Biography of Oscar Krauss

Oscar Krauss is one of the veteran merchants of Topeka. After a residence of four years in America he came to that city in 1869. Nearly half a century had gone by, and at the present time the largest wholesale house of its character in the State of Kansas is O. Krauss & Sons, harness, leather and shoe findings. It had a splendid record of progress and one that had been built up on the basis of square dealing and strict integrity. The Krauss family from which the Topeka merchant is descended had an authentic record of antecedents as far … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathew Daugherty

Mathew Daugherty was born September 24, 1839, in the State of Arkansas, third son of James Daugherty. He attended school till he was ten years of age in Texas County, Missouri, after which (in 1849) he moved with his father to Denton County, Texas, where he went to the neighborhood schools till 1854, after which he entered McKenny College, Clarksville, Texas, and in 1857 commenced the study of law, which he continued until the outbreak of the war, when he enlisted in the Choctaw and Chickasaw mounted rifles. After the close of the war he admitted to the bar, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Parks

Thomas H. Parks, of the firm of Parks, Taylor & Co., of Lynchburg, Tennessee, is a son of Ambrose Lee and Eleanor E. (Watts) Parks. The father was born in North Carolina. After his marriage he moved to Missouri, where he resided until 1846, and then came to Lynchburg, Tennessee, where he was engaged the wheelwright and wagon making business. Both parents died in 1850. Thomas H. was born in Missouri October 19, 1840, being but nine years old when his parents died. He made his home with an uncle in Alexander County, North Carolina, until seventeen years old. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Milton Donaldson

Milton Donaldson (deceased), the largest capitalist of Lake County, was a native of Alabama, but spent part of his youth in Nashville. After moving to Donaldson’s Point, Missouri, he married Theresa Baird. Mr. Donaldson was a self made man. When he married he had nothing, and by hard work and good management he accumulated an estate worth $150,000. He had but one son, who died in childhood. He was a democrat in politics. Mrs. Donaldson was a Methodist. In 1877 Mr. Donaldson left his home one afternoon to look after his stock. While absent a villain by the name of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D.G. Ferguson

D. G. Ferguson is a son of James and Emeline (Shepherd) Ferguson. The father was born near Nashville, Tennessee, and when but a boy went with his parents to Henderson County, where be afterward married and made his permanent home. He is a democrat, and in 1861 volunteered in Company A, First Tennessee Confederate Infantry, but after serving one year, was discharged for disability. He owns 200 acres of land in Henderson County, but in 1886 owing to old age, gave up active life, and he and wife moved to Lake County where they reside with their son. They are … Read more

Biography of James A. Donnell

James A. Donnell,United States commissioner of internal revenue for the middle district of Tennessee, and an influential citizen of Alexandria, was born August 13, 1834, in Wilson County. He is the eldest of two children of Allan and Casandria H. (Britton) Donnell. The father was a native of Gifford County, N. C., born in 1806, of Irish ancestry, a son of Adlia Donnell, a native of North Carolina, whose father came from Ireland. Allan came to Tennessee about 1832, and a year later married and located in Lebanon, where for some time he taught school, afterward engaging in the mercantile … Read more

Biography of Samuel Walker

Samuel Walker, a prominent physician of the Tenth District, was born February 8, 1848, in Dekalb County. He is the fourth of seven children of Hampton and Mary (Hicks) Walker, both of whom were also natives of Dekalb County. The father was born in 1811. He served two years in the late war, at the expiration of which time he was discharged on account of disabilities. His death occurred in November 1886. The mother was born in 1813. Our subject received his literary education in the common schools of Missouri, attending later two terms at the Kirksville branch of the … Read more

Biography of Archibald W. Turner

The subject of this sketch is one of Malheur County’s heaviest property owners, having an estate of eleven hundred and sixty acres of fine soil and very valuable as a hay producer. He is one of the prominent men of the country, a man of fine capabilities, and highly respected and esteemed by all. Mr. Turner was born in Boone County, Missouri, on February 1, 1827, being the son of James and Sarah Turner. He was reared on a farm, gained his education in the primitive log school house of the time and at the native place on October 7, … Read more

Biography of G. B. Glover

The stock men of Malheur County are the men who have brought the County to the front by their arduous labors and wise manipulation of the resources here found, and as a prominent one of this distinguished class the subject of this article is well known, being also a worthy pioneer, who wrought here with a firm hand and endured the hardships incident to that life, while his keen foresight and enterprise led him to see the value of the country that he was opening. Mr. Glover was born in Holly Springs, Mississippi on December 20, 1841, and at the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Davis

One of the worthy pioneers of this County, a man of ability and executive force and unswerving integrity, the subject of this sketch is now one of the leading citizens of Nyssa, and a prominent man in Malheur County. He lives one mile northwest from the town of Nyssa, having a ‘farm of one hundred and twenty acres, well improved and handled in a skillful manner, which is a good dividend producer. James T. was born in Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri, on October 25, 185o, being the son of Hamilton and Saline Davis. In 1862, the father and the oldest … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George G. Brown

This representative agriculturist and patriotic citizen is one of the leading farmers of the vicinity of Nyssa, having a quarter section of good land, which is his family home, two miles west from that town. Mr. Brown was born in Platt County, Missouri, on January 22, 1850, being the son of George and Jemima (Harris) Brown. In March 1855 the family went to Doniphan County, Kansas and the father was one of the early settlers of that section. He was a pro-slavery advocate and was through the exciting times of that period. In 1867 they removed to Newton County, Missouri, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Beam

This young and enterprising farmer and stockman of northern Malheur County is one of the men whose life has been largely spent in this section and he is a real product of the west and a credit to his county, both because of his worthy labors which are being crowned with a good success and because of his own intrinsic worth which stamps him a man of ability and uprightness. Edward Beam was born in Missouri, on January 18, 1874, being the son of William W. and Sarah (Lafton) Beam. In the year of his birth the parents came to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Franklin Minton

It is with pleasure that we essay the task of epitomizing the salient points in the interesting career of the estimable and enterprising gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and it is very fitting that such be granted space in the history of Malheur County, since he has labored here for the up building of the county and has wrought with wisdom and energy for this end, while also he has spent much time on the frontier and in other places, always, however, manifesting that same energy and capability in furthering the chariot of progress and … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Rutherford

As a man among men, possessed of integrity, ability and perseverance; as a soldier, whose steady and constant service in the struggle for the punishment of treason and the wiping out of the insult to the stars and stripes was valiant and brave; as a business operator, whose wisdom and enterprise have been well manifested: the subject of this sketch stands, and it is fitting that a representation of him be granted space in this volume of Malheur’s history. Richard S. was born in Armagh county, near Bellfast, Ireland, on February 22, 1840, being the son of Thomas and Amelia … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Hatfield

Three and one-half miles northeast from Owyhee is found the comfortable and valuable farm and home of the subject of this article. The estate is one of eighty acres of fine land, all covered by the Owyhee ditch and well cultivated and productive of abundant returns of hay, fruit and other valuable crops. Mr. Hatfield is one of the originators of the Owyhee ditch, and he labored faithfully on it from the time it was started until it was finished. Reverting to his personal history we note that James T. was born in Adair County, Missouri, on July 14, 1839, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Farley

James H. Farley has led a life of activity and filled with enterprising and various labors, during which, also, he has manifested those rare qualities of integrity, up rightness, and perseverance, which together with his wise methods of procedure and Industry, have given him the competence of a prosperous business man and owner of real property. James H. was born in Dubuque, Iowa, on October 15, 1858, being the son of Patrick and Catherine Farleu, who settled at Dubuque when it was but a small hamlet, being natives of New York; state. The father served three years in the Civil … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry P. Tietsort

The subject of this article is one of the venerable and capable men of the vicinity of Nyssa, being also a veritable pioneer of the pioneers, of the west having labored with great energy in many portions of the same, and has endured the privations, hardships and suffering incident to this kind of life. Henry P. Tietsort, was born in Cass County Michigan, on October 14, 1829, being the son of John and Angeline (Meyers) Tietsort. The parents were natives of Pennsylvania, but his grandparents came from Germany. Our subject was educated in the common schools of his native place … Read more

Biography of Thomas Howard

This substantial and capable gentleman is one of the real builders of the county of Harney, and it is quite proper that he should be accorded representation in its history, being a man greatly respected and worthy of the high esteem given to him. He was born in the city of New York, on May 11, 1833, being the son of Patrick H. and Mary (Ford) Howard. The father was an engineer, operating a stationary engine. Thomas grew to manhood, gaining a good education meanwhile, and part of the time working in the markets, where he learned the butcher trade. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Cary

The stockmen and farmers are the ones who have made Harney county what she is at this time, and it is they who have wrought out the wealth here that gives the county a standing among her sisters and to them is due the credit of opening the country and developing its resources in a commendable manner. One of this worthy class is named at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we grant him consideration in this volume of this county’s annals. Mr. Cary was born in Jackson county, Missouri, on January 16, 1836, being … Read more

Biography of William L. Clark

Among the successful business men of Harney county is to be mentioned the gentleman named above, whose well known establishment of general merchandise at Lawen, where he has done business for some time, is one of the prosperous business houses of the county; and in addition to handling this, Mr. Clark has a hay farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which he attends to and also raises cattle, and also he has been a mail contractor of the interior of Oregon. William L. was born in Carroll county, Indiana, on April 3, 1845, being the son of Thomas and … Read more