Biography of George Washington McCaskill

GEORGE WASHINGTON MCCASKILL. This gentleman is one of the leading farmers and stockmen of Shannon County, Missouri, and in the development of this section he has done heroic work, for here he was born in 1856, and has all his life devoted his attention to agriculture. His parents, William and Mary (Blassingame) McCaskill, were born in Giles County, Tennessee, in 1827 and 1833, respectively, and were reared and married there. In 1855 they came to Shannon County, Missouri, and located in the woods several miles from any other settlement. Here he improved a good farm and lived until about 1879, … Read more

Biography of James H. Jones

JAMES H. JONES. James H. Jones, sheriff of Oregon County, Missouri, is worthy and well qualified in every respect for the responsible position he fills, and being a whole-souled, generous man, is deservedly popular with the public in general. One of the most gratifying features of government in the United States is the efficiency and integrity of those who are called upon to hold office. The subject of our sketch is one who reflects the greatest possible credit on those who supported him for the office of sheriff of Oregon County, for he fills that position with an earnestness of … Read more

Biography of John C. McCaskill

JOHN C. MCCASKILL. This prominent citizen is one who has built byyears of industry and good management a business that is recognized as being one of the best in the vicinity. In the life of Mr. McCaskill we have a character representing integrity, industry and unconquerable will that overcomes all obstructions, which brings success under all circumstances; at least so it has been with him. Mr. McCaskill was born in Winona in 1860, and is a son of William and Mary (Blossingame) McCaskill, natives of Giles County, Tennessee, the father born in 1827 and the mother in 1833. There they … Read more

Biography of Andrew Cox

ANDREW COX. The farmers of Shannon County, Missouri, are noted for their thrift, energy and perseverance, and consequently for the success which has attended their efforts. Prominent among these is Andrew Cox, who was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, in 1854, of which section his parents, David and Jane (Hughes) Cox, were also born, the former in 1818 and the latter in 1821. Until about 1858 they resided in the State of their birth and in Virginia, then came by wagon to Shannon County, the journey thither occupying thirty-six days. They located in Spring Valley and after residing there for … Read more

Biography of Dr. Abram P. Irvine

DR. ABRAM P. IRVINE. However well compensated a physician may be for his services, and the cases are very numerous in which he neither asks nor receives compensation, his profession must ever be regarded as the noblest and most beneficial to mankind. Dr. Abram P. Irvine has attained eminence in his profession and being of a cheerful disposition himself, he has the faculty of imparting courage to those who are despondent from illness, and his skill in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases is the cause of the success he has won in his profession. He was born in Boyle … Read more

Biography of Capt. George W. Taylor

CAPT. GEORGE W. TAYLOR. It is the men of broad and comprehensive views who give life to communities and build cities, men who in the darkness of adverse circumstances, as well as in more favorable periods, look beyond the clouds, and have the pluck, energy and foresight to push forward their enterprises, extend speculation and fairly wrest success from calamity. Just such a man is Capt. George W. Taylor. He was born n Greene County, Missouri, January 4, 1840, and his father, Martin Taylor, one of the early pioneers of Greene County, settled three miles south of Springfield in 1834, … Read more

Biography of William H. Cecil

WILLIAM H. CECIL. The calling of the merchant is one of the most hon-orable lines of industry, and one of its most worthy exponents at Harrison is William H. Cecil, who is a native of Jasper, Newton County, Arkansas, where he first saw the light of day July 9, 1854. His parents, Riley and Sarah (Harrison) Cecil, were born in Tennessee, and the former was a son of William Cecil, who became a resident of Newton County, Arkansas, during the early history of the county and settled on what is called the Cecil Fork of the Buffalo River. There the … Read more

Biography of L. T. Cornett

L. T. CORNETT. The name of this gentleman is a familiar one through-out Taney County, Missouri, and is synonymous with the merchandising and farming interests of his section. Since 1876 he has resided in Taney County, and during that period has kept his escutcheon untarnished. Like other representative men of the county, he came originally from Searcy County, Arkansas, his birth occurring on the 27th of November, 1854, comes of good old Virginia stock. His parents, Henry and Malinda (Yowell) Cornett, were natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively, the former born in the year 1813. The father moved from his … Read more

Biography of Capt. Benjamin F. Bodenhamer

CAPT. BENJAMIN F. BODENHAMER. It has been clearly demonstrated time and time again that “honesty is the best policy,” and while a man may not gain wealth so rapidly, yet he can look his fellowman in the face without fear of reproach, and know that he has wronged no one, and therefore can thoroughly enjoy what he has. Such a man is Capt. B. F. Bodenhamer, who was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1843, the son of Chapman W., who was a native of Giles County, Tennessee, and grandson of Jacob Bodenhamer, who was one of the very earliest … Read more

Biography of Maj. Matthew George Norman

Beginning life with a clear head, true heart and high purpose, Maj. Matthew George Norman pressed on past the ranks of adversity and became what he is today-one of the most prominent and honored of Oregon County’s citizens. As a representative man of the county he is looked upon as one of the best type. Maj. Norman was born near Winchester, Franklin County, Tennessee, February 27, 1830, and was the seventh of eight children born to John and Elizabeth (Colquit) Norman, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Georgia. The parents were probably married in Tennessee, and she died in Alabama … Read more

Biography of John S. F. Norman

JOHN S. F. NORMAN. A more popular citizen and official of Oregon County, Missouri, cannot be found than John S. F. Norman, circuit clerk of the county. His conduct of the affairs of the office has been such as to commend him to the good opinion of the public regardless of party affiliation. He is a native of this county, born July 22, 1855, the son of Hon. Matthew G. and Mary Ann (Waits) Norman. The father was born near Winchester, Franklin County, Tennessee, February 27, 1830, but was reared in Franklin County, Ala., where he made his home until … Read more

Biography of Stephen Birlew

STEPHEN BIRLEW is a native Tennessean, born in Smith County, January 1, 1842, the son of John and Wilbrey (Robinson) Birlew, the father a native of North Carolina and the mother of Tennessee. John Birlew was a young man when he went to Tennessee, and he there met and married Miss Robinson, who later moved with him to Christian County, Kentucky There they resided until 1853, when they came to Missouri and located three miles east of the present town of Winona, in the woods, then Pike Creek Valley, and here Mr. Birlew died in the valley in 1872, when … Read more

Biography of Joseph Addison

JOSEPH ADDISON POPE. He whose name heads this sketch has been familiar with farm life from his earliest boyhood, and as a follower of this the most useful of callings, he has at all times shown good judgment, and has been successful. He was born in Wake County, N. C., in 1820, in which State his parents, Simon and Martha (Cole) Pope, were also born, the birth of the father occurring in 1793. They made their home in the Old North State until about 1824, then removed to west Tennessee, and both parents died in Benton County in 1840. They … Read more

Biography of George T. Lee

GEORGE T. LEE. It is a pleasure and a privilege to record the character and enterprise of men of business who, on account of their long tenure and extensive operations, comprise almost a history of the business in which they are engaged. Of such men it is unnecessary to speak in words of colored praise. By their acts ye shall know them.” Their very existence is emphatic evi-dence of the honorable position they occupy and the long course of just dealing that they have pursued. A gentleman in mind is George T. Lee, who was born in Jefferson County, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of George Washington Webster

GEORGE WASHINGTON WEBSTER. As a progressive tiller of the soil the subject of this sketch has no superior throughout Ozark County, Missouri, for he is industrious, decidedly progressive in his views, and has always taken advantage of all new methods for the improvement of his land. His fine and valuable estate is located ten miles west of Gainesville on Bratton Spring Creek, and comprises 480 acres, in two different tracts, all of which has been acquired through his own efforts. He is also quite extensively engaged in the raising of stock; in fact, is well up in all branches of … Read more

Biography of Dr. John H. Moore

DR. JOHN H. MOORE, who has made his home in this county for a number of years, came originally from St. Francois County, Missouri, where his birth occurred on the 27th of January, 1838. His father, Dr. Robert Moore, who was a practicing physician in Iron and St. Francois Counties, Missouri, for years, died in the former county in 1854. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, in 1807, and was a son of Armstead Moore, who was of Irish parentage. The father of our subject began the practice of medicine when twenty-one years of age, and about the year … Read more

Biography of Hon. Conrad H. Dryer

HON. CONRAD H. DRYER. The labor of compiling a review of the industrial institutions of Howell County, Missouri, involves an arduous task, and no subject is found more worthy of the historian’s attention than the mercantile trade, of which Hon. Conrad H. Dryer is a most honorable exponent. In addition to this he is a successful follower of the primitive occupation of man -farming-and the success which has attended his efforts is owing to his own good fighting qualities. He was born in Minden, Prussia, and many of his most worthy business qualities have been inherited from his worthy German … Read more

Biography of Dal Hartin

The subject of this sketch, Dal Hartin, is a man who possesses a quality, the value of which cannot be overestimated, and that is the one of pleasing, or, in other words, an accommodating spirit, and this, coupled with his native intelligence, his faithfulness to his duties and his strict integrity, makes him a popular and most efficient official. He is ably filling the responsible positions of circuit clerk and country recorder of Douglas County, Missouri, and has been a resident of this section since 1868. He was born in Greene County, Missouri, June 10, 1859, His earliest ancestor of which … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Lee

HENRY H. LEE. Prominent among the early pioneers of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of Henry H. Lee, whose thrift, enterprise and go-ahead ativeness have placed him among the representative men of the county. He was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, February 15, 1837, and his parents, James H. and Polly (Stafford) Lee, were natives of Tennessee also. Grandfather Lee was an early pioneer of that State, and James H. grew to manhood and married there. In 1851 he emigrated to Missouri, but previous to that he had visited the State and located in Greene County, where he remained … Read more

Biography of R. W. Cline

R. W. CLINE. Few citizens of Missouri are more highly favored in respect to mercantile establishment-sin size, purity and general excellence of stock, etc., than Forsyth. Among the leading establishments of this kind is that conducted by R. W. Cline, which for the extent of its trade, the variety of its stock and the superiority of its goods is entitled to more than ordinary prominence and recognition. For a period of about sixteen years Mr. Cline has resided in Forsyth, and during that time he has won the esteem and respect of all. He was born in this State, Dallas … Read more