Biography of Colonel D. N. McIntosh

Last Updated on July 28, 2012 by Dennis

D. N. McIntosh was born near Newnham, Georgia, September 20, 1822, the son of William McIntosh, a half-breed Scot and Creek Indian. The subject of our sketch moved to this country when eight years old with the third emigration, in 1830, and settled on the Verdigris River. He was educated at Smith’s Institute, Kentucky, and left there at the age of eighteen, in the year 1841. At this period the Creek Nation was composed of two districts, each district governed by a chief, who jointly presided at the general council. Young McIntosh, notwithstanding his youth, was appointed clerk of the Arkansas district, and in that capacity served honorably for a period of ten years. In 1856 he was appointed delegate to Washington, and again, at the conclusion of the war in 1866, the southern division of the Creeks appointed him to the same office, which he held for twelve years. In 1877 the new government was adopted, and for eight years (during his delegacy) Colonel McIntosh served as representative of Coweta Town. In this, as well as in other capacities, the colonel proved himself to be a man of sound judgment and rare wisdom, retaining a strong influence among his people. Nor was he in the background when the toesin of war was sounded, and the nation divided its allegiance between North and South. After the Confederate treaty, D. N. McIntosh was elected colonel of his regiment, under the command of General Cooper, and served gallantly until the close. He fought at Bird Creek, Newtonia, Honey Springs and other engagements. At the close of the war he was sent as delegate to Washington, and has held the same trust for many years. Mr. McIntosh has devoted the later years of his life to agriculture. He has one section of land under fence, 500 acres of which is in cultivation. By his first wife, Jane Ward, he has four sons, Albert, aged forty-one; Freeland, aged thirty-eight; Rowley, aged thirty, and D. N. McIntosh, Jr., aged twenty-eight. Rowley is called after his father’s uncle, who was chief of the Creeks for thirty years, from 1828 to 1858. By his second wife, E. B. Gawler, Colonel McIntosh has seven children, Helena, Etta, Lula, Zenephon, Monides, Emerson and Yancey. The colonel, although in his seventieth year, enjoys excellent health mentally and physically.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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