Biography of John C. McCaskill

JOHN C. MCCASKILL. This prominent citizen is one who has built byyears of industry and good management a business that is recognized as being one of the best in the vicinity. In the life of Mr. McCaskill we have a character representing integrity, industry and unconquerable will that overcomes all obstructions, which brings success under all circumstances; at least so it has been with him. Mr. McCaskill was born in Winona in 1860, and is a son of William and Mary (Blossingame) McCaskill, natives of Giles County, Tennessee, the father born in 1827 and the mother in 1833. There they were reared and married, and there they made their home until 1855, when they came to Shannon County and located in the woods a mile above where Winona now stands. Mr. McCaskill cleared his farm of 380 acres, made many improvements, and became a substantial and much esteemed citizen. About 1879 he moved to Texas County, and there his death occurred in 1881, when about fifty-four years of age. He was a self-made man, a public-spirited citizen, and fought in the Confederate Army all through the war, partici-pating in many battles. In politics he advocated the principles of the Democratic party. Mrs. McCaskill is still living and resides in Texas County.

They reared nine children, and of these John C. was sixth in order of birth. He received a fair education in the schools of Summersville, Texas County, and when twenty years of age left the schoolroom to engage in business for him-self. He first commenced on a limited scale, and for eighteen months was at Eminence, Shannon County. Later he was with his brother, G. W. McCaskill, and for five years they carried on an extensive business. Later our subject commenced building mills at Shawnee Creek, and since then he has erected about twenty. He is a member of the McCaskill Mercantile and Lumber Company, and was president of the same. This is one of the most extensive enterprises ever carried on here, but after the firm quit business Mr. McCaskill ventured in the lumber business alone, and also engaged in merchandising at Bartlett, and has built that place to a great extent. He has done a gr at deal to improve and develop the country, and is a valuable citizen. In 1881 he married Miss Talitha Summers, who was born and reared in Texas County, Missouri The town Summersville was named in honor of the father. Mr. and Mrs. McCaskill are the parents of two sons and one daughter. Mr. McCaskill is a Democrat in politics and a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and the A. 0. U. W.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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