1832 Creek Census – Arbiccooche Town

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records. This is the census for the town of Arbiccooche.

1Cub bitche che Har jo1506
2Clo cus co Micco3204
3Cob biech char Micco1203
4Oak fus ka Micco1102
5Cha woc ca la Micco1203
6O gillis Micco3104
7Ne har loc co Har jo1102
8Oak fus ka Har jo2204
9Tul ge E marth lar3104
10Coo sar Fix i co2103
11Oak fus ca che Micco4105
12Fo lote Har jo2305
13Oak choy Har jo2204
14Coo sar Har jo3306
15Al lo way Har jo1102
17Fit tal li ga1203
18Con hart Emarthlo che1304
19I spanny Har jo2406
20Pow hos Yo ho lo2103
21Tal war Har jo1304
22Tal marsey2103
23Coth bo boe gar??3104
24Wox si Har go2305
25Lif tif Har jo3104



Hall, Lance L. Parsons and Abbott Roll.

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