Biographical Sketch of T. S. Eggers

The subject of this sketch was born in Johnson County, Tennessee, September 19, 1852. He continued to reside in the County of his birth till he was fourteen years old, when he went to Indiana, where he resided till the time of his coming to Missouri. His education was received in Indiana, and lie followed the occupation of tilling the soil after leaving school. On coining to Daviess County, Mr. Eggers again engaged in farming, in which he continued steadily until the spring of 1875. At that time he became possessed of a desire to see the great western country, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. T. Reid

Was born in Indiana, on the 25th of December, 1819. His parents removed to Kentucky when he was two years old, and in that State he was, ;reared, and received a good common school education. He was reared a farmer, and began following that avocation when lie started in business for himself. In the fall of 1849 Mr. Reid came to Daviess County, and here again engaged in farming. Few farmers of Liberty Township are more successful than he. His chief pride is that of stock-raising, principally of sheep and horses. The farm he owns contains 320 acres of fine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Rogers

Was born in North Carolina, but came to Kentucky with his parents when bat an infant. In that State he grew to manhood, and resided there till 1849, then came to this State and County and has ever since resided here, engaged in farming. He owns a good farm of 103 acres, in Liberty Township, which he has improved into a comfortable home and put into a high state of cultivation. Mr. Rogers was married, in this County, to Miss May J. Oxford. They have eight children, seven of whom still survive. Charles, Theophilus, Levi B., Josephine, Arizona E., Robert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Heyser

The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of Kentucky, born July 19, 1840. He was reared and educated in his native State, and left there in 1857, locating in DeKalb County, this State, where lie engaged in farming residing there until 1864. In the spring of that year he went overland with teams to Virginia City, Montana, and there engaged in teaming and cattle-herding until 1867, when lie returned to DeKalb County, Missouri. Mr. Heyser came to Daviess County in 1870, and has resided here ever since, engaged in the laudable occupation of farming. He has a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Kaufman

Was born in New York, on the 3d of November, 1847, and was reared and educated in the State of his nativity. He began life for himself by engaging in lumbering, which he followed till his coming to this State and County, in the spring of 1865. Here he engaged in farming, and owns a snug little farm of seventy-six acres in Liberty township, which affords ample support for himself and family. Mr. Kaufman was married, in New York, on January 3d, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth Weber, by which union they have four children; namely, Julia A., William H., Herbert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lucien B. Noah

This subject is a native of Ohio, and was born August 23, 1829. At sixteen years old he came with his parents to Daviess County, Missouri, and lived here till he was grown and had completed his education. He then returned to his place of birth and there learned cabinet-making, at which he worked some four years. After this he began working at the carpenter’s trade, and continued in that calling till 1861, when lie commenced farming.. In 1866, he, in addition to his farm business, became engaged in milling operations and still continues to push these enterprises. He owns … Read more

Biography of G. W. Henderson

Mr. Henderson claims Missouri as his native State, having been born in Clay County, near the banks of the Great Muddy, March 11, 1834. He had not, however, grown large enough to get his first pair of boots before his father removed to Gentry County, in 1836, the subject of this writing being then but two years old. Gentry County was then new, and young Henderson’s father was the first white man to rear a cabin within its borders. They remained there until 1840, when his father could resist no longer the rich and inviting lands of Daviess; and he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Worden

This gentleman was born in the State of Vermont, November 17, 1836, and was there partially educated. At twelve years old he went to Massachusetts, where he completed his education. On leaving school he began learning the carpenter’s and cabinet-maker’s trades, and worked thereat till. 1860, when he commenced making machinery for cotton-mills. In the fall of 1867 he went to Illinois and remained a few months; then, in March 1868, came to Daviess County and engaged in farming, where he has continued to reside up to this writing. Mr. Worden was married, in Gallatin, July 23, I868, to Miss … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Hartman

Is a native of Pennsylvania, born October 3, 1824. In the spring of 1844 he went to Chicago, Illinois, where he remained until the spring of 1854. He then went to California, where he engaged in teaming, continuing until 1863, when he went to the city of San Francisco, and was there employed in trucking for the Pacific Distillery Company. In 1868 he returned to Chicago and remained until the following year, when he went to Jackson County, Missouri, and lived at Kansas City until the spring of 1870. From there he came to this County and has resided here … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Wilson

This gentleman is a native of Ireland, the date of his birth being the year 1800. He was reared in the country of his nativity and there received his education. On starting in life for himself Mr. Wilson became a farmer, and continued in that worthy avocation during his residence in the old country. In the fall of 1847, he, with his family, started to America, bent upon trying their fortunes in the great Western World. They landed in New Orleans, but made only a temporary stay. They then proceeded to southern Illinois, via St. Louis, and there Mr. Wilson … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Wilson

The subject of this sketch is a native of County Donegal, Ireland, and was there born in March, 1842. His parents left their native country when Samuel was about four years old, and emigrated to America. They first landed in New Orleans, but proceeded from there to Illinois, where our subject was reared and educated. Mr. Wilson began life as a farmer in Illinois, and continued there till the spring of 1868, when he went to Kansas and remained till 1872. He then, with his father and brothers, came to Daviess County, where he still resides. He owns a farm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lafayette F. Myers

This gentleman is a native of this County and was born June 1, 1844. When about eleven years old he went with his brother to California, and there grew up and was educated. He went into the stock business there, and was also engaged in freighting till the fall of 1866. In that year he returned to his place of birth and has ever since resided here, engaged chiefly in farming and stock-raising. He owns a good farm of 280 acres in Liberty township, on which he has an elegant brick residence, beautifully located, .and a large orchard with other … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Morris

Was born in DeKalb County, Missouri, March 28, 1847. When he was a. year old his parents moved to this County and here George was reared and educated. On reaching manhood he commenced farming and is still so engaged. He owns a farm of 120 acres of well improved land in Liberty Township, on which he and his family reside. Mr. Morris was married, in Livingston County, this State, on September 21st, 1871, to Miss A. E. Lydick. Four children have resulted from this union; named, respectively, Kittie, Alma, Charles and William. Mr. Morris was elected justice of the peace … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Wample

The subject of this sketch was born in Virginia, in February, 1829, and was reared and educated in the same State. He began farming for himself do coming of suitable age, and continued there till the spring of 1848, when he went to Tennessee. He remained there till 1851, when he came to Daviess County, this State, and has lived here ever since, engaged in farming. He owns a place of eighty acres in Liberty Township, on which he has a good residence and corresponding general improvements. Mr. Wample was married, in Virginia, August 25, 1850, to Miss Elizabeth Hudle. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Matchett Jr.

The subject of this sketch was born in Essex County, England, on the 3d of December, 1840, and continued to reside there till his fourteenth year, when his parents immigrated to America, bringing him with them. They landed in New York, but soon went to Cornwall, Canada. The father took a contract of track-laying on the Grand Trunk Railroad, in Canada, and Benjamin was his time-keeper. From there the latter went to Indiana, where he finished his education in a select school under John Loyd. In August, 1861, he enlisted, for national preservation, in Company C, of the Twenty-ninth Indiana … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John McDougall

Is a native of Scotland and was born in Isla, April 17, 1824. He was reared and educated in the land of his birth, and began farming for a livelihood after leaving school. In the summer of 1847 he gave up farming to take a position in the custom-house office under the United Kingdom. Mr. McDougall served in that capacity till 1853, when he resigned his position and decided ‘to better his fortunes in the land on the sunset side of the Atlantic. Accordingly, he sailed for America and landed in due time in the city of New York. From … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. C. Thompson

Was born in Caldwell County, this State, on the 27th day of April, 1846, and was reared and educated in his native County. In the spring of 1865 he came to Daviess County and has resided here since, engaged in farming. He owns a farm in Liberty Township containing 280 acres, well improved with suitable buildings, water, fencing, etc., and both naturally and artificially adapted to the stock business, which is the especial pride of Mr. Thompson. He ships or sells about sixty head of cattle per year and some fine breeds of sheep and hogs. Mr. Thompson was married, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. L. Vallandigham

The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of Ray County, this State, and was born on the 1st day of January, 1837. His parents moved to Daviess County when he was three years old and here he was reared and educated. He began life as a farmer and continued until 1868, when he engaged in the mill business, running a grist and saw-mill, with a carding machine attachment. In 1874 he resumed farming and is still so engaged. When the Civil War came on Mr. Vallandigham espoused the cause of the Confederacy, and enlisted in July, 1861, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Matchett Sr.

Benjamin Matchett was born in Stickney, England, May 24, 1812. He grew up and was educated in his native country, and began life as a railroad contractor, and assisted in building several roads in England. In 1855 he left the country of his birth and came to America, landing in New York. From there he went to Cornwall, Canada West, where he took a contract for laying track on the Grand Trunk Railway. In July, 1856, he went to LaPorte, Indiana, where he began farming, continuing there till the spring of 1868, and then coming to Missouri. He settled in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Stigers

Is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in Fulton County, that State, on the 23d of October, 1838. When he was thirteen years old his parents moved to Ohio,’ where he completed his education and grew to manhood. He chose farming as a life calling, and engaged in that vocation in Ohio, and has followed it nearly ever since. In the spring of 1845 he went to Mahaska County, Iowa, and remained two years, then came to this State and County, and has been engaged in farming here ever since. He owns a good farm of 160 acres, situated … Read more