical laws recently published. He has a high reputation as a physician and a pharmacist, which latter adjunct gives him an advantage over the majority of the profession. He is a gentleman of good address, courteous and kind-hearted, and very popular socially and well as professionally. Dr. Callaghan has two children, Eula T., aged six, and Clay T., aged two years.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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