Biography of Gabriel Feurt, Judge

Gabriel Feurt was born in Scioto county, Ohio, July 3, 1827. His father, Thomas Feurt, was a native of New Jersey, and his mother, Mary, was born in Pennsylvania. His grandfather, George Bowers, served seven years in the Revolutionary War, and settled in Scioto county, Ohio, when there were but three other families in that county. Our subject received his education in the common schools of Ohio, and came to this county in 1845, in company with his mother and others of the family, and settled where he now lives-never having resided in any other than his birthplace, and where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward McIntire

Edward McIntire was born in Tippecanoe county, Indiana, in 1832. His parents were William and Nancy McIntire. He moved with his father to McLean county, Illinois, in 1838. Here he remained until 1856, when he moved to Daviess county, Missouri, settling at Salem, where he has since resided, except during an interval of five years, from 1861 to 1865, which time he spent in Iowa and Illinois. He twice offered to enter the army in behalf of the Union, but was rejected on account of his health. Mr. McIntire started in the furniture business in Salem in 1866, and has … Read more

Biography of William J. Pugh

William J. Pugh was born in Preble County, Ohio, in 1836, and is a son of Willianson and Sarah Thigh with whom he moved, at the age of three years, to Rush county, Indiana, where he resided until 1872, when he removed to Harrison county, Missouri, and five years later to his present residence in Salem. Mr. Pugh was educated in the common schools of Rush county, Indiana, and at the Fairview Academy in the same county, which institution he attended ten months. Mr. Pugh commenced teaching at the age of eighteen years, and’ taught for thirteen winters, working a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Rupe

J. W. Rupe was born in Kosciusko county, Indiana, in 1852. At the age of three years he moved with his parents to Iowa City, Iowa, where he resided two years, and then moved with his parents to Bethany, Harrison county, Missouri, where he remained until August, 1877, when he removed to Salem, Daviess county, where he has since resided. Mr. Rupe received his education in the schools of Bethany, Missouri. While in Bethany he learned the trade of harness-making, which he has since followed. Mr. Rupe has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Alice Shockley, of Bethany, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James I. Weldon

James I. Weldon was born in Hart county, Kentucky, in 1843. His parents were Jonathan and Sallie Weldon, with whom he moved to Missouri in 1855, where he has lived since that time, in the counties of Harrison and Daviess. He received his education in the schools of these counties in Kentucky and Missouri. Mr. Weldon has been engaged in farming all of his life, and now owns a nicely improved farm adjoining the town of Salem. He is now turning his attention to sheep-raising, as he regards it more remunerative than other kinds of stock. At the age of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry T. Keown

Henry T. Keown. The subject of this sketch is the son of John A. and Angeline Keown, and was born in Madison county, Illinois, November 21, 1843. He received a common school education, and lived with his parents until he was eighteen years old, then commenced business for himself. He engaged in dealing in cattle for six years. After his marriage he settled on a farm and stayed there about six years, then purchased a marble shop in New Douglas, Illinois, and was engaged in the marble business by himself until 1878, when he took in a partner (I. A. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Brown

Charles W. Brown. Among the enterprising young men who have left good homes and friends and came to Missouri, and located in Daviess county, appears the name of Charles W. Keown, of Salem, the subject of this sketch. He was born in the town of Marine, Madison county, Illinois, September 30, 1861. He is the son of Emsley and Anna M. Keown. Mr. Keown attended the public schools of his native town until he was far enough advanced in his studies to enter college, then entered the Eureka College, at Eureka, Illinois, and remained one term, then went to Blackburn … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. B. McClung, M. D.

M. B. McClung was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, in 1839, and is a son of Dixon and Ellen McClung. He received his early education in the common schools of his native county, in Virginia. At the beginning of the war he entered the Confederate army, joining an infantry company known as the “Nicholas Blues,” of which he was elected second lieutenant. This company belonged to the brigade of which General John B. Floyd was commander. In the fall of 1861, he resigned his position in the infantry and joined the Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry in which he served until the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry W. Githens

Henry W. Githens was born in Decatur county, Indiana, in 1823, and is the son of Samuel and Jane Githens. His father was one of the pioneers of Indiana. Mr. Githens received a limited education in the schools of his native county. He moved to Daviess county, Missouri, in 1844, where he resided eight months, when he was attacked with the ” Grand River Ague,” which so discouraged him that he left Missouri in disgust, returning to Indiana, where he remained five years, when he again moved to Missouri, and has lived here most of the time since, and owns … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. W. Handy

D. W. Handy was born in Barren county, Kentucky, in 1826, and is a son of Robert A. and Rosana Handy. Mr. Handy lived in Kentucky until the year of 1865 when he moved to Daviess county, Missouri, settling on a farm three miles south of Salem. He remained on the farm three years, when he sold his farm and went into the mercantile business at Bancroft in this county. Here he remained about a year when he sold out and moved to Salem, buying out the store of his brother, R. W. Handy. He remained in business at. Salem … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver P. Green

Oliver P. Green, the subject of this sketch, was born in Daviess county, Missouri, December 22, 1846. His father, M. F. Green, was a native of Virginia. When Oliver was ten years of age his father purchased a farm in Monroe township, Daviess county, and was a resident of the county at the time of his death. From 1861 until the close of the war Oliver was engaged in driving the United States mail coach on the Hamilton and Gallatin route, and afterward worked on the farm a number of years. He left the farm and went to Texas and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William G. Stewart

William G. Stewart is a native of Alleghany county, Pennsylvania, born September 14, 1820, near the city of Pittsburgh. His parents were both natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Stewart was engaged in farming in his native State until 1850, at which time he purchased land in Muskingum county, Ohio, where he remained fifteen years, raising stock and farming. He came to Daviess county in 1866, and settled in Monroe township. Since that time he has been a resident of the county, and has been largely interested in raising stock and in improving and developing his land. He now owns a fine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Green

James T. Green was born in Knox county, Kentucky, October 13, 1833. His father is a native of Goochland county, Virginia, and his mother a native of Kentucky. His parents came to Daviess county when he was four years of age, and purchased a farm near Gallatin, where they lived nineteen years. James T. was there reared and educated, and remained until he removed to Monroe township. His attention was given to farming previous to making his home in Hamilton, Caldwell county, where he was engaged in the stage and livery business for nine years, when he returned to Daviess … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abraham Reed

Abraham Reed is a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, born in the city of Dayton, August 29, 1819. He remained in the place of his birth, farming and attending school, until 1847. He was subsequently engaged in farming in the States of Indiana and Illinois during a period of six years, then came to Daviess county and worked at the carpenter’s trade one year. He enlisted in the Thirty-third Missouri Infantry Volunteers in 1862, was in active service and in many noted battles, among which were those of Helena, Sabin Cross Roads, Nashville; was also at Mobile Bay and Selma. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Sawyer

John W. Sawyer is a native of Daviess county. His parents migrated from Tennessee to this county in 1847. John W. was born December 9, 1851, near Gallatin, and passed his early years with his parents on the farm. At the age of twenty-two he commenced farming for himself, but still made his home with his parents. In 1876 he purchased land in the northern part of Monroe township, where he remained three years, and then moved to the farm he now occupies, which is finely cultivated and well situated for farming. Mr. Sawyer was married, March 12, 1876, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Lewis

William Lewis, the subject of this sketch, was born near Manchester, in Clay county, Kentucky, May 18, 1820. His father, Samuel Lewis, was a native of that State, also his mother, and both passed their lives in their native State. Mr. Lewis lived thirty-seven years in Kentucky and in 1857 came to Daviess county, and first located in Union township near Gallatin, where he remained a few years, engaged in farming. He then sold this farm and purchased land in Monroe township which he improved and cultivated until recently, when he purchased the farm on which he now resides. December … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James McKim

James McKim was born in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, June 19, 1818, being the son of William McKim, a native of Cumberland county. His mother’s birth place was Ireland. His parents moved to Pittsburgh when he was six years of age, remaining five years in that city, where James was for a time employed in a tobacco manufacturing establishment, and afterward in working on the railroad and canal, also in boating. In 1843 he began work in the coal mines which he continued until 1850, then entered the mercantile business, dealing in dry goods and groceries for a period of seventeen … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Campbell Milstead

Campbell Milstead is the son of a West Virginia farmer who immigrated to Missouri at an early date, and died in Ray county in, 1872. The mother of our subject was born in North Carolina in 1802. Campbell Milstead is a native of Tennessee, born in the town of Jacksborough, Campbell county, June 22, 1815, where he remained with his parents, farming and attending school, until he reached his eighteenth year; then went to Ray county, Missouri, and engaged in farming for a number of years. In 1863 he came to Daviess county, first purchasing land two miles north of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Wood

John W. Wood is the son of John B. Wood, a native of Kentucky, and one of the early pioneer ministers, of the Methodist denomination, who came to Daviess county and endured the hardships incident to western life during the Mormon War: The subject of this sketch was born in Ray county, Missouri, February 10, 1833. He was brought, in his infancy, to Daviess county, by his parents, where his father died when he was but three years old. Until he reached the age of eighteen he attended school and worked on a farm, then left school, farmed for three … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Jones

John H. Jones is a native of Halifax county, Virginia, born near the city of Danville, April 15, 1848. His father was born in Campbell county, Virginia, and his mother in Pittsylvania county, the same State. Until he reached the age ‘ of nineteen he was with his parents in his native county, farming and attending school, and also in learning the trade which he followed after his removal to Kentucky in 1867. From this State he went to New Orleans, where he was engaged as signal master on a boat, going from thence to St. Louis, and then to … Read more