Biographical Sketch of Edward Beam

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

This young and enterprising farmer and stockman of northern Malheur County is one of the men whose life has been largely spent in this section and he is a real product of the west and a credit to his county, both because of his worthy labors which are being crowned with a good success and because of his own intrinsic worth which stamps him a man of ability and uprightness.

Edward Beam was born in Missouri, on January 18, 1874, being the son of William W. and Sarah (Lafton) Beam. In the year of his birth the parents came to Lower Willow Creek, in this county, crossing the plains. Two years later they went to the Willamette Valley, and two years subsequent to that they returned to this county and located where our subject now lives. Here Edward was educated and spent his time in learning the arts of tilling the soil and raising stock. He has been brought up in the county and is familiar with its resources and history and is well known as a young man of sterling qualities and he has the confidence of the people. Mr. Beam is considered one of the substantial citizens of the county, and the brilliant success that has attended his efforts is abundant proof of both his industry and his ability.

The marriage of Mr. Beam and Miss Eucibia McPherson, a native of California, was solemnized near Vale, on September 18, 1899, and they have two children, Arthur W. and Nettie F. Mr. McPherson was an early pioneer to California and came to the territory now embraced in Malheur County in 1888. Mr. Beam is always active in the welfare of the county and takes a great interest, in the politics of the county and state, being ever allied on the side of progress and up building. He is rightly numbered with the leading men of his section and is one whose efforts have aided materially in the making of Malheur county.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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