Biography of Chester E. Hunsaker

Chester E. Hunsaker is editor of the Everest Enterprise at Everest in Brown County. The Enterprise is now in its twenty-ninth volume. It was first published on March 9, 1888, having been founded in that year by T. A. H. Lowe. It is a weekly paper and had a large and influential circulation in that section of Brown County. Mr. Hunsaker is one of the younger editors of Kansas, and had spent most of his life in this state. He was born at Tarkio in Northwest Missouri July 4, 1891. His ancestors were Colonial settlers from England in New York. … Read more

Biography of James D. McCurdy, M. D.

In an analyzation of the character and life work of Dr. James Darwin McCurdy we note many of the characteristics which have marked the Scotch nation for many centuries, the perseverance, reliability, energy and unconquerable determination to pursue a course that has been marked out. It is these sterling qualities which have gained to Dr. McCurdy success in life and made him one of the substantial and valued citizens of Idaho. He now resides in Bellevue, Blaine County, and while he has retired from the practice of medicine he is still actively interested in mining, being the owner of a … Read more

Biography of William H. Baugh, M.D.

Dr. Baugh is the well known physician and druggist of Shoshone, and has a wide acquaintance throughout southern Idaho. A native of Missouri, he was born in Boonville, July 28, 1864, and is of German lineage. His paternal grandfather removed from one of the eastern states to Indiana, and there the Doctor’s father, Henry Clay Baugh, was born and reared. In 1860 he removed to Missouri and married Elizabeth Steger, of that state. He had previously crossed the plains to California, where he had engaged in mining with fair success. After his return to Missouri he engaged in stock raising … Read more

Biography of Joseph D. Daly

Among the officers of Ada County, Idaho, is Joseph DeWitt Daly, who is now acceptably filling the position of tax collector and assessor. He possesses that spirit of enterprise which has produced the rapid and wonderful development of the vast region west of the Mississippi, and in the discharge of his duties manifests a loyalty and faithfulness that has made his service most efficient, winning him the commendation of the best citizens of the community. A native of Missouri, he was born in Putnam County, on the 13th of January 1850, his parents being William and Permelia (Holland) Daly. His … Read more

Biography of Andrew B. Anderson

Mr. Anderson, who is president of the Weiser Bank, at Weiser, and chairman of the board of commissioners of Washington County, dates his residence in Idaho from 1869. He is a native of Kentucky, his birth having occurred in Louisville, February 21, 1846. He is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, the family having been founded in America by Thomas Anderson, the grandfather, who crossed the Atlantic in early manhood, taking up his residence in Kentucky. He aided his adopted country in the war of 1812, and also participated in the battles with the Indians during the early settlement of the “dark and … Read more

Biography of W. F. Burns

W. F. Burns, who has engaged in general merchandising in Nampa since 1893, and is one of the successful merchants of the town, was born in McDonald county, Missouri, on the 25th of February, 1859, and is of Scotch and Irish line-age. His parents, E. F. and M. E. (Kennedy) Burns were natives of Georgia and Tennessee, respectively, and several generations of the family lived in the south. The paternal great grand father of our subject was one of the heroes who fought for the independence of the nation. E. F. Burns was a prominent farmer, and successfully carried on … Read more

Biography of E. M. Barton

There is probably no better criterion of the growing and prosperous condition of a town or city than its hotel interests. The town which is self-centered, having no connection with the out-side world, is unprogressive, its business stagnates, and its residents become lacking in enterprise, but if connected with outside affairs, travel and commerce add new life and energy, and there is a demand for entertainment on the part of the visitors, which makes good hotels a necessity. One of the most popular hostelries in this section of the state is known as the Weiser Hotel, owned by the Barton … Read more

Biography of William H. Manion

Elmore county figures as one of the most attractive, progressive and prosperous divisions of the state of Idaho, justly claiming a high order of citizenship and a spirit of enterprise which is certain to conserve consecutive development and marked advancement in the material upbuilding of the section. The county has been and is signally favored in the class of men who have controlled its affairs in official capacity, and in this connection the subject of this review demands representation as one who has served the county faithfully and well in positions of distinct trust and responsibility. He was the incumbent … Read more

Biography of J. J. Plumer, M. D.

Dr. J. J. Plumer, the physician and surgeon of the De Lamar Mining Company, also engaged in general practice in De Lamar, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Edina, April 8, 1860. He traces his ancestry back to England, whence in the year 1832 members of the family who belonged to the sect of Puritans crossed the Atlantic to America. They braved the dangers so common to ocean voyages in those days in order to have liberty of conscience in the New World, and they and their descendants were connected with the early history of the … Read more

Biography of Richard H. Britt

This gentleman is the present capable manager of the Poorman mines, near Silver City, and for a number of years has been connected with the development of the rich mineral resources of the northwest. He was born in the state of Missouri in 1861, and is of English descent. His father, J. W. Britt, was born in Kentucky, and in 1855 removed to Missouri, locating on a farm in that state. There he married Miss Margaret Horn, also a native of Kentucky. At the time of the civil war he entered the Confederate service under General Price, and since the … Read more

Biography of Alonzo L. Richardson

Thirty-eight years have passed since Alonzo L. Richardson came to Idaho, then a sparsely populated territory of the extreme northwest, its splendid resources undeveloped, its advancement a development of the future. For many years he has been closely identified with the work of progress, and is now filling the position of clerk of the United States court in Boise. A native of Missouri, Mr. Richardson was born in Franklin County that state, on The 19th of December 1841, and is a representative of one of the old families of Virginia. His ancestors located there in 1750, and there occurred the … Read more

Biography of Jessie K. Clarke, M. D.

In no field of endeavor requiring intellectuality has woman failed to demonstrate her equality with man, and more and more the different lines of professional labor are opening to her, and therein she is winning successes that are most creditable. Dr. Jessie K. Clarke, although a recent acquisition to the medical fraternity of Grangeville, has already demonstrated her right to be classed among the foremost physicians of Idaho County, and her ability is indicated by the liberal patronage she now enjoys. She makes a specialty of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and her labors have been attended … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Plant Senior Meadows

Plant Senior Meadows, (Born Feb. 15, 1841) Shawneetown, is a native of Lewis County, Missouri. At 17 in 1859, he was sold by the administrator of the Cecil Home, and a sugar planter at St. Mary’s Parish, Louisiana, became his master. Here he was employed at various kinds of mechanical work, until he was accorded his freedom, at 26 in 1865. Mrs. Cecil taught him to read, and during this early period, he made the best possible use of his spare moments, by reading all the good books that were available. As soon as he was free, he became a … Read more

Biography of James H. Anderson

James H. Anderson, whose term as state auditor of Idaho expired at the beginning of the present year (1899), was born in Platte County, Missouri, on the 4th of October 1845. His ancestors were early settlers of Virginia and were participants in that struggle which ended in the overthrow of British rule in the colonies and the establishment of the United States of America. In the year 1818 his grandfather emigrated to Kentucky, at which time George W. Anderson, father of our subject, was only about six years of age. His birth had occurred in the Old Dominion in 181 … Read more

Biography of James King

A leading representative of the building interests, of Boise, and the present register of the land office of this city, James King is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Pittsburg, on the 15th of August 1832. He is of both German and English descent, his ancestors of those nationalities having settled in New York in 1664. They came with General Braddock and always remained in this land. In the war of the Revolution the family was represented by loyal Americans, who fought for liberty, and throughout many years they were prominently identified with the Presbyterian Church. The … Read more

Biography of Math. Jacobs

Math. Jacobs, the well known and popular president of the Kendrick State Bank, is a native of Minnesota, and for several years has been prominently connected with the business interests of this section of Idaho. He was born in St. Cloud, May 1, 1865, and is of German descent, his parents, Theodore and Elizabeth Jacobs, having both been natives of the Fatherland. When young people they crossed the Atlantic to America, locating in Minnesota, where they were married in 1856. Theodore Jacobs became a successful farmer and carried on agricultural pursuits until 1898, when his death occurred, at the age … Read more

Biography of Robert E. McFarland

Robert E. McFarland, late incumbent of the responsible position of attorney general of Idaho, by his faithful and capable discharge of duty won the highest commendation. Thoroughly versed in the principles of jurisprudence, he was well fitted to handle the intricate problems which presented themselves for solution, and his success affords the best evidence of his capabilities. He is a native of Missouri, born in Independence, November 21, 1857. The family is of Scotch lineage, the first American ancestors having crossed the Atlantic in colonial days and actively participated in the events which form the history of that epoch. They … Read more

Biography of Charles May

When the roll of the pioneers of Boise, Idaho, is called the name which heads this sketch will be found well to the top. Charles May was born in Berkshire, England, May 17, 1833, and was reared in his native county, learning in his boyhood the business of brick manufacturing and brick-laying, his father, Charles May, having been engaged in that business. Indeed, the family for centuries, or as far back as their history can be traced, were brick-makers in England. The younger Charles May remained in England until 1856, when he came to America, locating first in New York, … Read more

Biography of Edward E. Lorton

Edward Ewell Lorton, the proprietor of The City Drug Store, at Salubria, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Montgomery County, that state, on the 29th of May 1866. The family of which he is a representative is of English origin, and the ancestry can be traced back to John S. Lorton, the great-grandfather of our subject, who took up his abode in Baltimore, Maryland, at one time owning the town location, whence he afterward removed to Norfolk, North Carolina, in 1801, and there his son, John J., the grandfather of our subject, was born, March 20, … Read more

Biography of James J. Rogers

The life of James J. Rogers has not been one of unvarying monotony, circumscribed by the habits, thoughts and customs of some narrow community, but contains many interesting incidents that come with travel and extensive intercourse with the world. Born on the Atlantic coast, he has visited foreign lands, has viewed many of the interesting scenes of our own country, and is now located in the beautiful city of Boise, which nestles in one of the loveliest valleys of the Pacific slope. There he is successfully engaged in the practice of law, and in the political affairs of the state … Read more