Biographical Sketch of Elias S. Langford

Elias S. Langford resides in Monroe township, on a finely cultivated farm, where he has made his home for the past ten years. His time and attention have been principally given to farming and raising stock. He is a native of Daviess county, born July 5, 1851. His parents came, at an early date, to the county and consequently endured the hardships and privations of pioneer life.’ His father was a native of Kentucky, born in 1812. He died in Daviess county, April 7, 1875. Mr. Langford was married, April 16, 1871, to Miss Cynthia J. Cox, daughter of Edward … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William S. Tuggle

William S. Tuggle is a native of Knox county, Kentucky; was born June 22, 1848, near the town of Barberville. He is a son, of Spencer H. Tuggle, a native of Virginia, born March 30, 1804. His mother is a native of Knox county, and was born February 11, 1812. At the age of seven years he moved with his parents to Clinton county, Missouri, where he remained at home about elev. en years and then settled in Daviess county where he now resides. Mr. Tuggle was married, April 3, 1873, to Miss Anna C. Railsback, who then lived in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Whitt

Henry A. Whitt was born in the city of Lexington, Fayette county, Kentucky, September 3, 1841. His parents came to Daviess county in 1847, purchased land in Monroe township and commenced farning. When he was thirteen years old his mother died, and he then worked on a farm for about eight years, when he engaged with Conner & Co. for a time as cattle feeder, and took cattle to Leavenworth, Kansas, and from thence to the Indian reserve for herding. From that place he drove an ox-team to Fort Union, New Mexico. At the end of seven months he went … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jordan L. Harlow

Jordan L. Harlow is the son of William H. and Parmelia J. Tilberry Harlow, natives of Shelby county, Kentucky. His father’s occupation was that of a fanner. Jordan L. was born near the city of Frankfort, Shelby county, Kentucky, January 19, 1850. His parents migrated to Livingston county, Missouri, when he was nearly four years of age, and there they resided for thirteen years. During this time he was engaged partly in farming and partly in working in a saw-mill. After this he returned to Kentucky, and farmed for a year, and then in 1867 came back to Daviess county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Henry

Stephen Henry was born near the town of Carleton, Carroll county, Missouri, February 1, 1824. His father, George Henry, was a native of Virginia, and a farmer by occupation. His mother was a native of Ohio. Mr. Henry received his early education and training in his native State, and at the age of eighteen went with his father to Platte county, Missouri, where he was engaged in farming for one season, then came to Daviess county and located in Monroe township where he now resides. During the war Mr. Hemry was enrolled in the home guards, and was in action … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George G. Stewart

George G. Stewart was born June 6, 1856, in Muskingum county, Ohio. His father, a native of Pennsylvania, came to Daviess county in 1866, and engaged in farming near Hamilton, Monroe township, for a period of six years, then purchased the farm on which he now resides. George G. remained with his parents, attending school and farming, until 1880, at which time he was married and settled on a farm eight miles south of Gallatin, where he is largely interested in agricultural pursuits. His marriage occurred October 24, 1880. His wife is a daughter of John Peachy, who was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Tuggle, Judge

John A. Tuggle is a native of Goochland county, Virginia, born July 5, 1807. His father was an extensive farmer and stock-raiser of that State, where he was born and where he lived until he migrated to Knox county, Kentucky. His mother was also a native of the same State. John A. was reared and educated in Kentucky, remaining with his parents until he attained his twenty-fourth year, making farming his principal occupation. He was afterward largely engaged in stock-raising in Pulaski county, Kentucky, for a period of six years. In 1839, he came to Daviess county, where he has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mason M. Palmer

The subject of this sketch was born in Greenbrier County, Virginia, December 1, 1835, and is a son of George and Elizabeth Palmer, both natives of Virginia. In 1838 they with their family moved to Montgomery County, Missouri, and lived there till 1854, then settled in Daviess County. His mother died February 14, 1S62, and his father died August 23, 1865. Our subject was brought up on a farm and lived with his parents till twenty-five years of age; then, on September 25th, 1862, was married to Miss Polly E. Duncan, who was born in Johnson County, Illinois, February 7, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Nance

Was born in Callaway County, Missouri, January 1837. His parents, Allen Nance and Polly Nance, nee Wade, were both natives of Bedford County, Virginia, but migrated to Missouri in 1836. His father is still a resident of the same township, in the eighty-first year of his age. His mother was one of eleven daughters who all grew up to womanhood and had families of their own; she died in 1879. Charles was educated at the common schools, having had an opportunity of attending the same for six months; the rest of his youthful days were spent working on a farm. … Read more

Biography of Elijah Otterman

Was born in Kanawha County, Virginia, May 10, 1821, and is a son of Lewis and Glory Otterman, nee Null, who were both born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and who migrated to Virginia about the beginning of the century. They were both of German descent. His Grandfather Null was a captain and rendered valuable services to the Colonies during the Revolutionary War. In 1831 his parents moved to Montgomery County, Indiana, and there lived till their death, his mother dying in 1843 and his father in 1856. In 1843 the subject of our sketch moved to Green County, Wisconsin, and … Read more

Biography of Rev. A. E. Woodruff

Was born in Morris County, New Jersey, May 14, 1822. His father was born in New Jersey, and his mother in Massachusetts; she died in the year 1827, and his father died in 1845. Young Woodruff was brought up on a farm and educated at the district schools. At the age of nineteen years he learned the trade of a carpenter, and, after working in his native place two years, he went to Franklin County, Ohio, where he remained about seventeen years, then removed to Marion County, Indiana, and lived seven years, and in 1868 came to Missouri and located … Read more

Biography of David E. Youtsey

Was born in Jackson County, Indiana, October 28, 1831. His parents, George and Elizabeth Youtsey, nee Easter, were born in Pennsylvania. They moved to Indiana in 1830 and there, when David was about three years of age, his mother died. In 1844 his father moved to Daviess County, Missouri, and is still living here in the seventy-seventh year of his age. David was reared on a farm and received his education at the common schools. He remained to care for his father until March 2, 1856, when he was united in marriage to Miss Lydia M. Smith. She was born … Read more

Biography of Isaac McCulley

The subject of this sketch has the honor of being the first white child born in Marion Township. He was born January 28, 1834. His parents, Taylor McCulley and Mary Groomer McCulley, were natives of Garrard County, Kentucky, but were about the first settlers of Marion Township, Daviess County, Missouri. The father is dead but the mother is still living in the township. Our subject was brought up on a farm and for a few months attended the subscription schools and then had to walk about four miles, and his only text book was a Webster’s Elementary Speller. At twenty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. T. Stapp

Was born in Buchanan County, Missouri, July 24, 1845. His parents, Dauphin L. and Mary Stapp, nee Tompkins, were natives of Kentucky, and early settlers in Missouri. His father died February 24, 1877, and his mother died August 11, 1881. After our subject was five years of age his parents came to this county and here he was reared and educated. He was married, January 14, 1868, to Miss Susan F. Wilson, who was born in Indiana, August 10, 1848. Her father died July 28, 1879; her mother, Mrs. Frances Wilson, is still alive and makes her home with this … Read more

Biography of James V. Wilson

Was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, April 2, 1821. His parents, James and Polly Wilson, nee Venemen, were born in Pennsylvania and were of Scotch-Irish and German descent. They both died in Washington County, Pennsylvania; his father in 1S55 and his mother in 1869. James was reared and educated in Pennsylvania. At the age of twenty-one he learned the carpenter and joiner’s trade and followed that for thirty-years. He worked in Pennsylvania until 1854, then in various places in Ohio and Illinois until 1857 when he located in Daviess County, Missouri. In 1860 he went to Pike’s Peak and remained … Read more

Biography of Rev. A. C. Leard

A. C. Leard was born in Randolph County, Illinois, February 15, 1813; His parents were James and Margaret Leard, nee Adams. His father was. a native of South Carolina, and his mother of Georgia. During the War of 1812 his father was what was then known as a ranger, engaged in guarding the frontier from the Indians. During the time his mother was in Hill’s block-house fort in Randolph County, as most of the settlers were compelled to seek refuge there. He was educated there in St. Clair County, in a. to house where one entire end was a fire-place … Read more

Biography of William C. Martin

William C. Martin was born in Licking County, Ohio, September 26, 1843, and is a son of Serrephus and Elizabeth Martin, nee Rose. His father was a native of New York State and his mother of Pennsylvania; she died in the State of Ohio when lie was about twelve years of age, but his father is still a resident of Fredonia, Licking County, Ohio. William was educated in Licking County, Ohio, and at the age of seventeen his youthful patriotism induced him to enlist as a member of Company H, Twenty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but being so young his father … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Philip Shaw

Was born in Clay County, Missouri, March 10, 1848. His parents, A. L. and Hannah Shaw, nee Kearns, were both natives of Kentucky, and early settlers in Missouri. When Philip was five years of age his parents moved to DeKalb County, and he was there reared and educated. In 1864 he enlisted as a member of Company C, Forty-third Missouri Volunteer Infantry and served until the close of the war. After his return home he began farming on his own account, and on November 19th, 1868, was married to Miss Orilla A. England, who was born in Jackson County, Indiana, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Smith

Was born in Marion township, Daviess County, Missouri, November 7, 1858. His father, Samuel Smith, was a native of Switzerland County, Indiana, born June 30, 1835; he came to Missouri in 1857 and located in Daviess County, where he was extensively engaged in farming and shipping stock. While engaged in this business, May 28, 1880, he met his death in a sad manner. While on his way to Chicago with cattle, and just as he had left Bureau Junction, Illinois, he was walking on top of the cars to the caboose, and by some means fell off and was instantly … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac J. Henderson

Was born in Marion Township, Daviess County, Missouri, May 12, 1851. His parents, David and Margaret Henderson, were natives of Kentucky. ‘They came to Missouri at an early day and after living a while in Clay and Gentry counties, in 1837 settled in Marion Township, Daviess County. The father, David Henderson, had served as County judge twelve years and was .a man held in high esteem by all who knew him; he died in September, 1865, and his loss was much mourned by the community and the family. Mrs. Henderson is. still living with her son, Isaac. Isaac attended school … Read more